
Resident Evil HD Xbox One digital pre-orders and pre-downloads open

Neil writes "The latest digital pre-order and pre-download is now open on Xbox One. Gonna grab Resident Evil HD?"

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PFFT3453d ago

Yes, already pre-ordered for the PS4.

Darth Gamer3453d ago

Me too. I can't wait to dive once again into the mansion. Like I said before, this is one of my all time favorites and will buy it ever time they remade or remaster it. Still such a shame as to what has happened to the series.

jrshankill3453d ago

Why on earth do you have disagrees?!?

Pre-ordered here also on Xbox One. Looking forward to almost becoming a Jill Sandwich.. again.

PFFT3453d ago

@Darth Gamer

I highly agree the RE series is but a shadow of its fomer self. Now if only RE 2 and 3 would get the same Remake treatment. One can only wish.


Don know. All i said was yes, yes ill be grabbing this bad SOB day one! Cant wait!

dakamurra3453d ago

waiting the pc preload!! i already played it in the past on the gamecube, that i bought only for resident evil saga, i will play this games again, and again, they are simple the best survival horror game ever , and the best resident evil with the 2 , 3 and code veronica.


Humble Capcom Playstation Bundle Nearing End Date

Carl Williams writes, "If you are reading this then you are probably a fan of retro games. Just taking a stab in the dark there. Well, we just found out that Capcom, one of the better retro supporting companies out there, has this package with Humble Bundle full of Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 games. You better hurry and grab this one because time is running out."

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zeal0us2846d ago

If they had more PS4 games I would've taken advantage of this.

triverse2846d ago

I have to agree. I wish companies would do more porting of their previous digital only games such as Final Fight Double Impact over to the PS4. I want to get a Playstation but 3 seems on the way out and 4 is still too new for a lot of what I am interested in.

NapalmSanctuary2846d ago (Edited 2846d ago )

I wish they would port their full classic line brawlers from the 90s. Man, they made some good games back then.

triverse2846d ago

Napalm, check out their PSP Reloaded and Remixed collections. Great value for the money and full of their core retro games. I am not sure what consoles they released those collections on but I am sure PS3 and Xbox 360 were in there.

just-joe2846d ago

Or say if the PS4 was backwards compatible.

triverse2846d ago

Well, we know that is not going to happen anytime soon, at least not till people stop buying PS3 games and such. Sad. I wish it was backwards compatible too- I would buy a PS4 immediately if it worked with at least the digital stuff from the PS3.

DivineAssault 2846d ago

I wish Sony would get the licenses for all the classic arcade games from the 80s and 90s for the PS4.. I dont see why they wouldnt want to make money? I miss those brawlers like xmen, tmnt, etc.. So many great games people are forced to play on mame

triverse2846d ago

The problem with that idea is that a lot of those companies are now defunct and no one really knows who owns the rights to what game. Then in cases like X-Men, it is multiple companies involved (the engine would be Konami's while the actual X-Men license would be Marvel's) and sometimes none of the companies involved are interested in working together again for whatever reason.

I wish it would happen too though.

2935d ago

Resident Evil 20 years later: the many faces of Biohazard

Two decades. That’s 20 whole years of hoping this isn’t Chris’ blood. 7240 days of asking whether or not that dude actually just said “Jill sandwich.” 173,760 hours of Albert Wesker insisting on wearing sunglasses at night. You’re almost old enough to buy a bottle of whisky to go with those green herbs, Resident Evil. May you shamble for 20 more.

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naruga3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

Resident Evil 1 PS1 =best version hands down ...Remake had some good elements but far from considered the pinnacle, not the same atmosphere/feeling, bad-hollywood copied elements (too dark, less colors, lame filters, Lisa) and Lisa story sheered negatively the plot to a completely new and poor minded direction

RosweeSon3014d ago

Yeah it was a truly great game probably why I feel in love with it on the Saturn played the directors cut on PlayStation 1, remake on GameCube, DS Version and got the ps4 version but not got round to it yet, timeless classic. Resident evil 2 was also pretty tight as well tho looked better and had a great story and setting but yeah 1 was the original and best, 2 was a close second tho. Downhill from there really, my mate came round and did number 3 in a day and I never went back to it Code Veronica on dreamcast was pretty cool and I did really enjoy 4 but it's completely different and things do need to change but how did it go from 4-5-6 to some other tripe. Same with dead space series 1 was great 2 was ok 3 was not played. Haha.

RosweeSon3014d ago

Resident Evil 20 years later: The Many Shades of Chris' Blood.

DivineAssault 3014d ago

The 90s were so awesome.. I miss FMV's in games..