
Project CARS Hands-On Preview – Coming Up in Your Rearview Mirror | PSLS

PSLS writes: We took Project Cars for a spin around Laguna Seca. Does Gran Turismo have some real competition?

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RaidensRising3424d ago

Thanks for posting this. Project Cars looks fantastic.

TheCommentator3424d ago

Gran Turismo always had competition in Forza. To me, Forza actually feels like real driving on roads while GT feels like skating on ice. I'll take quality over quantity any day, and it's nice to see Project Cars do what Forza always has: physics at 360 fps.

More to the point, it bodes well for Project Cars to be put in league with either franchise. If they can put back in the damage, DNF, and AI they promised us it could be better than both.

reallyNow3424d ago

"To me, Forza actually feels like real driving on roads while GT feels like skating on ice. "
i have to ask, have you actually driven a car? because it feels nothing like forza. forza is entirely too easy to control a 2,000-4,000lb machine. drifting a car is NOT easy. managing maximum traction with no aids is NOT easy. forza makes everything too easy and waaaaaaaaaay on the arcade side of things.(even when all of the aids are turned off) forza is a very fun video game, but to suggest is in anyway close to gran turismo in terms of realism is just a poor understanding of realism. i love them both but they occupy different segments.

most people come up with that poor argument that GT handles poorly from being used to hitting corners at unrealistic speeds with budget tires as depicted in arcade racers like forza and need for speed. its great in GT6 how the cars understeer and oversteer appropriately for the given model, an experience that doesnt really exist in forza to a realistic degree. turn 10 have lied to you.

TheCommentator3424d ago

Not really. While neither game will ever be real, feathering the gas in low speed corners in GT doesn't illicit proper weight tranfser which in turn has no real effect on oversteer or understeer. My Neon goes around tight corners faster in real life than a GTR in Gran Turismo.

Forza is the real sim on consoles, you just got used to playing second best. Have fun driving your zamboni...

Dasteru3424d ago (Edited 3424d ago )


I have not played GT6 or Forza 5 yet so i cannot compare them, but i own all the past GT and Forza games and Forza has always been the "on ice" racer. There has never been any feeling of weight to cars in Forza, it is like driving a hovercraft. The reason your neon takes corners faster is probably due to the fact it is shorter in length and weighs less than half as much. Good suspension only takes you so far before physics fight back. Also what tires do you use on the GTR in GT? You should almost always be using sport hard-medium tires. Racing tires, especially soft ones, are too grippy. They are designed for things like Indy and Daytona, not circuits. You should also rarely be using the chassis rigidity upgrade on high end sport cars or exotics, it completely destroys their handling characteristics.

reallyNow3424d ago

agree to disagree i guess. lol. I can probably take the classic vw around a corner in GT faster than you in your neon in real life. no offense to the neon, its a great little car. :-D

What makes GT hard for most people, is that the realism isnt transferred through some sort of gravity machine so you cant tell how hard you're actually hitting a corner. that, and the cameras are very "stiff" so you cant really see the body roll as well as you can in a game like forza where the camera is more loose. it makes forza have a greater sense of speed(that and the false scale used in forza) which in turn makes it more fun to pick up. if you actually pay attention to your displayed speed in GT or play in bumper cam with a force feedback steering wheel you can better understand the realism applied to the sim in GT vs. the pick up and go feeling of forza. 20mph in forza basically feels like 40mph in GT, and that really makes things crazy when you hit a turn thinking you're going much slower than you really are.

I will end with this:
Forza is much "better" at creating a sense of speed for all of the cars in the game, not just the fast ones. This makes the game more exciting for the average player. Forza has a looser camera adding to the feeling of the experience, to make the game feel more "alive". Forza also boasts crazy amplified engine sounds that sound really fun adding to the experience. Forza is a ton of fun.

GT is better at being a driving game for car nerds. The minute detail in differences between cars, their weights, their powerbands, engine locations, etc. all matters. The game is slower. It doesnt try to make things exciting. it strives to make them 1:1 with the real world in terms of driving dynamics and simulation. The tracks are scaled 1:1 with the cars and there are no missing sections to make the times even with real life. Does this make GT a "better" GAME? absolutely not. Even though im a huge fan of the series, i think the fun of racing has slowly been exiting GT since it peaked at GT3. However, GT is definitely the go-to if you want to geek out on car history and life-like driving with a nice wheel set up and lots of patience and love for cars.

hay3424d ago

@Dasteru: Get GT6. There's simply no comparison to GT5 when it comes to physics. Looks pretty much the same as GT5, but holy hell how differently it plays is an adventure itself. Three words: NEXT. GEN. PHYSICS. On a PS3. Which, for a folk who programs those things, is a glorious sight to see, an epic fist-pump towards Plyphony Digital. Track map is brilliant, Green Hell is almost as dreadful as in real life(except the obvious injuries, unless you want to headbutt your driving wheel with each collision for teh extra oomph).

Can't wait for the retail Project CARS as it's demo-ish currently so hard to tell of final quality. So far it's been really cute. Driving model is so off I'm wondering why I need a driving wheel for it. Momentum is non-exsisting, drifting is from an arcade game(turn and brake, not actually controlably lose some of the traction), and car control slightly differs in drivetrain and speed department, but it won't force you to change strategies though, which makes it go old real fast. Track surface map is so off you're not going to recognize some iconic places.

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ftwrthtx3424d ago

Forza is exclusive to Xbox while GT is exclusive to PlayStation. Not really in competition with each other.

Muzikguy3424d ago

That's as crazy as saying PS4 is made by Sony XB1 is made by MS so they're not in competition with one another. :) The 2 games are "competing" because the media makes it that way, and so do the companies themselves

USMC_POLICE3424d ago

As an avid fan of both I have to say granturismo is way more realistic.

knifefight3424d ago

As an avid fan of both, I have to say I'm an avid fan of both. ^_^

level 3603424d ago

Have high hopes Project Cars will deliver a very good sim-game play experience.

In both vehicle physics and dynamic audio realism.


Why did EA Kill Project CARS?

This video explains why we think Electronic Arts didn't see a future in the sim racing title Project CARS and promptly cancelled the fourth instalment.

Jin_Sakai585d ago

After the last installment I’d say most hardcore fans left. It’s just not that good anymore so I can’t really blame EA this time.

masterfox585d ago

because it was always a project and it never got finished :D

ChubbyBlade583d ago

Every game is a project. Your joke doesn’t make sense

InUrFoxHole583d ago

It makes perfect sense. It's obviously a play on the title. Jesus christ you must be a blast at parties.

ApocalypseShadow584d ago (Edited 584d ago )

Ask Bullfrog or Black Box or Tiburon or Studio 33 or Criterion or any of the previously acquired developers who made racing games as competition, or as developers of EA games, then eventually dissolved into oblivion or reassigned. Just ask them. They'll tell you why.

ApocalypseShadow583d ago

Oh. I forgot. Even Code Masters were absorbed into Criterion. Another racing developer EA took over.

Every racing developer either absorbed by EA or eventually destroyed by them. They either kill competition or have them in the end make Need 4 Speed for them.

MadLad583d ago

EA only cancels projects for one reason.
They didn't see enough money in it.

Kombatologist583d ago (Edited 583d ago )

Not when it's because it didn't meet some crazy margin. It's like if something doesn't make EA a billion dollars on day one (I'm exaggerating that figure of course), they swiftly put it out to pasture.

SurgicalMenace583d ago (Edited 583d ago )

Much like if you're spending money on what's a bad investment for your desired goals, you'd do away with it, if you're wise. We should try to get away from thinking we know more about business than individuals that have been doing it for decades. Perhaps you could benefit from going into business instead of wasting all of your talents in comment sections. It's clear that you're the missing piece that EA's been looking for.

MadLad582d ago

I've made a good amount of money betting on underdog investments over the years.

EA sets unrealistic expectations of their more niche developers, yet continue to fund absolute blunders like DICE and the Battlefield series year after year.

dumahim583d ago

EA butted in and messed with the formula and act shocked when it doesn't work out.

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Original Project CARS creator trying to re-hire EA team

Ian Bell, the founder of Slightly Mad Studios, is aiming to hire former Project CARS employees to work on his upcoming GTR Revival project.

Sgt_Slaughter587d ago

If it's just going to be another sim-cade that doesn't do either one correctly then no thanks.

Project CARS 2 was a step in the right direction but the physics still aren't where they should have been, so what did they do for PC3? Go completely arcade. That killed the franchise.


EA dropping Project CARS

From GI.biz: "EA is dropping Project CARS, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.

The Slightly Mad Studios-developed series was launched in 2015, with EA confirming today that it has made the decision to "stop further development and investment" in the franchise.

The announcement was made internally and it's unclear at this stage to which extent staff could be affected. EA said that employees working on Project CARS will be moved into "suitable" roles "wherever [they] can.""

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Terry_B589d ago

Typical for EA. They buy studios that created nice games..and are sooner or later destroying them and move the people to work on the old same 5+ EA series.

italiangamer589d ago

They will put the developers on the 1000th Need for Speed for the rest of their entire careers, just like Criterion.

SurgicalMenace588d ago

To be fair, it's not EAs fault it falls directly on the consumer. Everytime these companies choose to drop a series they're met with backlash though the gamers didn't support said series enough to justify its continuation. Attempting to paint every company as evil all because they're in it to succeed is ridiculous. They have to make money just like each of us typing in this section. If a job wasn't supporting you well you'd quit and find a new one, this is the same mentality concerning series.

TheColbertinator588d ago


No it is their fault. They don't listen to fans and burn the franchise to the ground by introducing elements that nobody wanted instead of increasing support for said respected franchises.

I order a steak, they make a steak. 1st sale
I order a steak again, they vomit on my steak and charge me more for it. No sale.

EA in a nutshell.

Tapani588d ago

@TheColbinator Well how do you think they make the billions then?

Their fans ARE buying their games. You are just not their focus group, and I can guarantee their customer insights team is more thorough and detailed in their reaearch than any N4G commentors’ opinion on the matter. Otherwise EA would not exist as a company, and they’d be bankrupt.

deleted588d ago

The one that still hurts the most though was Criterion w the Burnout series. Acquired Criterion's tech for their own existing IP, then shut em down. It's basically parasitic. I sure do miss Burnout's crash mode!

Hofstaderman588d ago

Sounds eerily similar to another large unnamed corporation hey. I believe some EA bigwigs shifted to that company back in the day, would explain the similarities.

rlow1588d ago

Must be talking about Sony

peppeaccardo588d ago

and instead they come out with that piece of shit of Need for Speed which looks like an Anna & Barbera cartoon. C'mon .... PC2 was my go to game for VR racing and the first one i played for tens of hours. i was so lookiing forward to PC4 after that failure of PC3 ... what a shame EA, they are bombing all the good games and stick to the garbage ones. EA when you think you have reached maximum of disappointment they top it off with style .... screw them!

SurgicalMenace588d ago

Need for Speed continues to sell so why would they get rid of what's producing what they need to maintain stability?

EazyC588d ago

What they did to this series was idiotic. The premise was great -- a sim/simcade game that GENUINELY got developed in line with its community. There is a huge gap in the market for this...I mean, PD hasn't listened to fans at all over the last year with regard to simple Gran Turismo 7 tweaks. Sim racing fans are screaming for a title where they actually give a shit about their users.

Project Cars 2 was genuinely on to something, it just needed some refinement. But instead they followed up by selling off to EA with a braindead GRID clone with Project Cars 3. Again...idiotic.

SurgicalMenace588d ago

Well since you're the authority on properly managing a million dollar company, why don't you just call them to let them know of your divine wisdom?

Hardcore sim racers are the ones who are competing acrossed the globe, no company in their right mind would focus on a forever moving casual market. They have to focus on those dedicated to supporting their efforts. Notice how you're speaking from a perspective of self opposed to the collective. Perhaps they sold out because they, like us, needed the money knowing that they could reinvest it into something new. PC was a decent racer but very few people mainlined it over GT or Forza.

EazyC588d ago

I'm not a divine authority but I notice a pattern where these huge corporations turn completely tone deaf of what the "average fan" wants.

vallencer588d ago

Hate to break it to you but project cars 3 was published by Bandai in 2020. EA didn't buy codemasters, which owned slightly mad studios, until 2021. Either way the sales were super poor for the game and it's not surprising EA would just drop the game. BUT it still sucks because it's one less sim racing game on the market. Especially because the first 2 were really good.

Tzuno588d ago

and focuses more on cartoon network games

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