
Ask Riley - First Game You Remember + 2014 Highlights

Riley is back to answer your gaming questions. This was an interesting question for me to consider.

What's the first game you remember playing?

I honestly think mine was Pong in 1983, but I also remember at that age (3 or 4) playing atari games like Adventure, Barnstorming, Haunted House, or my personal favorite Frogs & Flies.

What's your first game you remember playing?

Thanks for watching and feel free to submit a question to Riley!

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Capcom Plans To Create Mega Man Games On An Ongoing Basis

Capcom is planning to develop brand new titles in the Mega Man franchise on an ongoing basis in the future.

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Profchaos60d ago

Question is always going to be what are you going to do with it? Capcom has burnt mega man fans many a time and trust is low overall so I think a bold new direction may not be the best idea unless it's backed with a sonic mania style project alongside it.

I could see a bold new 3d take on the Willy wars alongside a mania style game being very popular.

Just keep it far away from Live services and loot boxes

DarXyde59d ago

Hear me out.

........I think they could pull off a MetroidVania Mega Man.

Even better: make it Megaman X, but in a pre-X7 style.

Old McGroin59d ago

Or maybe do what Nintendo did with Metroid. Go from a 2D platformer to a 3D game, like Metroid Prime.

shinoff218360d ago

Sounds like a plan Capcom. Just don't forget the disc. Also I think alot of the mega man base would love to see a return of the rpg

Brazz59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

You know... I realy think a MM game that plays like ratchet and clank can work great! Mega Man can be very light hearted and family friendly, something for everyone If they use a formula similar to Ratchet and Clank, i realy want to see Capcom giving It a try.


MAR10 Day: Top 10 Super Marios—The Guy Not the Game

Super Mario has had a lot of different iterations, but for MAR10 Day 2024 (Mario Day), CGM takes a look at which is the best Mario across the entire franchise.

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2023 was the Year of Mario

With the movie, several games, and a new theme park expansion delivered 2023 was a good year for Mario fans. Mahin K, writing for overkill, looks back, and notes how 2024 is looking like a good one too.

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