
Major features cut from Warhammer Online

The world of Warhammer just got a bit smaller. In an interview with with MMORPG.com, Mythic Entertainment VP and General Manager Mark Jacobs (not to be confused with fashion designer Marc Jacobs) has revealed some big cuts for the Warhammer Online's launch. Namely, the capital cities for the Dark Elf, High Elf, Orc, and Dwarf factions are gone. That leaves two capital cities, Altdorf and the Chaos Inevitable City.

Ghoul5918d ago

gimping the game allready down to 2 capitals, damn i was hoping for some kickass dwarf architecture on this one :(

PhantomMD5918d ago

What I would love is an mmo in the 40k universe! there is so much great material to draw from... the thought of a playable Tyranid race puts a smile on my face.

krik5918d ago

This is very bad... seems they are rushing the game out the door.

To be successful they need to take their time to complete the game and polish it to the limit, just like Blizzard did.

I have pre-ordered 2 copies of the Limited Editions WAR but this "scares" me. I really hope they do the right things and don't follow FunCom/Age of Conan's path of releasing a beta full of bugs. I'm done with AoC because of that, can't stand the game anymore because of all it's bugs. If AoC was polished to the levels of WoW it would be huge.

Ghoul5918d ago

i totally agree,

i started conan full of joy and suprises but after tons of crashses and ingame bugs i cancled my subscruptions couse its simply no fun to wait for the next error message

Vecta5918d ago

Trust me when i say, I know the 2 cities in WAR are much much better then the numerous capitals in WoW.

Uncommon Calibur5918d ago

Im not worried about the cities being cut, the only thing that will really effect is the battles will be bigger and bloodier. Im much more worried about the lack of classes. Now 2 races are without tanks, they are important to pvp, although they are not flashy or complex. I think lacking these crucial classes could hurt but only time will tell. Im hoping for someone to dethrone wow some day....

f4nb0i5918d ago

"Im hoping for someone to dethrone wow some day...."

Maybe Dragon Age? Bioware have a great record of RPGs but we'll have to wait and see about their MMOrpgs

JoelR5918d ago


make of them as you will.

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Casepbx3006d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

3006d ago
PurpHerbison3006d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


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