
DirectX 12 and Mantle: Can they deliver movie quality?

Brad Wardell doubles down on claims that movie quality games are coming this generation.

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TheCommentator3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

The difference in rendering lighting alone will seriously improve the visual fidelity of machines running full DX12.

Edit: I can't find the source to link, but someone in another thread linked an AMD slide presentation showing xbox one doing "hundreds of thousands of draw calls." According to this article, 50,000 is enough to run episode 1 at 24fps. We might actually get close to photorealism this gen after all. If someone can post the link that would be great.

yarbie10003411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

You can find it in the failed section among other DX12 articles. It was marked as duplicate, but you'd be hard pressed to find the duplicate article because they contained different info. Seek & ye shall find

christocolus3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

i think they will improve gaming alot. i wonder what surprises MS has in store for us at GDC though. from the article below, bradwaerdel lsted out some facs about DX12


-600% performance increase on AMD cards running full DX12 game engine.
-CPU cores and their performance more important in the future games .
-Directx 12 on Xbox Nov.
-Directx 12 runs better than Mantle on AMD cards.
-Naysayers are eating crow!
-future Xbox cpu bound exclusives DX12 games to have these gains however dx12 games initially 30% gains as they transition from Dx11 to full new dx12 game engines using esram etc
-Not so much games for cross platform games.
-Fable Legends Dx12 game
-AMD/MS has mega DX12 news at GDC.
-Stardock developed Starswarm dx12 demo in 2 months. Starswarm would have similar performance gains on Xbox one i.e 600%. They have something major at GDC in the Microsoft booth.
-Stardock are developing DX12 game engine “Nitrous”. Star Control game will make sense console. They will license it to 3rd parties in future after they release 2 games on Nitrous engine.
-Phil Spencer managing expectations, as in November with DX12 on Xbox….. the games released then wont look much different then until the new DX 12 game engines.

That's impressive. Hopefully we will not only see movie qualit but we will also see some large scale battles with a lot of enemies on screen showing off great AI in games like Halo5,Assasins creed, Age of Mythology, Gears of War and maybe Scalebound.

3410d ago Replies(1)
Bigpappy3410d ago

The lighting is what will have the biggest impact on visuals

Big_Game_Hunters3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

We are only talking graphics here right? honestly though i still think we have ways to go. I can still see an obvious difference between movies and games, that won't change this console gen for sure

hiredhelp3410d ago

Wrong were not just talking graphics but performance HUGE performance gain.
Trust me on this one once all devs get DX12 kits and get couple years hands on we gonna see some mega awsomeness not this year maybe hint next year on couple games. But year after you be glad you gamer ps4 or xbox one or pc.
All these platforms have four or more cores and 8gb memory on both consoles this is what dx12 will utilize. Oh and mantle :)

hiredhelp3410d ago

Lol love the disagrees i sat threw a hour long interview listening to how its going to work well dont say i didnt tell ya.

thanhgee3410d ago

People probably are disagreeing because we haven't seen any real results, it is ALL talk and nothing more so far.

3410d ago
TheCommentator3410d ago

Wardell's claims may be speculative, but anandtech did benchmark tests that confirm at least one of them is plausable. This bodes well for Wardell's other claims as it shows strength in his character. As far as "all talk" goes, click on the link in this thread(#1.1.1) - there's another link there direcly to anandtech's benchmarks, which are proof.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3410d ago
ninjahunter3410d ago

I dont see much reason why not, other than it would be massively expensive.

Iamnemesis48803410d ago

Well as long as it is stable i dont care that much

MasterCornholio3410d ago

I believe we are a long ways away from getting this on consoles or PCs.


However I am starting to see consoles approach the level of Final Fantasy the Spirits Within where character model is concerned.



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DirectX 12 Agility SDK Announced and Released Today by Microsoft

At GameStack Live, Microsoft announced and released the new DirectX 12 Agility SDK, which delivers DX12 Ultimate features to a larger base. There will benefits for Xbox, too.

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Orchard1148d ago

Pretty cool. Should help devs adopt more modern rendering techniques on both PC & Xbox rather than have to target old versions to cover the majority of their users.

Sayai jin1147d ago

I saw a report that the new Windows update causes a performance decrease in gaming performance.

1147d ago

NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL released, adds full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API

DSOGaming writes: "NVIDIA has just released a brand new driver for its graphics cards. According to the release notes, the NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL driver adds full support for the DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API. Additionally, this driver supports Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling when used with the Windows 10 May 2020 Update."

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1446d ago

Windows 10 May 2020 Update available for download, features WDDM 2.7 & DirectX 12 Ultimate support

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft has released the highly anticipated May 2020 Update for Windows 10. This Update brings support for both WDDM 2.7 and DirectX 12 Ultimate. Moreover, it packs some Xbox Game Bar improvements."

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GaboonViper1476d ago

Here comes another feature update that resets my settings.

Profchaos1475d ago

If it doesn't delete your files ala 1809 consider it a minor victory

1nsomniac1475d ago

I’ve noticed they do this as well.

I wonder how they legally get away with stealthily resetting all the privacy settings to allow tracking and monitoring without notifying you. It was only by chance I noticed it last time.

1475d ago
Unspoken1475d ago

Any software you use does this unfortunately.

1nsomniac1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

I think you’re misunderstanding what happens. All your windows settings remain untouched, it doesn’t change any of your settings accept Those related to your privacy. So all those privacy settings you agreed not to share during the installation and other privacy terms that you agreed not to share, within the privacy options page, even your offline linked windows accounts. It secretly enables all of those options without notifying you that it’s changed your selected options that both parties had agreed to. I don’t think they’ll be allowed to continue to do that under GDPR laws so we’ll see if it happens again. However unfortunately for me being in the UK, we won’t have GDPR laws for much longer after we leave the EU.

Hakuoro1475d ago


The term "willingly" is questionable at best...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1475d ago
1475d ago
AuraAbjure1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

Crash restart lockup repeat. Windows. Wonder what will happen to people who take health advice from its creator.

Edgelordsupreme1475d ago


I don't have any problems, so the issue is probably someone who thinks Bill Gates has anything to do with the development of Windows in its current form.

Tacoboto1475d ago

"My PC sucks" = "Bill Gates' billions and billions of investment in vaccines and cures will kill you"?

1475d ago
BigTrain1475d ago

Crash, the END. That's what'll happen.

Asuka1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

As a note: WDDM 2.7 requires you to have updated drivers (which currently no official WQHL driver w/ support is available for Nvidia yet. Only development branch 450.xx). Also you need a 7th gen or newer Intel CPU w/ igpu, or a 10 series or newer Nvidia GPU, or latest AMD offerings.

WGAF1475d ago

Last time I update, the ethernet driver wasnt available so no matter what (even factory reset) I can't go online. The only way to update is to go online lol. Well I always wanted an offline laptop, so I guess got what I wish for :/

Fishy Fingers1475d ago

Use wifi (or tether to the device your posting from now) and download the driver.