
Lost And Found In “Majora’s Mask”

Buzzfeed: "I’ve struggled with anxiety for years. So when I replayed my very favorite game, this time I decided to let go."

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Zelda art director on how he came up with the Majora's Mask design

Zelda: Majora's Mask art director Takaya Imamura shares a few words about designing the mask in an interview.

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Zelda: Majora's Mask N64 vs. 3DS - examining which is better

NE: "Today, we compare Zelda: Majora's Mask N64 vs 3DS and ask which one you prefer. Plus reasons to prefer each game."

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OtterX35d ago

If you're going to do a comparison article, at least put some comparison photos in it. The rest of the article is written well enough.

purple10135d ago

Ocarina of time changed the game!

Rebel_Scum34d ago

3DS version is superior. The journal for all the side missions is essential.

GaboonViper764d ago

I am a huge Zelda fan and love them all, but for me Ocarina Of Time is the greatest and my second all time favourite game after Final Fantasy VII.

LoveSpuds763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

You sir, have good taste in games :)

I also love all of the Zelda games but I adore Windwaker (Specifically the HD version on WiiU) most of all. It is a close run thing with Breath of the Wild though.

Special mention to Cadence of Hyrule too, what an awesome spin off title that was!

GaboonViper763d ago

Cheers Spuds, yep i love Windwaker too, beautiful artstyle, and i loved sailing and finding all the secrets out there.

blackbeld763d ago

Agreed. For me top 3 of all time is.

1. ocarina of time
2. Final fantasy Vll
3. MGS1

GaboonViper762d ago

Brilliant top 3, would love a MGS1 remake that has been rumoured.

LoveSpuds762d ago

Yup, hard to argue with that top 3 squire, some quality games right there!

-Foxtrot764d ago

Oh gee can't imagine what Number 1 is


A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker etc is better than Breath of the Wild.

lockedongamer1764d ago

I respectfully disagree, but they're all great games.

porkChop764d ago

I think it really depends on what you're looking for. If you want a traditional Zelda game then OoT or WW would be better to you. But if you want a Zelda game that really leans into adventure and exploration, and if you want intelligent systems/logic, BotW would be the better game.

I enjoy both. I understand why some people aren't fond of it but for me it was a breath of fresh air that I really needed. I'd become so burnt out on unimaginative games and BotW sort of made me appreciate games again, as weird as that may sound.

godofboobees763d ago

Those are not traditional Zelda games

Crows90763d ago

Right...so let's pretend ocarina of time didnt have exploration, secret dungeons and other secrets. Complex boss mechanics and exploration rewards. At least a traditional Zelda has dungeons.

porkChop763d ago

What point are you attempting to make? At no point did I say that OoT didn't have any of that. However, the level of exploration and sense of adventure are vastly different between OoT and BotW.

Brazz763d ago

Breath of the Wild is overrated as shot, Wind waker is much better.

P_Bomb763d ago

I’m a Link to the Past guy.

MadLad763d ago

Majora's Mask still holds as my favorite to this day, despite being the black sheep of the series.

pietro1212763d ago

I love them all, but Wind Walker, Link to the Past and Minish Cap are my favorites

John_McClane763d ago

Link to the Past was so, so good! Those chickens though! 🤣

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