
Sword of Asumi has more lingerie than Victoria’s Secret

Technology Tell writes, "Except Sword of Asumi takes every opportunity to show the heroine, Asumi, in her undies. I’m 100% serious. Every in-game day, it takes the time to show this young woman, one capable enough to be an assassin and considered for a position as a Justicar, in a vast array of panties. I had to double check the product description to make sure she wasn’t a Victoria’s Secret model in disguise, because 30 minutes in, Asumi dons the kinds of underwear no woman would ever wear to go about her everyday business, let alone engage in assassination attempts and physical activity."

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Snookies123442d ago

Haha, that's just ridiculous. I really do dislike when 'fan service' is forced. I'm fine with some amounts of it, but if you're going to go overboard why not just set out to make a game solely about that? I've found a few series that were quite promising only to have the story/characters dragged down by needless things like this.


The Ballad of AJ Tilley

Serena Nelson writes: "AJ Tilley is a relatively well known player in the visual novel scene. Unfortunately it looks like his fame is more due to controversy than anything else. On Kickstarter he has three different accounts (AJTilley, Face2Palm, and KiritoKun) and too many campaigns to count between them. I generally don't mind going back to the well for new projects but his history with Kickstarter is getting quite out of hand. And I'm not the only one seeing this pattern."


Sword of Asumi Could Get A Sequel If Sales Target Is Reached By End Of March

AJ Tilley has announced that bishoujo visual novel Sword of Asumi could get a sequel if 5,000 copies are sold by the end of March. The sequel would follow Asumi’s exploits after the end of the graphic novel.

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Sword of Asumi Review: Proving Oneself | Technology Tell

Technology Tell writes, "kind of story they’d like to tell, but it lacks a certain authenticity. I’m pleased to say Sword of Asumi isn’t one of those games. The kinds of strategies, warfare tactics, and athletic procedures are ones that would all apply in real situations. The things happening make sense, and the lore in the data section helps back up every situation. It’s refreshing, because even though it is a fantasy, it can feel rooted in reality."

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