
Make Room for Three Amazing Games in March – and Double Games with Gold in April

Clean your couch off and get ready for three awesome titles, completely free to Xbox Live Gold members, thanks to Games with Gold. Rayman Legends is the free game this month on Xbox One, and it is – believe us – one of the best platformers ever made. Xbox 360 owners get Tomb Raider, a fantastic, pulse-pounding reboot of the iconic series. And they also get BioShock Infinite, the multi-multi-award-winning shooter set in a city among the clouds. As usual, all games are available only for a limited time*, as part of the ongoing Games with Gold program.

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Eidolon3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

Well already played the 360 free games on PS3(PS+), but I wouldn't mind playing again for achievements. I still like collecting the Xbox One games for when I do get one.

Automatic793439d ago


Glad to hear you enjoyed those games on PS3, but now its our turn on Xbox 360 and Rayman legends on Xbox One sounds like loads of fun. Love how the program is evolving.keep up the good work MS. Bring on the games.

Note:If you count Dungeons and Dragons, Never winter thenXbox One is getting two games in March.

mikeslemonade3439d ago

Lame month again but I will play Rayman Legends.

Gotcha53439d ago

There's plenty of free games for X1 to be had in the month of march Rayman for starters then EA Access user get 10 hrs of Battlefield Hardlines, Neverwinter, Dungeons and Dragons and Forza: Fast and the Furious.So don't fret MS got you covered for next month.

darthv723438d ago

Damn Mike...why you got to be so sour? Maybe its that lemonade doesnt have enough sugar.

on topic, I initially dl Infinite from PS+ but never played it. I prefered to play the bioshock games on 360 and was just looking at picking up Infinite. Now I can just dl and play it on 360.

And tomb raider...havent played a TR game since the Saturn. Yes it's been THAT long.

Kingthrash3603438d ago

Is ea access a free service?
I thought it was a paid service. Xbl free games are considered free because xbl is mandatory to play online and other apps. But eaa is a app that you pay a sub for...on top of xbl.
So why are people calling it free games? Its like saying netflix has free movies.

F0XHOUND3438d ago


How is BioShock lame? Or tomb raider... or even rayman? Even though PS plus has had these already, its still fantastic for 360 gamers!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3438d ago
antz11043439d ago

Rayman isn't really my cup of tea, was hoping they'd give XOne owners Tomb Raider as well. That's a game I wouldn't mind playing again!

XanderZane3439d ago

All are great games that are worth owning. If there are still gamers out there who haven't tried any of these games, now would be the perfect time to get them. I just wished M$ would have given us Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for the XB1 as well. I would have definitely downloaded that game. I'll grab Rayman Legends though even though I own it on the PS3 as well.

Brotard3439d ago

Well Definitive edition would be more expensive then the original release so obvis M$ did the original release instead

XanderZane3438d ago (Edited 3438d ago )

Yes, but the original game isn't on the XB1. That's my point. I'm sure they will probably do it eventually, but I just thought it would go hand & hand with the XBox 360 version. I agree with Medman, that we might see it just before Rise of the Tomb Raider gets released on the XB1 this fall. It would be good hype for the sequel.

Anyone have any ideas what games will be coming in April? I bit excited about what they will give us after this great month of March. You would think Forza 5 or Titanfall (since TF is $6 on sale) and maybe Killer Instinct (1st Season).

medman3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

Microsoft would be wise to put Tomb Raider definitive edition on games with gold a month or two before Rise of the Tomb Raider releases....that's a win win.

Chrisgamerguy3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

That's probably what they are going to do lol. I think you called it. That way every person on xbox one can play the first and so many more potential buyers for rise! Also i hope they have multiplayer is rise too. It was decent in the first game

The-Marb3438d ago

Nice idea med...the first was a joy so am really looking forward to the second.

Spenok3438d ago

Agreed. All awesome games worth playing. If you haven't yet, jump on these offers.

DanielEndurance3439d ago

Hopefully the two free X1 games in April continue on month after month... not just April...

rxl2093439d ago

if you wanna see aprils games with gold look at last years ps plus games, that how they choose them

Pogmathoin3439d ago

That was figured out, but nobody is close to finding out what is right with you, forget about what is wrong...

Svinya3439d ago

The X1 always has 2 games a month. One just carries over from last month.

RosweeSon3438d ago

Like Sony Have done all year, lame when a company has to just react to everything being done around them rather than just go it on their own and do their own thing but hey great for the people who over paid on day one systems that have now been heavily reduced in price (over £100 in less than a year)

BlackTar1873438d ago

What has Sony done all year?

fdkenzo3439d ago ShowReplies(2)
Direwolf4843439d ago

Wow. Great month for Xbox One/360 owners. I don't care for Rayman and I already have Tomb Raider for Xbox One, but I've never played Bioshock Infinite so I'll give that a go.

Sono4213439d ago

woahh you need to play that game as soon as you can... it's brilliant!

The-Marb3438d ago

Sono is correct. Bio-shock Infinite is the best in the series (IMO) and a game which shows what can be done with the FPS format.

BlackTar1873438d ago

No Way is Bioshock infinite the best int he series.


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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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-Foxtrot149d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos148d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B149d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos148d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger149d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos148d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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Rayman Legends – 10 years on from the near perfect platformer

A decade on from Rayman Legends' release, it remains a near perfect platformer, so what happened to Rayman? Will we ever see another sequel?

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Rayman Legends - 10 Years of Legendary Platforming

Rayman Legends made its debut 10 years ago today, and has been launched on nearly every gaming platform since.

HankHill331d ago

Too bad Ubisoft only cares about live service games now. Maybe one day they'll make a new Rayman game.

Venoxn4g331d ago

Great games.. would be cool to get qn Origins remaster at least..I know that many of the levels are in Legends, but still

Outlawzz331d ago

Loved this game but wish they would create a new Rayman 3d game.