
"Nintendo just won 2015. In January" - Nintendo Direct Impressions

Dealspwn: "Okay, I'll cop to hyperbole, but it's difficult to overstate just how impressive today's Nintendo Direct really was and how brilliantly it managed to cement my excitement about the upcoming 3DS and Wii U lineup while revealing more games to boot."

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Blues Cowboy3481d ago

It's certainly one of the most competent and confident Nintendo Direct presentations I've ever seen. It's like they've got their second wind.

Definitely getting that MH4 3DS XL if I can.

FuzzyPixels3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

I'm gonna be all over that Zelda XL like... erm... me, I guess, on a cupcake.

Pitch_Blanck3481d ago

Nintendo follows the lead of Microsoft and Sony with the remasters trend. I guess they are not better than the others after all. Let's plug the cash machine with remasters and amibos that bring nothing in terms of gameplay. Not very good for the image of a company that is almost self-proclaimed "masters of gameplay". Maybe they better create something really new and take some risks for a change!

TomShoe3481d ago

"Nintendo just won 2015. In January"

Yeah no. They're going to have another great year, but it's way too early to call them the winners. Sony's lineup is packed too, remember?

darthv723481d ago

@pitch... I dont really care who follows who so long as its done right.

Now i am not sure about the time frame but didnt nintendo do the remaster of NES games on the cube long before the 'trend' was made popular by the likes of MS and Sony???

XanderZane3481d ago

That's what I want, even though it doesn't come with the Zelda: Majora's Mask game at all. You have to buy the game separately for the U.S. version. The Monster Hunter 4 3DS XL comes with the game. I don't know whether to get the 3DS XL first or the Wii U. Decisions... decisions..

mikeslemonade3481d ago

We already knew most of these news. Still much of these games aren't relevant. Like how many people really want to play Wii games? And Remasters to last gen quality and 2005 quality on the handheld... This is lame and it just shows me how thick your Nintendo glasses are.

breakpad3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

except Splatoon which is looking a fun quality prototype game and Xenoblade that is really massive with excellent quality (as it seems until now) ...nothing else didnt impress me (aah and MH4 but probably this will change hands in the future) hOw Nintendo won 2015?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3481d ago
ABizzel13481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

"Nintendo just won 2015. In January"

Wii titles can now be directly downloaded to the Wii U ( Jan 29th).

Feb (aka New 3DS Month)
New 3DS announcement (Feburary 13th)
Ace Combat (Feb 13th)
Monster Hunter 4U (February 13th)
Majora’s Mask 3D (Feburary 13th)
Pokemon Shuffle FREE 3DS eShop game (February)
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (February???)

Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars (Wii U / 3DS, March 5)
Code Name S.T.E.A.M. (March 13th)

Puzzles and Dragons Z & Puzzles and Dragons Super Mario Edition 3DS (May)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (May)
Splatoon (May???)

Zelda Wii U
Star Fox
Fire Emblem for 3DS
Mario Party 10
Hyrule Warriors Majora’s Mask DLC (Includes Tingle + Young Link)
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Fossile Fighters Frontier

Ironfall, Elliot Quest, Blek, Project Treasure, Citizens of Earth, Gunman Clive 2, Moon Chronicles, Sega 3D Classics, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, Story of Seasons (eShop games).

More Amiibos and Amiibo functionality with many of their first party games.

I think this is great for Nintendo and really shows support for the 2 platforms. This is the second wind for both Wii U and 3DS. The 3DS will should be back on track to match the GBA sales (well PSP, GBA, 360, PS3 range of +80m), since I firmly believe it only has 3 years max left on the market, before it's successor drop.

However, I don't think it's going to help the Wii U extend it fanbase beyond what it has been doing with this line-up of games.

If you're a fan of Nintendo games, then 2015 is a great year for Nintendo fans, but what they're doing with their line-up isn't going to change the fortunes of the Wii U, which is sad, because they have some good exclusives to offer. They need a price drop down to $229 as soon as March hits so the 3DS can take February, and they can ride out the rest of the year with these great exclusives and a new low price, allowing Wii U to be an easier choice for a 2nd or 3rd consoles.

3-4-53481d ago

Solid Facts. Thanks for typing that all out.

* Was a better Direct than expected and one of my favorite of all time.

* Everything I thought I would like, I'm actually MORE excited for now.

* That Fire Emblem announcement caught me off guard too...Really happy to play another FE game.

Highlife3481d ago

Well said. I'm just not a fan of Nintendo's games they just don't interest me outside of a few. Our family owns a wiiu and a ps4. While the games we got on wiiu are good they just all seem to be in the same world. Mario. Now that's in our house. We tend to play the ps4 more often. Playing garden warfare, cod, Nhl, mlb the show, minecraft and so on. Speaking of minecraft seemed like such a logical fit for Nintendo. The gamepad being your inventory. Nintendo just doesn't get That if they want to expand their user base they need big third party from the start. They will always have their following but that can only take you so far.

gleepot3481d ago

i think mario party 10 is march, xeno 3ds is april, splatoon is may.

NuggetsOfGod3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

Great list!

Mature games are for my pc.

I might get the new 3ds!

If it has vita like graphics I would be ok with that.
Ninty is about fun not photorealistic content.

Wiiu gamers are the only console gamers who consistently play at 1080p 60fps.

WiiU/PC Master Race

MoveTheGlow3480d ago


It's probably not going to compare to Vita for you. The screens still aren't up to that kind of resolution regardless of the new computing power.

However, if you like your 3DS, I'd look into it. The loading times are far quicker, the controls are better, and the 3D has a much more solid implementation.

Gamer19823480d ago

thing i hated about the direct was confirmation that amiibos can only store data for one game.. What a crappy cash grab from nintendo. They could have put bigger chips on the amiibos to store multiple game data. But instead they chose limit to 1 game to rip their consumers off. How far they have fallen.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3480d ago
pcz3481d ago

xenoblade is the only thing that impressed me.

Aceman183481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

only games i care about are

fire emblem 3ds
xenoblade wii u
zelda wii u


code name steam if its like valkyria chronicles in any way. also a new star fox

_-EDMIX-_3481d ago

Agreed, its like listing a bunch of indie games on PS4 and XONE.

Sorry but all 3 have lots of games, to list games by other publishers and say "Nintendo is having" lol

No...they very much are not winning anything this year.

Both PS4 and XONE have far superior lineups as developers have the tools to create much more then on Wii U.

Xb1ps43481d ago

Don't know about calling them the winner already.... But that sure as he'll is how you continue to support your handheld...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3480d ago
BenqMagician3481d ago

"Nintendo just won 2015. In January" Well it looks like Nintendo will have another great year like last year that's it.

ricochetmg3481d ago ShowReplies(7)
Pitch_Blanck3481d ago

Another year with Zeldas and Marios and more Zeldas and...oh wait, I have a dream, a new Mario would be awesome! Let's prey for a new Mario guys. There is almost no chance but...

gerbwmu3481d ago

Are you hunting Mario?

Xb1ps43481d ago

To be fair... Mario's and Zelda's always bring something new to the table and are always great games.. So why hate on it?!

ashcroft3481d ago

Prey? ROFL!!!

I'd rather see mario and zeldas, than call of rehash , broken releases and ripped content into DLC.

Also it's spelled pray.

As @gerbwmu hinted, Prey is hunting

Concertoine3481d ago

Nintendo definitely has a lot of great games coming across 3ds and wii u. Excited to see splatoon in may.

Pitch_Blanck3481d ago

Yeah, Platoon will probably be GOTY! Can't wait...

Kingdomcome2473481d ago

Okay, you've made it clear that you don't think highly of Nintendo. You used all of your bubbles to troll. People like you on here infuriate me. If you don't like something then why come here to this thread? To belittle other people's preferences? Grow up. OT: Wow. Xenoblade Chronicles X looks amazing. I just want to explore that world.

ricochetmg3481d ago ShowReplies(1)
Lionalliance3481d ago

I wouldn't go that far yet, though i do wnat that Majora's Mask 3DS XL edition.

GordonKnight3481d ago

Hope you pre-ordered as Game Stop is already sold out.

GordonKnight3481d ago

Disagree, there is already one on Ebay for $2000.

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jznrpg404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Yea. I own it but don’t want to pull out the Wii U

Zeldafan64404d ago

I never unplugged my Wii U. Still play it almost daily but a definitive edition of X would be appreciated.

jznrpg404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

It’s one of the systems I have the least games for . Though there are some really good games on it. I have systems from Atari’s , Nintendo’s, Segas , TurboGrafx 16 , PS’s etc etc so I put a few in my game storage room. I do pull it out from time to time and I have a new one in a box but won’t open that .
But I’d really like to have a Chronicles X but not on Switch whatever the next console is preferably so they can add more quality to it .

Zeldafan64403d ago

Lucky, you didn't need to explain that.

Zeldafan64404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Playing X at 1080/60 would be great so waiting for the Switch successor would be ideal but it wouldn't be smart to make it a launch game. It would suck waiting til 2025 to get X definitive edition but I think that's what will happen.

I know people say Wii U has no games but I've got over 100 games for it.

luckytrouble403d ago

I mean, when people say a system has "no games" they aren't saying the system literally had no games released on it. They're more commenting on the state of games that make the system worth owning. For many the Wii U never had a game that made the system worth owning, or if it did, it has a Switch port or successor at this point anyways so they were effectively proven correct to have never purchased a Wii U in the first place.

Yes, depending on the individual the Wii U remains worth owning for the handful of games still locked to it, but for many they'd rather just wait to see what else gets ported in the future at this point. There is exceptionally little you can only play on a Wii U these days though, especially with the eShop dead so anything that may have existed only on it is no longer of consequence to non-Wii U owners.

chaos999404d ago

They said it cost too much time to remap controls unfortunately

luckytrouble403d ago

In all fairness, that's probably a reason they're passing on a few of the still Wii U locked games. Starfox Zero, among the reasons you may not want to port it, would need its entire control scheme reworked from the ground up. Chronicles X may not be as extreme of a case (I don't know, I've never played or watched gameplay), but often unless a game is going to sell really well, it can be hard to convince a company to do more than the basic expected remaster work. Heck, a lot of people figure the only reason we got Galaxy 1 in the 3D All Stars collection for example is because they had already done the work for the Nvidia Shield port for China, which subsequently is likely the major reason they didn't include Galaxy 2. They simply did not want to remap the game controls. It may sound silly since it sounds so simple just by the words, but you have to figure more goes into it than you're probably thinking if it's that much of a sticking point.

DefaultComment404d ago

Yes, I agree. We definitely need to retake Xenoblade Chronicles X which btw it left us on a cliffhanger suggesting there wiull be a XCX2 .... and im up for it.

isarai404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

I put so many hours into X, just please ad a music volume setting was going crazy walking around base and hearing


FinalFantasyFanatic403d ago

I can't believe they haven't done it yet, it's the Xenoblade game I'm most excited for, I would buy it in a heart beat.


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