
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Review: A Brave Next Step For Anime Videogames | Dealspwn

Dealspwn: "Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the game we've been waiting for.

I'm not just talking to Dragon Ball Z fans, even though this is by far the best tie-in to date. Dimps have nailed the raw mechanical thrill of the series' legendary aerial battles as we freely soar over expansive 3D levels at supersonic speeds, throwing down on fan-favourite characters with ridiculously OTT attacks, Ki Blasts and trademark special moves, smashing foes through the scenery as we brawl in the air, underwater and throughout familiar locales.

We'll drill down into the details later, but the fact is that Dragon Ball Xenoverse is one of the most important manga/anime videogames ever since it finally addresses a missed opportunity that has gone sadly ignored for years."

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bggriffiths3500d ago

About time the series had a game to do it justice. Graphics look great on the new consoles too. And a decent camera! Right, now where's that Fullmetal Alchemist game I've just made up?

TheImprobableMulk3500d ago

I would very much play a Fullmetal Alchemist. Damn, I love that series.

Blues Cowboy3500d ago

Oh god yes. And a Telltale Games Cowboy Bebop adventure.

And Gurren Laggan. Anyone? Come on: tragic storyline, awesome mechs, that's videogame material for sure.

Blues Cowboy3500d ago (Edited 3500d ago )

Actually the series had had some great games, developed by Dimps back in the day, but this style of game is a real step forward. Usually we just have to play as the characters and go through the motions, but this lets us actually get involved as ourselves!

TheImprobableMulk3500d ago

If, as the review states, this is the start of good manga/anime adaptations to start appearing, I'm all for it. I'm excited yet apprehensive about Capcom making an Attack on Titan game, but I really do hope this encourages developers (especially those working on AoT) to raise the bar.

JJShredder3500d ago

I love DBZ but never played any of the games and am looking to get into one. I'm not big into 2D fighters but this looks a bit more than that.

Do you folks think this would be a good entry point? I'm interested but am having a hard time pulling the trigger.


Blues Cowboy3500d ago (Edited 3500d ago )

Pretty much the best entry point possible IMO. You'll relive all the classic story moments, but as your own character. Gameplay is top-notch too:

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse captures the brutal thrill of soaring aerial anime battles better than practically any game I've ever played"

JJShredder3500d ago

Appreciate the response. I heard it was kinda MMOish. I don't think I care about that part and am more concerned about the single player. Would I be missing out?

Also, the quote you provided made me think of Zone of the Enders and how I want another one of those games......oh well.

Blues Cowboy3500d ago (Edited 3500d ago )

@JJShredder: No worries, always glad to muck in and give my 2c (even when it isn't wanted :P )

"I heard it was kinda MMOish. I don't think I care about that part and am more concerned about the single player. Would I be missing out?"

Progression is a little like Monster Hunter crossed with an MMO. There's a SP story mode, but then you can play the parallel quests offline with bots or online with player allies. You can play a whole bunch of it solo, but after a while you might find yourself tempted to get some other allies involved, or gradually find yourself playing in online mode even if you're mainly consuming the content by yourself.

I hope that made some sense!

Also, yes, we need ZOE 3 madly.

DEEBO3500d ago

Here i was thinking the order was going to be my game of feb and DB just stole It's thunder.

Day one.

TWB3500d ago

Im glad that this is actually a good DBZ game.

I was a huge fan of BT series but didn't really like the raging blast series so for me there hasn't been a good DBZ game in a while.

I was sort of afraid that the next DBZ game would not get made after the POS BOZ was but Im glad they greatly improved on it.

Getting my game in a few days.

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opinionated2394d ago

APB had a pretty sweet character creator and that’s not mentioned. I agree with xenoverse and dragon’s dogma. The Bethesda games kinda suck in this regard imo.

aarogree2394d ago

Only so much room in a ten entry list.

Uglyday2394d ago

Forza’s layering system is the best character creator out there. Everytime I go to place tattoos on some elf’s face I think about how much better Forza could do it.