
Mario Maker Release Appears To Have Been Pushed Back

Nintendo revealed a very unique game for the Wii U during last year’s E3 with Mario Maker. Rather than the typical 2D or even 3D platformer where you take control of Mario through a series of creative worlds, Mario Maker instead gives you control of the very level design itself. Originally it was revealed that the game would be coming in the first half of 2015, courtesy of October’s earnings report, but that doesn’t appear to be the case any longer.

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Playdor3527d ago

This seems like it will help game developers quickly come up with level design ideas.

3-4-53527d ago

Maybe more music options ?

Highlife3527d ago

That would make my soon happy. He is a huge Mario fan and this is the game he is waiting for. He has been making levels in Mario brothers X for awhile. Hope the game is as good as that.


tlougotg3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Unique? Nintendo hasnt done anything unique in regards to games for a long time. They have grown stale and have depended on regurgitation, cheap tech and sequels for a long time. They are just copying off the tail of games like LBP already done on consoles and unique for their time but have since been copied with games like Spark, more lbp sequels,etc......


Good question, knowing Nintendo and how they lag so much behind the competition i wont be surprised if they dont let you play user created leves, that would be dumb!!!!!!

Amorist893527d ago

Lack of innovation? Regurgitation? Sounds like you're explaining the third party titles that wannabe game analysts mope about such as Call of Duty.

Your comments just screams "i am on the outside looking in". But hey Jan 29th the day i met another troll.

eyeofcore3527d ago

So making levels in MvsDK GBA never happened then?

You PlayStation fanboys...

Sony stole PlayStation name from nintendo and hardware specifications from Sega for original PlayStation.

WeAreLegion3527d ago

Oh, yes. It was totally Sony who screwed over Nintendo on the PlayStation and not the other way around... /s

PlayStation basically exists because Ken Kutaragi wanted revenge.

I love Nintendo and PlayStation, but don't act like Nintendo is innocent here.

higgins783527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

You talk about 'unique' like its grows on trees. You cant constantly keep reinventing the wheel with every game released you know. I would argue that only last gen Nintendo changed the way people played games. The Wii used Motion Controls in such a way it was a global hit AND forced Sony and Microsoft to release their versions onto the market. Skyward Sword was (for me) EASILY the most innovative game released last gen. I mean, a fully realised Zelda game using Motion Controls at its core...brave and innovative barely covers it.

Also, since you are so hung up on the term 'unique'...I wonder what you consider Sony or Microsoft to have done - this gen or last - we can consider SOOOOO unique?

Theparanerds3527d ago

I really hope we can download player created levels as I suck at making anything

DryBoneKoopa853527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

@Theparanerds: Nintendo has already stated that you can play other players levels.

Deathdeliverer3527d ago

I cannot wait for this. They should remake Mario Paint.


A Fond Farewell To The Wii-U - GameRaven

The Wii U had a pretty rough time. At its lowest moments, people mocked it, laughing at the lack of games and third party support. Even when the system was in a good run of form, people still looked down on it. Like the toaster, from the film The Brave Little Toaster (yeah, i’m going … Continue reading A Fond Farewell To The Wii-U

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60FpsMyth2814d ago

Zombi U was one of my faves

2814d ago
Moonman2814d ago

This came to mind:


Thank you for being a friend. ;p

Einhander19712812d ago

Just been playing donkey kong tropical freeze amazing game another Nintendo classic.
Wii u such a waste, Would of been nice to see it succeed let's hope switch is successful and
brings us even more Nintendo goodness:)


Wii U Games You Need in Your Library

Don’t let the release date of the NX make you trigger shy, because the Wii U has quite the line up in its five year life cycle, and here are just a few.

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franwex2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

Two of those are remakes so I didn't buy...replace the Zelda remakes with Tokyo Mirage Sessions for the unique experience, or Pikmin 3

CocoaBrother2821d ago

Wind Waker on the Wii U is still a fun game to play and the use of the gamepad for inventory was convenient; however, I do agree with the other two games you listed. If I had to add, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze is a lot of fun.
Smash Bros. is a game my friends and I will always play. It's such a fun multiplayer game

iplay1up22821d ago

Tokyo Is okay so far, but I need to spend more time with it! Been moving, so have not spent much time gaming the past month. :(

deafdani2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

I'd add New Super Mario Bros U (easily the best in the "New" Super Mario Bros series), Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World and The Wonderful 101 to this list.

Edit: holy hell, how could I forget Mario Kart 8... I've already put around 150 hours on that title alone.

2821d ago Replies(1)
superchiller2821d ago

Not even worth it at that price, with such a tiny library of games available (and very few notable ones).

EddieNX 2821d ago

Theres actually a ton of really excellent games buddy Ive got the stack in front of me. You've missed out on loads of amazing games, that's the reality of whats happening here lol.

showtimefolks2821d ago


Huge library compared to ps4/Xbox one? Or ps3/Xbox 360 because either way it's not comparable

Some of the best games on wiiu are remaster

MetroidFREAK212821d ago

I'll be sure to grab one once they become scarce and are that low

pleasuretokill2821d ago

DKC Tropical Freeze
Super Mario 3D World
Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker
Mario Kart 8

The Wii U has some seriously awesome games!

Scatpants2821d ago

I hope they port Xenoblade to Switch.

deafdani2821d ago

There are rumors about Xenoblade X getting a Switch port.

I'm not interested on that one, seeing how I've already played it plenty on my Wii U, and finished it (but I'm nowhere near completing it, not even close).

I would love an HD remaster of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, though. What a masterpiece.

rjason122820d ago

Yeah I'm not too keen on the Wii U ports myself, especially considering they haven't been out too long (and still look nice) Wii games would be better (if they updated them)

Scatpants2817d ago

I skipped the WiiU so I'll probably be down to get a few ports of it's best games.

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In Super Mario Maker For 3DS Announced & Release Date | Nintendo Direct 9.1.2016 Splurge Tells you about the nintendo 3DS Livestream called Nintendo Direct...

pcz2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

When are Nintendo going to actually show what the NX is and give details? Its getting very late in the year now.

Its getting to the point where the silence isn't one of mystery and suspense, but one of concern