
Coffeetime Crosswords Wakes Up Arcade this Wednesday

Coffeetime Crosswords invades Xbox LIVE Arcade this Wednesday!

The game supports sole or co-op play over Xbox LIVE and comes in at 800 Microsoft Points!

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Gamers Universe: Coffeetime Crosswords Review

Gamers Universe writes: "It's not often you see an Xbox Live Arcade title that would appeal to your great auntie Nora, but Coffeetime Crosswords is just that. It's a relaxed, chilled-out gaming experience that won't have them phoning the Daily Mail to whine about antisocial behaviour. If anything, Coffeetime Crosswords encourages the exact opposite enabling you to get online, round up a few like-minded wordsmiths and set to solving its clues and puzzles in the game's co-op mode.

Coffeetime Crosswords takes the age-old mainstay of newspaper puzzling (popular long before that cheeky upstart Sudoku started cropping up everywhere) and gives it a spin around the insides of your Xbox 360. Coffeetime Crosswords features several levels of difficulty and presents a standard word grid (albeit an Americanised one; their crossword puzzles aren't quite as nifty or as intricate as ours). There's no cryptic stuff here, just straight-up clues across the grid's horizontal and vertical axis."

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Totally360 Review: Coffeetime Crosswords

Totally 360 writes: "It seems like a bit of a tricky choice. Spend a quid on a paper-based crossword puzzle book from your local corner shop or newsagents, or 800 points on the electronic equivalent for your Xbox 360. Sheer economics might scream "fool" at you for choosing the latter, but you know something? Coffeetime Crosswords isn't actually all that bad.

It takes the well known word-puzzle much beloved of little old nannas the world over, and gives it a 360 makeover packing the game with 150 different puzzles at 5 skill levels ranging from "Oh my god, you could write for Nutz Magazine" right up to "So you read the Times then do you?"

The game is reasonably well presented, just like Buku Sudoku was – but be warned, if you haven't got a handy USB keyboard to plug in (or one of those weird little messenger keypads for your 360 gamepad) you are going to suffer at the hands of one of the WORST text entry methods known to anyone with opposable thumbs."

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Eurogamer Review: Coffeetime Crosswords

Dan Whitehead reports:

''I was as surprised as anyone at how much I enjoyed Buku Sudoku, and thus approached Coffeetime Crosswords with some amount of anticipation. Playing paper-and-pen puzzle games on an HD games console might seem technologically backwards, but if the result is engaging and enjoyable, who cares? Maybe it'll be as awesome as Tom O'Connor's seminal Crosswits?

Sadly, Buku Sudoku's generous features and Tom O'Connor's cheeky variety show demeanour only serve to highlight just how poorly thrown together Coffeetime Crosswords is. It's a shoddy excuse for a puzzle game, blighted by an awkward interface, idiotic clues and an appalling lack of challenge.''

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