
Hell's Kitchen Screenshots

HDR has the first screens from the game.

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fishd5829d ago

Thank you nintentoy for bringing 2 next gen consoles to the world,I am glad seeing devs put their resources on some real hardcore games instead of making sh1ty games for PS360.

PhantomMD5829d ago

I don't know ... I cant imagine how this is going to be a good game... like cooking mama with screaming and insults?

va_bank5829d ago

I like the show, but seriously - WTF.

What's next - Flavor of Love: The Videogame? Wait... Hmmm... $$$... Does anyone have a 1-800 number for EA corporate headquarters?

Nitrowolf25829d ago

that retared
what was ubi thinking

ChickeyCantor5829d ago

" what was ubi thinking "
....they dont do that...

juuken5829d ago (Edited 5829d ago )

Why are games I've never heard of coming out?

Pain5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )


oh and bubbles since i can~ oooOooo00ooo0o0O0oooo oOo o

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Tech-Gaming Podcast 8-1: Hotter Than Hell’s Kitchen

This week, DesertEagle, Samurage, and BlueSwim offer impressions of Call of Juarez: The Cartel, Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, Chase Ace: Off-World Leagues, as well as a slew of Android diversions. Despite momentarily lapse where a Gordon Ramsey-smitten crew member contemplates the virtues of Hell’s Kitchen for the Nintendo DS, we venture further into the realm of gaming by hosting Certain Affinity’s Tom Potter, who talks about upcoming XBLA title, Crimson Alliance. Of course, it wouldn’t be an episode of the Tech-Gaming podcast with trivia, responses to reader mail, and a dose of sophomoric humor.

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deserteaglexix4694d ago

Now That's how you roast a lamb!

gw4k4694d ago

Hell's Kitchen has the worst intro of any show I have ever seen! Every year it gets worse. They should fire those that put that crap together!

mediastudies4694d ago

Now I have to watch it to see how bad it is.

sharpsword4694d ago

HAHA. Sounds like a packed show!


Why a ‘Come Dine With Me’ Game Would Never Work

A game based off the smash Channel 4 television show, Come Dine With Me? Absurd. Why even suggest such a thing?...

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NZGamer iPhone Reviews: Chopper 2, Jet Car Stunts & Hell’s Kitchen

NZGamer writes: "Full kudos to David Frampton, a local chap from Wellington who has managed to crack that ever elusive US iTunes market. After he burst onto the scene with the original Chopper for the iPhone, which went on to sell hundreds of thousands of units, Frampton has spent the last few years working on the sequel. Already within a week of launch, Chopper 2 has rocketed to the top of Apple's US Top 100 iPhone apps list and is still going strong. Considering the first Chopper paid for his house, it’s fairly safe to say that Frampton will be able to retire off his follow-up title."