
Duck Dynasty available to download now in the UK on Xbox One and Xbox 360

Neil writes "Sorry but we can't always be bringers of good news. Duck Dynasty is now available for both Xbox One and Xbox 360 in the UK. Oh joy!"

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DarkOcelet3536d ago

I am not sure you will be missing out on much. Did you watch a gameplay of it? It looks generic while it does look a bit pretty but the gameplay looks so boring.

Neonridr3536d ago

it sounds awful to be honest.

360ICE3536d ago

It's been on PS Store for some time. I'm not sure if it's on the UK PS Store, though.

bangoskank3536d ago

Why do these people have any celebrity status? It goes to show how brain dead humanity has become.

Hercules1893536d ago

Its better than hearing about kardashisns every single day.

VVgamer4lifeVV3536d ago

they would have to pay me to play this

MSpence5163536d ago

Ha, Angry Joe Show's worst game of the year. Automatic buy /s


The Beauty Behind Licensed Shovelware

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Why do we do this? We are well aware that a specific licensed game isn’t good, yet we actually manage to be less critical, we manage to overlook its issues, and enjoy these tie-ins, these perfect definitions of the word “shovelware”, without an issue. What is it about these games that makes us more… tolerant? Is it the novelty of playing a game based on a license we like? Is it some kind of psychological effect that reminds us of simpler days? Does it mean that playing these games brings out the best version of the gamer inside of us?"

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Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details 18th-24th July 2017

Neil writes "It's the middle of summer and the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is once more upon us. This time round the sale is delivering a bevy of beautiful discounts for all Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers to get involved in. Want to check out all the deals available in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 18th-24th July 2017?"

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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 1st September 2015

Neil writes "The Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale for 1st-7th September is now in place and brings a fair amount of discounts to both Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners. But unless you're some kind of millionaire, you'll probably struggle to find the cash required to buy all of the games. So which are the best deals in place, and which are the worst? Let us tell you!"

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oKidUKo3313d ago

Instantly picked up Geo Wars, it's at the price I've been hoping for.

Wikkid6663313d ago

Amazing game... I put over 40 hrs into it!

FlexLuger3313d ago (Edited 3313d ago )

Bought it but still aint played campaign mode yet. I got too many games on my XB1. A good few I havent played yet, but picked up in sales. It doesnt help that my copy of MGS V arrived this morning either.

EDIT:Geometry wars is a must for any xbox gamer. Get it if you dont have it already. That game been with us since it was a bonus in PGR :)

Jmanzare3313d ago

Definitely pick up geometry wars and Rayman if you haven't already

yeahright23313d ago

I missed witcher 2 on GWG a few months back, but I already had a physical copy at the time anyway. But for $5? yeah, I'm getting it again.