
Post Campaign Analysis of the Project Scissors: NightCry Kickstarter

Marcus Estrada writes: "Launched on January 24th, the Project Scissors: NightCry (henceforth referred to simply as “NightCry”) looked to have absolutely everything going for it. Despite what I believed to be a lackluster version of the product on display, funds poured right in at launch. Thanks to a strong start it seemed obvious that folks were determined to make it a success. As a fan of developer Hifumi Kono’s work on the original Clock Tower games I also wanted it to succeed - it just seemed odd that their stunning team were unable to show off the game in a better light."


Nightcry Review (Vita) | Hey Poor Player

NightCry, the spiritual successor to Clock Tower, features some pretty horrific elements, but they're constantly held back by its technical issues.

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NightCry (PSV) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "NightCry almost reaches “so bad it’s good” status, but veers on the side of frustrating a little too often. Combined with its short length (around 4 or so hours to see the first ending) and myriad of technical faults on Vita, it's one you'll probably want to think about before buying.

If you’re particularly interested in an old-fashioned horror title it might be exactly what you’re after. I certainly didn’t have a bad time with it, but it’s not something I can recommend unless you’re willing to put up with a massive amount of jank for an experience that definitely isn’t the best on the market."

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Review - NightCry (PS Vita) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "We are glad the Vita is still receiving new games in 2019, but we could have lived without the broken and glitchy mess that is NightCry."

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Fist4achin1965d ago

Don't cry little Chickapea!