
Postal III to star The Village People's Original Cowboy Randy Jones

Postal III developer Running With Scissors (RWS) has announced Randy Jones of the original '70's musical group sensation The Village People as the first in a series of celebrities who will be appearing in the third game.

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Postal III Drags Its Carcass Onto Steam

Gamesta.com sniffs out the trash with the quiet release of Postal III onto Steam. After debarking online late last year, the tasteless shooter romp is now also getting its amazing 25 Metacritic score onto the Valve digital platform. It also features the likenesses of Ron Jeremy in a Mario suit and a guy dressed like genitalia. That's classy.


GameArena: Postal 3 Review

GameArena: Postal 3 intends to offend. It aims to misbehave. It's the cool kid in class, making fun of the teachers behind their backs while everyone laughs under their breath. Like Billy Madison in the ninth grade, Postal 3 is so convinced of its own importance that it runs with the same banal humour it has always used - this time incapable of even an ounce of wit or charisma.

Unlike Billy Madison though, there doesn't ever seem to be a moment when Postal 3 realises what it has become - and so it just continues its embarrassing attempts at "trolling" people who probably couldn't care less about it.

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Game Informer - Postal III Review: Offensive For All The Wrong Reasons

Game Informer - From its previous two iterations and the infamous Uwe Boll-directed film, Postal has gained a reputation for being a franchise that runs down the limits of good taste before backing up, climbing out of its truck, and taking a leak on the remains. If you have the ability to be offended by a joke, the team over at Running With Scissors will figure out a way to make it happen. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; popular shows like South Park thrive on a similar brand of button-pushing humor. The difference is that the people behind Postal III don’t have the writing ability to back up their gutter-dwelling mouths. As it turns out, they also don’t have the design or programming chops to create a stable game.

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