
PAX South Preview At Skewed And Reviewed

Skewed and Reviewed have posted a preview piece on PAX South, the latest convention from the creators of Penny Arcade. This is the first year for the show and it seems as if several big names are opting out which leaves plenty of time for smaller developers to shine.


Indie Spotllight: Adventures of Pip

Derrick D. of Gamer Assault Weekly gives us a look at Adventures of Pip, the charming new retro side-scrolling platformer from Tic Toc Games.

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VRex73509d ago

I'm generally not a fan of platformer games, mostly because I'm awful at them but this just looks adorable! =]

nick47613509d ago

It is going to be interesting to see how this retro gaming phase of indie development continues into the future. i love retro style indie titles, but I don't know how many you can make before they start to become stale.

They seem to have pretty cool features and mechanics in this game though. Should be fun to play.

TapperDD3508d ago

This looks awesome! I love the idea behind it.


Buddha-cast: Ep. 40 – “PAX South 2015 Impressions and Other Randomness”

EB: "In the latest episode of the full on Buddha-cast Matt breaks down the inaugural PAX South experience and all of the great Indie games and devs that were at the show. He mentions titles that intrigued him, developers to keep your eye on, as well as the merits of visiting San Antonio, TX. He also gushes over the New 3DS XL, which is set to release next week.

The discussion eventually transitions to the games the team is currently playing, which include but are not limited to: Grey Goo, AC3 DLC, and Dying Light."

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Adventures at PAX South

Derrick D of Gamer Assault Weekly recaps his experience at PAX South 2015.

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