
Too Human E3 Trailer

E3 is almost upon us and already Microsoft is building up hype for its exclusive Xbox 360 title Too Human. Microsoft confirmed today that a demo will indeed hit Xbox live market place Monday, July 14, at 2 a.m. PDT (6 pm GMT) for gold members only. So after years of production and endless hate threads for Too Human now is the time for you to decide for yourself whether or not the wait was worth it. It begins.

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dachiefsman5919d ago

I hope that was the quality of youtube videos cause that sucked. I am probably still going to by it, but that trailer seemed drab.

MK_Red5919d ago

I think the problem with trailer was in it's voice acting which (at least to me) felt pretty weak and lower than B-Movie standards.

Aside from that, it was a decent trailer with nice music.

meepmoopmeep5919d ago

it's most likely the encoding, but i agree with Red, the voice work was subpar.

BulletToothtony5919d ago

i don't care on what platform... when they don't show gameplay it always makes me feel like they're hiding something... they should at least put some cool parts to ignite a better curiosity for the game.

HateBoy5919d ago

you can download it from xbl in HD.

MK_Red5919d ago

BulletToothtony, they've shown plenty of gameplay trailers. Actually, there was an article on N4G complaining about that!

As for the HD version, it's on GameTrailers now.

NegativeCreepWA5919d ago

Gametrailers has an HD version up.

I was hyped for it until it got bumped down to two players. I'm still going to gamefly it to see if its any good.

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Overr8ed5919d ago

eh. i think this game might be a Flop.

MK_Red5919d ago

Definitly agreed. At first I thought they only chose some bad part for the trailer but then I realized that everyone's voice acting (At least in the trailer) is pretty bad.

TheXgamerLive5919d ago (Edited 5919d ago )

I think it's quite interesting, and done in a very good way as apposed to just the same ole same ole.

LOL!! Now when I think of really bad voice acting (and it still makes me laugh every time I think about it) is the first RE Resident Evil.
Even the way they walked and the sounds there steps made, LOL!!!

Chad Warden5919d ago (Edited 5919d ago )

I'd say this game will be AS bad, if not worse, than Vampire Rain. The voice acting is already some of the worst I've ever heard in a game.

QueefyB5919d ago

hahaha this game is going to be a big flop i cant wait

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TheNamelessOne8d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv727d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

6d ago

I played the Halo Mega Bloks game, and it was truly Killtacular

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rlow16d ago

Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.