
Fan Made Attack on Titan Game Gets a Teaser Trailer

A team of developers known as Gear Gadget Studios are creating an Attack on Titan game that will be released for free on PC once completed. Simply titled ‘Attack on Titan Fan Game’, the team have released a small teaser trailer showcasing a model of one of the main characters in the anime ‘Mikasa’ utilising her maneuver gear. It looks absolutely fantastic. You can check out the full video below.

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gangsta_red3445d ago

Seriously...why isn't there an Attack on Titan for consoles? A huge open world where you pick a squad and swing around cutting giants in the back of their neck?

I mean it programs itself.

Platinum, get on that please!

Godmars2903445d ago

Because the gaming development process is broken, has been tailored to FPS, but no on will admit/realize such.

gangsta_red3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

But this is Japan we're talking about where FPS games are not really that popular. And they pump out a thousand(/s) DBZ, One Piece and Naruto games a year and those are based off popular Anime.

What's the hold up on this one?

Maybe when the Titan Universe meets Marvel we'll see more of a push and maybe a huge game release for consoles.

Imagine being Spider-Man and swinging along these huge Titans...would Spider-man even cut the back of their necks?


TuxedoMoon3445d ago

Platinum making this game would be a dream come true, though the hardest part would be the swinging mechanic. I imagine it would work the same way like the GOOD Spiderman games, just faster.

It might make a good online game too (NOT MMORPG). Make your character, pick a faction, do missions with friends, earn upgrades, special missions that involve scenes from the story but slightly altered to include your character...

They might make/announce something when the live action movie drops.

gangsta_red3445d ago

And there you have it! My thoughts exactly on the gameplay.

Could you imagine playing with a team of friends swinging around trying to take down a wild Titan? Seeing one grab your friend and chomp his head off!? Awesome!

Yea, I'm sure in time one will come perhaps like you said, the live action movie or second season.

Irishguy953445d ago

I remember this game, wow its come a long way since I played it.

Unlimax3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

Platinum + Studio behind Spiderman games could possibly make this happen , we know that PG recently worked with Activision on Legend of Korra and its somehow turn out to be disappointment , but this combination right here could possibly change everything if PG fully worked on this game with the help of Spiderman studio on the swinging / glide mechanics and animations

Godmars2903445d ago

"But this is Japan we're talking about where FPS games are not really that popular."

But they also didn't embrace HD development. They either adapted western dev methods, used western devs, closed their doors or ran to handhelds.

paul-p19883444d ago

There is an official Shingeki no Kyojin game already...on the 3DS (imo, quite possibly the WORST platform to release it on, even the Wii U would have been a better choice!)


I completely agree with you though, they should make a full console release game instead, make it multiplatform, maybe cross gen, it would sell millions!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3444d ago
Godmars2903445d ago

So what comes first: a C&D from the animation studio, or a buyout/commission to make the game?

Hendrickson3445d ago

Someone will buy 'em out for sure.

Dirtnose3445d ago

I believe the company are actually trying to acquire a license from Funimation.

pumpactionpimp3445d ago

Wow! I watched the first season and loved it, but never thought about a game for it (I must be slipping). But its a wonderful idea, and looks like these guys are pulling it off nicely.


Someone is working on a free Attack on Titan game in Unreal Engine 4, entering alpha stage soon

Attack on Titan fans, here is something for you. Guedin is currently working on a free fan-made Attack on Titan game in Unreal Engine 4. Guedin’s Attack on Titan Fan Game will be a free multiplayer in which players will will fight in co-op against hordes of Titans.

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Kill la Kill And The Battle Against Anime Videogame Mediocrity

Nik Gaydon from We Know Gamers looks into the options of making a good Kill la Kill game and why most anime games don't live up to the source material.

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TFJWM3221d ago

It is not like it is confined to anime, very few games based on movies or books are good either sadly...

d3nworth13221d ago

Let platinum games make it.

Kyosuke_Sanada3221d ago

Another set of great anime based games are Robotech: Battle Cry, Macross VFX and Ghost In the Shell (Playstation One version).

TFJWM3221d ago

Ya some of the Gundam games are great as well. I think the whole mech anime genre is easier to translate over to games

Nicaragua3221d ago

All the Macross games on PSP and PS3 are really good

PlayableGamez3221d ago

I would love a Kill La Kill video game.. It's the perfect anime to have a video game spin off. I am hoping there will be a Kill La Kil fighting game similar to Guilty Gear XRD.. That would be awesome...


Attack On Titan Tribute Game Dev Explains Struggle With Depression, Development

One Angry Gamer "A recent post on the blog of FengLee.com – the same Feng Lee responsible for the development of the Attack on Titan Tribute Game – reveals some of the inner-workings of the troubled, talented, moody yet creative young indie developer. The Chinese game designer breaks down the success of his latest Giant Hunter update for his game, as well as the struggle between virtual admiration and real-life depression."