
Which Resident Evil Games Should a Newcomer Play?

The Geekiary: "The Resident Evil or Biohazard game series have six numbered installments and a lot of spin-offs. It can be tough to filter out which ones actually add to the canon and which are even worth playing."

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Hoffmann3528d ago

Part 1 on the Playstation of course.

NukaCola3527d ago

I agree. I do think the original game controls are little archaic nowadays, so players will have to be able to adapt to those classic styles, but definitely worth experiencing the game. I also think if you can get a hold of a Gamecube, to play RE0 which is one of my favorites.

Reibooi3527d ago

I loved RE0! It would be awesome if Capcom did what they did for the REmake for RE0. The game is equally if not more beautiful as the remake and giving it the same treatment would allow a ton of people to play this overlooked gem.

Capcom make it happen.

higgins783527d ago

Resi 4 is the best and most accessible - in my opinion. Not just the best Resi but arguably one of the best games of all time...a stone cold classic. Best 'traditional' Resi - not to upset the self-proclaimed 'hardcore', probably Code Veronica - again, in my opinion...I've not played EVERY Resi Evil. So, to recap, played today, Resi 4, Gamecube version if possible, Code Veronica, Dreamcast version, or Resi Remaster HD, PC version.

Mechanism3527d ago

If you haven't played every Resident Evil, then I don't think you are one to be giving newcomers advice..

Anyhow, if someone is interested, and is looking to start a franchise, I would say to start from the beginning.. I wouldn't tell someone who is about to start a trilogy of films to start from the end..

Pretty straight forward to me..

PoSTedUP3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

id say RE2 considering it is a good intro to the franchise for not being the first one, and it's open to the streets and different areas. its has the least back tracking from what i remember. its not too tedious, not as much as 1&3 imo. and just has the coolest areas overall in any RE game, imo.

@higgins- you got disagrees because many ppl including fans understand that RE4 is where RE took a step away from RE. it was an Amazing "game", but not so much a true RE. it would be a horrible place to start, and would probably cultivate gamers into fans of RE5 &6 thinking they are playing a resident evil game...

jambola3527d ago

why 4 on the gamecube?
didn't the wii/ps2 version have more?
and a remaster on the ps3/xbox 360?

higgins783527d ago

Resi 4 on the Gamecube because that is how it was designed/intended. Still (for me) looks the best - or at least as good as the Wii version - but particularly playing it on a Gamecube controller just feels right for it, rather unsurprisingly. The Wii version is probably the best overall package and the control scheme brilliant and tight but (perhaps) making the game a little less tense.

GokuSolosAll3527d ago

Resident Evil 1, 0, 2, 3, Code Veronica in that order, then if you're forgiving, 4, Revelations, Outbreak. 5 & 6 if you're emotionally detatched from the series and can enjoy them for what they are (which isn't Resident Evil). Stay away from most others unless you're a RE junkie or something.

RE7 needs to return to its roots. Tank controls, jump scares, puzzles.

VJGenova3527d ago

Although RE4 was a break from tradition, it was still a good game that merits a play through. Outbreak, 5, 6 and all the peripheral ones, dead aim, revelations, etc. I agree should be avoided.

I don't recall loving 0 and RE 2 was/is my favorite so I think we're generally on the same page.

higgins783527d ago

Some people truly forget the cons of past games, even 'classics' such as Resident Evil. Tank controls were not as intentional as you pretend, jump scares few and far between - Resi 4 had "jump scares", and 'puzzles' which were usually poorly designed ways to pad things out.

CorndogBurglar3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Who cares about "jump scares"? Sure they are fun here and there, but the older RE games were scary the whole time. Just the atmosphere alone made the entirety of the games scary.

And what exactly do you mean the tank controls "weren't as intentional as we pretend"? What do you mean they weren't intentional? The devs made the controls like that on accident? lol

The fact that you had limited abilities at your disposal made the game that much more creepy because there was only so much you could do if you came across an enemy. Sure, i realize that tactical police should be able to combat roll and all that, but from a gameplay/game design perspective, it was brilliant and actually ADDED to the game to limit what the player could do, rather than hindered it.

Even though you clearly consider RE4 and beyond to be the better games (and thats fine, its your opinion), it still boggles my mind why you would recommend a newcomer to start playing a franchise on the 6th main game to be released, lol.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVED RE4, but it wasn't a good representation of the greatness of the RE franchise.

Gears_President3527d ago

I started with two, but since you can play 1 in all its glory why not start there?

3527d ago
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Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.


Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer82d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook781d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne84d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.