
Console Wars: Who Has the Best Exclusive Lineup for 2015?

Competition is great for the industry. It spurs creativity and innovation, ultimately benefiting the consumer. That's why I love the bitter rivalries between the three major platform holders. Sure, Nintendo has distanced itself from Sony and Microsoft over the past several years, but the Big N is still fighting for gamers' dollars and time regardless.

Each home console has its legion of loyal fans who rally around their hardware of choice and its lineup of exclusive games. The reality is that gaming is expensive and gamers have only so much time and money to dedicate to the hobby, so not everyone has the luxury of being a Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo gamer simultaneously.

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GarrusVakarian3456d ago

The one that has Uncharted 4 on it.

Nirvana315913456d ago

Street Fighter 5
The Order 1886
Blood borne
Persona 5
No mans sky
Until Dawn
Ratchet and Clank
Tear away unfolded
The Forest
The tomorrow children
Everybody's gone to the rapture
Drawn to death
Deep Down
Let it Die
Hell blade
Grim Fandango
Shadow of the beast
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Dungeon defenders 2
MLB 15
Yakuza Zero
Dragon Quest Heroes
Disgaea 5

SpaceRanger3456d ago

My wallet cried a bit after seeing this list! It's a pretty solid line up!
While not every single one may be my fancy of genre of game, I'm glad that I haven't had to wait too long for another exclusive this year. Super Smash, Destiny, and TLOU multiplayer have been holding me well till now!

TheCommentator3456d ago

It's a great list but the only one I'd play is Uncharted. I prefer MS exclusives like Halo, Forza and Gears(next year) and can't wait to hear all the unannounced titles MS is cooking up. Shaping up to be a great year for all consoles.

hamburgerhill3456d ago

Great list but for Me X1 is were it's at. Agree or disagree, I don't give a f$ck! To each his own I guess.

Magicite3456d ago

Im sure u missed something.

Letthewookiewin3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

The X1 doesn't have a chance against Sonys line up, it struggled when PS4 "didn't have any games". Don't hate the box just stating the obvious.

AndrewLB3456d ago

First off, some of those are not PS4 exclusive. Street Fighter 5, No Man's Sky, and Ys 8 (Chinese are porting Celceta to PC, and will likely do the same with 8) for example.

Here's a list of PC exclusives for 2015/2016 which doesn't include stuff like Minecraft, Resogun, etc type games. It's 100 strong and growing.


Most of all, 2015 should see the release of the first portion of the most ambitious video gaming project ever created, Star Citizen: Squadron 42. It's the story-driven part of the game designed to introduce players to the Star Citizen universe and lay the groundwork for the MASSIVE persistent universe. It will consist of both FPS and Space forms of combat, just to scratch the surface. It will set THE standard for video game graphics for the foreseen future.

As you can see, nothing can come close to touching it graphically. (Use Chrome for 60fps glory) http://youtu.be/opMGRIpUbO8

Bathyj3456d ago


Clearly says console wars so just for future reference, no ones talking about PC. Ever.

Or is that your issue?

vishmarx3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

ps4>wii u>xb

not to say xb is bad , but i dont care for much anything other than QB.halo is meh since bgie left, forza is meh since it comes out too often, gears is being done by a new stdio and we havent yet seen it so im skeptical for now, and fable is downright garbage, has been since fable 1.
wii has zelda u and xcx, plus i get to play bayo 2 from last year.

ps4 on the other hand has everything i want.more importantly it has japanese games that the other 2 sorely lack(yes im aware nintendo is japanese but im talking about stuff other than mario and stuff)


nobody give a crap.

Kumomeme3456d ago

no...that one had Persona 5 in it

MasterCornholio3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

Thanks for letting me know about the games coming to the PS4.


I don't know why some people get so angry when they see it.

Azzanation3455d ago

Alot of Multiplats and low grade titles in that list. Quality > Qauntity. Dont just name exclusives, name exclusives worth playing.
Eg The Forest, Ys? Lol honestly grasping at straws.

ShadowWolf7123455d ago

VERY much doubt SFV comes before 2016.

MysticStrummer3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

@Azzanation - He's supposed to only name exclusives you think are worth playing? What an odd request. The Forest looks extremely cool to me.

@Andrew - First, off this is about consoles, which makes your entire comment off topic.

OT - The one that has the games you want to play on it. For me that's clearly PS4.

UnHoly_One3455d ago

I've never heard of the vast majority of the games on that list. And the only one that I (maybe) care about is the Order.

I'm more excited about Quantum Break than anything else. At least I assume that is still supposed to release this year.

jrshankill3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

The question is "who will have the best exclusives?"..

... not "can you list every exclusive coming this year".

BTW you need to review that list.. I have already noticed a few games which are not exclusives.

This is also not a list of games which I have interest in. Maybe 3 or 4 games, but FF X HD?! lol.

There are also games listed which have next to no information available, so spouting off bulls**t lists which you know nothing about makes you seem like a desperate R-Tard.

mikeslemonade3455d ago

PS4 has better exclusives. There's no debate about that. We have known since early 2014.

andibandit3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

Ok now lets weed out
anything japanese(except for persona),
Games we know little about, most indies, baseball, and Free to play

leaves us with

The Order 1886
Blood borne
Persona 5
No mans sky
Until Dawn
Deep Down

pivotplease3455d ago

I think The Witness and PS4 Journey didn't get mentioned. Anyone who didn't have a PS3 should get Journey when it comes. It was Probably my favourite downloadable title of the generation.

theshredded3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

I'm sure we won't see Street Fighter this year and u left out some gr8 exclusives like The Witness,What Remains of Edith Finch,Alienation,Wild...
this is the whole list:

360ICE3455d ago

You still need to add Rocket League, Distance and Night in the Woods...

bennissimo3455d ago

A lot of those aren't exclusives. Most of those are niche titles few care about.

Bearing that in mind, Halo 5 wipes the floor with that list.

skratchy3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

I'll do an Xbone list to compare.

Halo 5
Quantum Break
Rise of the Tomb Raider (possibly timed exclusive)
...um, Killer Instinct 2?
Is there a new Gears coming out in 2015?

I think the choice is pretty clear :P

Condemnedman3455d ago

Meh uncharted is the only thing that would interest me. Most of it is Jap crap.

airsick73455d ago

Lemme start by saying I love my PS4...

What I don't love are fanboys who make giant lists of games. No offense, but many of those are waaaay off. 2016 at best.

user55757083455d ago

its a great year to own a sony or nintendo console

_-EDMIX-_3455d ago

I feel Sony does have the best exclusive line up this year as they do most years based on having much more teams.

But PC titles don't really count as they are not actually "exclusive".

FFX HD, No Man Sky, Persona 5 etc are not exclusive as they are either already on PS3 or going to PC.

A large portion of that list isn't even 2015 confirmed.

Not knocking PS4's year as I feel Sony indeed does have the better line up, just not based entirely on that list.

Owning a PS3 gets you lots of those games, owning a PC gets you lots of those games...

Exclusive is ONLY on PS4...

ZombieKiller3455d ago

Yeah I pee'd a little when I saw that list. On top of all those games, the multiplatforms are turning out better on there too. My wallet would whimper if it actually did exist.

ShinMaster3455d ago


PS4 and Wii U have the best 2015 game lineups


+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3455d ago
pivotplease3455d ago

Really just an amazing year for gaming. Uncharted on PS4, Halo 5 on X1, and Zelda on Wii U. Those are pretty much the biggest franchises for each system (unless you prefer a Mario adventure game, but those haven't happened since Galaxy 2). That and there are some other phenomenal titles on the side (Bloodborne, Persona, and Xenoblade to name a few). Here's hoping we get a Bethesda game this year too.

JasonKCK3455d ago

All the games haven't even been announced yet for 2015. It's just Feb, Isn't it a bit to early? Half the games people are listing aren't even confirmed for 2015, some will most likely get pushed to 2016.

pivotplease3455d ago

And just as many new ones will likely pop up in a few months. Reason enough to be excited. I hope the delays just affect games like The Division or something. Ubisoft need their polish time anyway.

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DarkOcelet3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

For Single player fans. PS4 is the best console out there.

For Multiplayer fans. XboxOne seems to be the best choice.

I personally choose the PS4 because i am a single player person. Multiplayer isnt my cup of tea.

parentsbasement3456d ago

I oppositely agree, we play more online with friends so the X1 with snap cant be beat for online/mp or co-op....offline singleplayer PS4 wins that.....in a week or so i'll be in Tesla's lab and don't want to be bothered....

SpinalRemains1383456d ago

I love Demons Souls and the lot because its the best of both worlds.

Single player solitude with random multiplayer.

Simplicity is genius.

DarkOcelet3456d ago

I usually play the Souls games solo. I did play the mp and it was awesome but i love being alone in the world.

pivotplease3455d ago

Not sure if I agree. Online multiplayer is going to be amazing this year between Bloodborne and Uncharted alone. And who knows what else will be a hit at this point.

Nintendo definitely gets the local multiplayer prize for this gen so far though.

lifeisgamesok3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

It's all about your taste. I favor Xbox One's lineup.

Quantum Break is my most anticipated game because of Remedy, visuals, and destruction technics used in film

Halo is always a great Sci-fi experience

Forza always brings great graphics and gameplay

Ori is beautiful and looks like a good light-hearted game

Fable Legends has great graphics and the gameplay looks good also but I need to see more of the quest structure/campaign

Rise of the Tomb Raider should pick up on the same action and good set pieces of the last game

DarkOcelet3456d ago ShowReplies(6)
SpaceRanger3456d ago

Well said!
Each party has it's own line up with a good diversity. And having a good amount of diversity in games is never a bad thing. It's all up to the gamer at this point!

I wish I could afford all three consoles!

LonDonE3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

Agreed all 3 current gen consoles have an awesome library already and 2015 looks to be one of gaming greatest on all 3 platforms!!

Man this year is gonna leave me broke, owning all 3 current gen consoles is EXPENSIVE TO SUPPORT!! But its so damn worth it!
so many great games to play, i say 2015 is a great year to be a gamer on EITHER PLATFORM pc included.

Just off the top of my head i am getting zelda wiiu, xenoblade x on wiiu, splatoon, and uncharted 4,bloodborne, the order 1886, the witcher 3, project cars and many more on PS4, halo 5,quantum break, forza 6, and many more on X1 sheesh and thats what i can remember! and i am still holding out for a wii u metroid prime game (please lord) my Amazon pre order list is ridiculous at the moment.

Looks like lots of overtime at work to pay for it all lol and lots of buttering up the wife to keep her sweet.

I cant wait, so many heavy hitter this year, it truly is the best time to be a gamer whatever platform you game on.

UltraNova3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )


I've got a serious question for you mate, is gaming the only thing you do? Good for you if your rich but seriously in order to support all 3 consoles and play all those must have games on each you need to be a rich "full time gamer".

In my world with my job hours, family and friend time I only get like 30mins-1hr of play time a day, if I'm lucky! So having all 3 consoles would be a total waist of money so my choice is the PS4 primarily due to Single Player and PS+ free games.

Rimeskeem3456d ago

You really seem to be into the visuals of games

CaptainObvious8783456d ago

You're looking forward to Ori? I thought, according to you and your ilk, indie games were all trash. Did I get that wrong?

Also, Tomb Raider is timed. I'll get to play it eventually. I don't mind waiting at all as I'll have games to play through out the entire year.

It's fine if you prefer MS games. I have no proof of course, but the way you unilaterally praise the xbone's line up and downplay the PS4 line up, I suspect if the console lineups were swapped you'd be praising MS's new lineup instead of the games you listed above.

I genuinely prefer Sony's lineup because of their diversity and willingness to let their devs take risks, but I'm not going to be so petty as to not acknowledge MS's amazing exclusives.

04STIBluByU3455d ago

So you must love waiting 6 more months to play games is that right?

commadore653451d ago

'Ori is beautiful and looks like a good light-hearted game' - Yeah this one looks really interesting and the art style looks amazing.

It's cool they announced it for PC as I've not got an xbOne.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3451d ago
AKR3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

Depends on what you're interested in. Personally, I'm amped to play Splatoon, Mario Maker, and pCARS on my Wii U, for instance. To each his own.

smolinsk3456d ago

No mans sky, wild and Uncharted 4, hands down ps4

DigitalRaptor3456d ago (Edited 3456d ago )

PS4 has the sheer volume and diversity on lock down. Highlights are:
- Uncharted 4
- Bloodborne
- Persona 5 (waifu)

Wii U has an impressive number of exclusives, but missing the amazing third-party games. Highlights are:
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
- Zelda U
- Splatoon

Xbone has a pretty great lineup, but you're gonna have to wait for many months this year if you're into exclusives. Highlights are:
- Halo 5
- Quantum Break
- Rise of the Tomb Raider


I wonder where these disagrees are coming from. Someone care to pipe up instead of shadowing the post with a disagree? I imagine it's probably the ones that can't admit that each and every console has a really great lineup of exclusive games.

Pyro2000x3456d ago

PS4's 2015 Lineup

Street Fighter 5
The Order 1886
Blood borne
Persona 5
No mans sky
Until Dawn
Ratchet and Clank
Tear away unfolded
The Forest
The tomorrow children
Everybody's gone to the rapture
Drawn to death
Deep Down
Let it Die
Hell blade
Grim Fandango
Shadow of the beast
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Dungeon defenders 2
MLB 15
Yakuza Zero
Dragon Quest Heroes
Disgaea 5

TFJWM3456d ago

Maybe they disagree with your highlights? (I neither agreed or disagreed with you)

Also the article is about which is the BEST lineup not if they all have great ones. One of them has to be best for each person.

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Report: Bloodborne PS5 Version Listed in PlayStation Stars

PlayStation Stars has a Bloodborne PS5 version listed! Does this mean we're finally getting a Bloodborne remaster?

LG_Fox_Brazil16d ago


SimpleSlave16d ago

Not just for you. It WAS the game of that Generation and one of the greatest game ever made.

fr0sty15d ago

I tried so hard to get into it... just not my cup of tea. Maybe I'll try again if they drop a remaster.

Juiceup16d ago

Agreed. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

jznrpg16d ago

It’s one of the best games all time for sure

Ethereal15d ago

Agreed. It was my favorite game from last generation as well.

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kenpachi16d ago

Must be a mistake when you click on it goes back to PS4 everything else is listed for PS5

LordStig16d ago

Framerate drops in a souls game is not a problem. It's a challenge.

Tacoboto15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Base Xbox One version of a soulslike with stick drift and a faulty bumper for the biggest challenge

Abnor_Mal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I’ve been playing the old hunters dlc recently, bought it when first released but just had it sitting. Finally got to it and just beat the lady in the clocktower. About to traverse the fishing village, when I finish the dlc I will start playing Forspoken.

Aloymetal16d ago

Yes sir!
I have spent an unhealthy amount of hrs on that game including the dlc, 2k to be more accurate lol. Love that game.

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Oh definitely agree with that.

@Aloymetal that’s insane hours of play, I thought I was doing something with my 334 hours lol

anast16d ago

It's amateur hour for me. I only got about 300. I got some work to do. I'm going to put in a couple right now. I just got re-hyped.

GaboonViper16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Enjoy Bro, the evil behind the clocktower is tense AF.

@Aloymetal I have just over 1K hours in Bloodborne, one of the best games ever.

Zenzuu16d ago

Forspoken is a horrible game. I tried giving it a chance, and spent quite a bit of time with it, but ended up dropping it.

OldDuffer15d ago

Each to their own. I loved playing it and really enjoyed the combat system. My wife now has over 200 hours and is still enjoying playing it.
That doesn't invalidate your feelings, but is offered to demonstrate that there are plenty of people who liked it regardless of bad press.

Elda16d ago

You waited 9 years to play the dlc...lol??

CantThinkOfAUsername15d ago

Don't forget to torture yourself a little with Laurence after you finish the Fishing Hamlet.

zaanan15d ago

If the giant shark dudes give you trouble, you can snipe them from doorways.

Aussiesummer15d ago

Oh the orphan of kos, he will show you such sites. Good luck.

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Bloodborne is now working on a PS4 emulator...kind of

Bloodborne is one of most highly requested PlayStation games that players want to see come to PC, and with the PS4 emulator it could happen.

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Nightmare Kart — A Brilliant Homage, And The Pinnacle Of Fan-Created Gems

Nightmare Kart is now out for you to enjoy the gothic Bloodborne world with a kart this time, and praise the majesty of fan-created projects.