
Metatheory Podcast Ep. 14 — The mothership is standing by

On this week of Metatheory, we’re joined by guests Chris Faylor and Brian Martel from Gearbox Software to talk about the upcoming Homeworld Remastered! We discuss the archival of video games, what it’s like to work with code from years ago, what went into the remastering process and more.

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Knightshade3441d ago

Homeworld Remastered is a damned work of art. Very much looking forward to launch on that puppy! Nice work Gearbox.

OrangePowerz3440d ago

Is it just me or is pre load still not activated for it?


Gearbox confirms layoffs following sale by Embracer

Gearbox Entertainment has confirmed layoffs at the company, following the announcement of its sale by Embracer.

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UltimateOwnage114d ago

I’m glad Embracer is selling them. I hope someone other than MS buys them and frees them up to make great games.

Knightofelemia114d ago

Says right in the article Take Two bought Gearbox off of Embracer.

Sgt_Slaughter113d ago

Reading the article is hard for most people it seems

Knightofelemia113d ago

@Sgt Slaughter

I just like how when a studio automatically goes up for sale. People automatically think Microsoft is just going to jump on it like a fat kit eating a cake.

SimpleSlave113d ago

I mean, having multiple CEOs is a redundancy, soooo... Good luck Randy!!!


Layoffs Hit Gearbox Staff Hours After Embracer Sale

Less than a day after the news that Take-Two Interactive would acquire Borderlands developer Gearbox Entertainment from the embattled Embracer Group, layoffs have already begun. In the hours since former Gearbox employees were made redundant, they've taken to Twitter, and while the total number of staff impacted remains hard to determine, it sounds significant.

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Knightofelemia119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

I am glad to see Gearbox under Take Two. But lay offs I am not surprised they aren't the only company cutting staff and they won't be the last. And I have a feeling the Borderlands movie honestly will tank when it comes out. The cast is just wow a complete mess Lilith is too old Roland is to small and scrawny. They are missing Brick and Mordecai and I don't think Tiny Tina will be as bat shit nuts as she is in the games.

119d ago
Inverno119d ago

The movie will definitely flop. It has all the usual actors that have casted in all these video game movie adaptations. Whenever I see Kevin Hart or The Rock or Jack Black i just know it's a cash grab. More so when it's all three together. (The Rock isn't in it)

Juancho51119d ago

When you see actors like that in a movie you can expect it to be bad, i definitely do. They have good chemistry but the movie doesnt shine because it just banks on their presence and people going to see them.

Inverno119d ago

Pfft, literally said yesterday how it must be nerve wracking for the devs and then this shite. People aren't looking to get fired, and these companies don't care in the slightest.

Andrew336119d ago

People aren't looking to get fired. Good insight.

Ultra-MAGA119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

Inflation post 1/20/2020 is really causing pain to everyone. The cherry on top was companies waiting post 11/8/2022 to start doing layoffs. Hmm, I wonder why they waited past that date... Staring with Google in January 2023 and everyone following suit there after.

anast119d ago

Companies that over-hire should be fined heavily and the CEO loses his/her bonus during layoffs, and that money can go to the workers that they laid off.

Leeroyw118d ago

There's a lot going on in this post that needs further scrutiny.

anast118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

It's a game forum. But you are free to chose one and argue it.

Shiore2u119d ago

I hope Pitchford got let go for the sake of employee safty. The man is a walking grease fire waiting to happen.


Embracer Group Looks to Sell Video Game Studio Gearbox

The game developer is best known for Borderlands, which has generated more than $1 billion in revenue

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persona4chie318d ago

Hey n4g, can we maybe not allow articles where you can only read 3% of it before hitting the pay wall?

Snookies12318d ago

The disagrees were from people that already paid, haha.

neutralgamer1992318d ago

They just bought them not long ago. This is absurd. Embracer owns so many gaming studios and IP’s. They just don’t know to manage them right TBH

Give us saints row 1-2 proper HD remaster (3-5 million in sales confirmed as long as no major bugs)

Focus on AA games that cost less than 40 million go develop while funding 2-3 major AAA titles. Those smaller titles should aim for 8/10 type games with focus on fun and be released within 2 years while bigger games are given 3-5 years

Sniperwithacause318d ago

You got it all figured out!
Sounds like you need to send over your resume to corporate office! Lol
All jokes aside. They need to figure it out quickly.

neutralgamer1992318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

Lol no they need suits and number crunchers haha

What use to be available to us as bonus content for free by unlocking or cheat codes is now micro transactions

Gaming is generating so much money that we have so much soulless content simply for money grabs

Ristul317d ago

Embracer's problem is that they have spent too much on acquisitions of game studios and when they did, interest rates were lower when compared to today. With higher interest rates on their loans, they have to sell studios to raise capital.

crazyCoconuts318d ago

Sounds like a multi-million dollar "oops"

BrainSyphoned318d ago

If they would have bought Bethesda their stock would have crashed and sunk the company a couple days ago.

1Victor318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

I’ll be the jerk that says it
Get’m Microsoft get’m, or Sony 🤷🏿

Outside_ofthe_Box318d ago

Hopefully Microsoft saves us and buys them. Gaming has never been better because of them!

shinoff2183318d ago

If your not a borderlands fan what have they made good

dumahim318d ago

Brothers in Arms series.

1Victor317d ago (Edited 317d ago )

Thank you your disagrees makes me feel good to know you don’t think I’m a jerk 🤣

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