
Zojoi Releases Mac Adventure Collection on Steam – Deja Vu, Deja Vu II, Uninvited & Shadowgate

Gamers yearning for the days of rich story-based adventures, behold! [Thunder! Lightning! Chorus of angels singing in unison!] Zojoi, creators of the re-imagined fantasy adventure Shadowgate 2014, along with indie games partner Reverb Triple XP are pleased to announce that the MacVenture Series Collection is now available on Steam.

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gangsta_red3433d ago

Mother of ALL, these were some awesome games when they first came out. Especially Deja Vu, that ending man....talk about twist!


The Best NES Games Under $8, $10, and $12

Despite skyrocketing retro game prices the NES remains a deep trove of excellent games that, if you can avoid eBay sellers, are really quite affordable for new collectors.

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Jiub888d ago

At that price, I'm gonna go get TMNT and suck at it all over again

deleted888d ago

That electric seaweed is calling my name!

Longie_long888d ago

The sound when you touch it... I hear it in my dreams.

ZeekQuattro888d ago

I remember one of the levels in Retro City Rampage was paying homage to those seaweed segments. Not quite as hard but man did it bring back bad memories of my many deaths on that level. Never did beat that game without the Game Genie. Same with Battletoads. lol

SyntheticForm887d ago

The top-down view theme music was stuck in my head all day as a kid.

I'm not sure if I ever completed a no-damage seaweed run.

scoltar888d ago

Double Dragon 2 is one of the best!! Several good games on this list! Shadowgate, P.O.W., and Klax. That is actually a super fun puzzle game! TMNT, I think every time after the seaweed, I only had like 1 Turtle left. lol

camel_toad888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

Shadowgate was how I got so familiar with Nintendo's helpline lol. But man did I love that game.

And wow I forgot all about P.O.W. until you mentioned it. Man being a kid with a NES really was the good ol days.

Best birthday ever: 15 and I got a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, Pilot Wings and Street Fighter. (Spoiled rotten) And I saw Basic Instinct at the theater!


16 Underrated NES Games

There are tons of great games that have been overlooked in the mass of more popular titles. And I don’t just mean underrated games, either. We’re talking about grossly underrated and underappreciated titles in otherwise well-regarded franchises.

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deleted896d ago (Edited 896d ago )

FINALLY someone who acknowledges the greatness of Gremlins 2 NES!! One of my favorite movie tie-in games of all times. I have fond memories of both the game and the movie from when I was a kid. I was playing it again just a couple of months ago, and it still holds up very, very well!

I rarely see people mention Gremlins 2 when discussing great NES games and I love you for that!

*edit - Sunsoft really was a fantastic studio. Another favorite, underrated late NES game from them was Batman Return of the Joker. It was so much better than the SNES version too. Something about it died in the effort towards upgrading the graphics and music. The NES version felt darker, moodier.

Longie_long896d ago

Thanks for reading. Always nice to encounter another Sunsoft enthusiast!

deleted896d ago

Np, great read! I also owned and enjoyed the heck out of Super C back in the day.

I'd also add Metalstorm to my list of underappreciated titles. :)

thorstein896d ago

Nice job. After reading about Xexyx (or however it is spelled) I was reminded of Astyanax and Faxanadu. The names were just otherworldly. But they were tragically underrated as well.

Maybe you should consider a Part 2?

jznrpg895d ago (Edited 895d ago )

@thorstein Faxanadu is one of my favorite games of all time . I played it so much as a kid I still play from time to time

ZeekQuattro896d ago

Kabuki Quantum Fighters was a Nick Arcade classic. Never played it but the name has stuck with me to this day because of that show.

Longie_long896d ago

Nick Arcade was legit! I never saw that though.

ZeekQuattro896d ago

Not surprised. They usually kept playing the same popular games of the day in different rotations. Every now and then you got a random title like that one. I found the name so odd that it just stuck with me.

P_Bomb896d ago

With Sunsoft you knew you were getting good graphics and music,

Personal honorable mentions to Faxanadu and Crystalis.

racer22895d ago

I dont know if its been underrated, but kung fu master was such a awesome game on the nes. Even if it couldnt compare with the arcade version in graphics, the gameplay was so amasing. Awesome sound effects too. Played it for countless hours....

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Shadowgate VR: The Mines of Mythrok Review - Dungeon Crawler With Depth | COGconnected

COG writes: Shadowgate VR: The Mines of Mythrok is a terrific three-dimensional translation of the original games’ flatscreen fantasy dungeon crawler.

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