
Paperbound - PC Preview | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

We had a chance to get a very early hands-on preview with Paperbound, and are now ready to share our thoughts.

There are some things in life that can be described in one word which can encompass it entirely without the need to say anything more. A few of us took Paperbound for a spin the other night, and it should be known that a good portion of us have been playing beat-em-ups like Smash Brothers for years and have gotten pretty good at it. I don't think much could have prepared us for what we experienced. And so, with this being said, Paperbound in one word that was said rather collectively.



Paperbound Brawlers Comes To Nintendo Switch This Week With New Content

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Local Multiplayer Brawler Paperbound Getting Huge Update, Includes Campaign, Match Mutators

Paperbound is getting a huge update, later this month. Here’s what you can expect in this update.

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Wedge193220d ago

Agreed. It's getting harder and harder to find those dedicated games these days. This one is just fast and fun, Easy for quick play, or long marathons.


Glad to see local multiplayer titles