
Is what Sony offering enough for the Hacker attacks?

Sony extending PlayStation Plus memberships by five days and offering a 10-percent PlayStation Store discount. But is it enough?

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Rimeskeem3444d ago

They arent even hacker attacks....... they didnt have to give anything away. Why do people have to question this stuff?

lodossrage3444d ago

Because their site(s) need hits

Gazondaily3444d ago

There's very little you can do against DDOS.

It's almost like demanding compensation for a flood that drowned your console. As far I'm aware, that kind of Force Majeure doesn't entitle you to compensation but then again, I wouldn't even remotely be surprised if people made such a demand these days.

If it was a hacking scandal I'd understand. This isn't the same thing that afflicted the PS3 all those years ago. That was downright unacceptable. This situation is completely understandable. If you're a rational human being that is.

Prime1573444d ago

5 days seems pathetic. Their site needs hits. The competition offered nothing.

People don't understand that lizard squad has been perfecting this ddos program: HELLO, they've been ddos-ing better and better and we've been making fun of them until now (and now they are selling it). It was a money ploy.

Hacker attacks... yes, but it's not a hack, and now it's available for any child with too much money.

NukaCola3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

This is like saying if there are 500 people in front of you at Gamestop and non of them are purchasing a game, just wasting peoples' time...then the store is required to compensate you for time lost.

blockcoc3444d ago

@NukaCola You're not paying a subscription to be able to walk into gamestop though.

trenso13444d ago

Did microsoft even offer anything? Cause if they didn't then why is that sony is the only one under the microscope

freshslicepizza3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

sony doesn't need to compensate their customers, instead they should be investing in a more secure and more efficiently run network. a network that doesn't bottleneck because there are spikes in users and one that isn't down for days because of ddos attacks. imagine if amazon couldn't fight back a dddos attack. the service should also not have to shut down even partially for routine maintenance either.

dcbronco3444d ago

Gamers that think they should be compensated for things beyond a companies control are brats that always feel entitled. Neither company owes anybody anything. Offering extra days was a nice gesture. What next, they have to compensate you if your home burns down?

SilentNegotiator3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

I'm just reporting this article as fake. Any site that spreads misinformation by calling/implying that a DDoS attack has anything to do with hacking should simply not be allowed to post said article here.

Furthermore, this "is Sony compensating enough?" article trend is a complete joke. PSN and XBL both had issues for a couple days, Sony offers compensation, MS offers none...and we get articles asking why SONY isn't compensating more? Where's the "Should MS give compensation?" articles?!

nveenio3444d ago

@moldybread, Amazon can be victim of the exact same attack. They aren't immune. They just aren't a fun target. People target Sony because it's easier (there is less redundancy), and they think they can get away with it. But I think the only reason Sony gave compensation is because they think they might have a handle on cracking down on attackers. And by giving compensation, they can say, "These attacks cost us exactly $X in damages." Which is way better than just asking the courts to come up with a number. This will make the penalties super sick, and will discourage the hobbyist from taking part. Sure, it won't stop attacks, but that's not the point. The point is to make the ones you catch hurt, while also saving face with consumers.

Kayant3443d ago

"Because their site(s) need hits" -Basically. Service was patchy/down for 4-5 days company gives you back said days and added bonus of a discount. There is no ready to complain or question "if it's enough" because you got back your lost service time and more.

Dee_913443d ago

I just spilled my beer
Sony owes me a new tv

N4Flamers3443d ago

Most of you posters suffer from low self esteem. Ps plus is a service you pay for. If that service is unavailable for whatever reason that is not on the user end then you deserve to be compensated. When a tree falls on a power line and shuts down your power you do not continue to pay for power and say well that was out of the power companies control.

I think sony has adequately compensated consumers for time lost. Im glad they did that, it saves face.

nveenio3443d ago

@N4Flamers, I get what you're saying, but that's a poor analogy. With power, you pay for consumption above a minimum threshold. That's different than paying for access to something.

A better analogy might be gym membership. You spend $x to access a gym for a month, but there is a major ice storm that month and you can't get to the gym. Does the gym have to reimburse you? No. They'd only have to reimburse you if they closed their doors during that time.

Sony didn't close their doors. Some idiot just parked in the entrance to the parking lot, and it made it difficult for people to get in.

But it really doesn't matter, because Sony did consumers a solid (whether they were obligated to or not), and no one loses anything.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3443d ago
Snookies123444d ago

Exactly, if it was their security being breached and hacked, then they would have to compensate. This was a simple group of people who were basically trolls screwing with gamers. There was nothing Sony or Microsoft could do to prevent it.

I'm grateful for what they're giving, because they honestly didn't have to do a thing.

thereapersson3444d ago

Because most people have no idea what hacking is, and anything that causes an e-nconvenience is considered a "hack"

Clown_Syndr0me3444d ago

Of course they did.
Have you ever been in a Cinema during a power cut? It isn't their fault but they give you a refund.

Smoey3444d ago

A DDoS is not a HACK it's an ATTACK.

People need to learn the difference before spouting out shit.

BG115793444d ago

Technically the DDOS is a tool used for hacking. It helps to figure out the weakness of the servers and to cause errors that may enable illicit access to a server.
The fact that although the connections were troubled, no information got out.This is actually a good sign that the info in the servers are quite safe.

pompous3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

Exactly. But why are there "is Sony compensating enough?" articles so often.. Do these authors know it was a dual attack and currently the other network isn't offering anything. So why are there missing articles about "is MS doing anything to make right for customers?". NEWS FLASH XBOX ISN'T GIVING OUT SHIT CURRENTLY.. That's more of an article piece than one about Sony who is the only one trying to make up for it.. I love how MS can do no wrong to the media or the industry as a whole despite them being/doing lots wrong, but never pointed out or held under the same scrutiny as they do Sony. Maybe it's because Sony is more important to the industry than MS..

NegativeCreep4273444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

All my feelings exactly! As of yet, I haven't heard any news about Microsoft making any kind of gesture of goodwill towards the people that were affected by Xbox Live being downed because of this DDoS attack, so why is Sony exclusively being scrutinized so much despite the fact that they have already made a gesture of goodwill?

This "article" is nothing but a fanboy piece.

FanboyKilla3444d ago

Lol at the dc, but honestly they dont have to give anything, and thats exactly what they are doing.

Saijahn3443d ago

They are hacker attacks, not an actual hack like last years data breach on PSN, but it's still a security issue.

And yes Sony didn't have to give away anything, but what they did give away was chump change when they've had issues time after time on their network. And I fully expect this type of attack to happen again.

We need to be honest here and hold Sony accountable for their lack of precautionary measures. Why are they the one network between all 3 consoles that consistently have this problem? You think it's a coincidence?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3443d ago
Majin-vegeta3444d ago

First off OP learn the difference between the term "hacker and script kiddie.

Second yes it;s more than enough.

Tell me do you ask for compensation for the following things when they go bust

Gas for car(When still giving payments on it)
Internet...etc etc....

I swear ever since Sony gave the 2011 games away people now expect compensation everytime soomething like this happens.Bunch of overself entitled brats is what many have become this gen.

Also before someone gives me that damn "Well you can't compare them bla bla bla bla Speech ask yourslef this.

"What do all these things have in common??That's right they're being paid for. I rest my case.

rajman3444d ago

actually when my Internet went down for about 3 days last year, I was refunded the amount it would have cost for 3 days lol

tiffac0083444d ago

What was the cause of the outage? Usually internet providers refund you if the issue was on their end.

thereapersson3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

Someone once put it best: do you call up the lock manufacturer of the locks on your door when a robber busts your door in because the lock didn't withstand brute force, asking them to replace your TV the robber stole?

Majin-Vegeta, the sad part is, someone disagreed with you first.

rainslacker3444d ago

Wish Time Warner would have done that for me before I dropped them. Couldn't go a day without the internet dropping out for 10+ minutes, or a week without it being down most of the day. Had it go down for 4 days once, and they said it wasn't their fault. Over the course of 6 months, I probably couldn't log on for at least 2 weeks worth of time.

Anyhow, it's not common for companies to compensate for down time, but I suppose it's possible if you complain to the right people.

in this case though, seems that no matter what Sony does, it probably wouldn't matter to some people.

sjaakiejj3444d ago

Isn't that the same as Sony did here? I'm a bit confused by the whole ordeal.. Most companies don't even give you compensation for downtime unless the law mandates it, so why is anyone expecting Sony to compensate them for PSN being down a few days?

thereapersson3444d ago

sjaakiejj, It's called the entitlement mentality, and it runs rampant across society nowadays.

JoeReno3444d ago

the break down of a refund for your PS+ subscription would be for 5 days (being generous) is 70 cents. so 10% off and 5 added days to a PS+ subscription is plenty in my opinion.

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SINISTERGENESIS3444d ago ShowReplies(2)
EcoSos33444d ago

Yes they are already giving you back the days you lost back and 10% of on any purchase in the store. I may not like Sony as much as I did but you dont see me demanding for more so just be happy with what they are giving you.

rainslacker3444d ago

It's enough for me, because honestly, I never expected them to do anything given that it was only down for 2 days for most people, with some intermittent problems afterwards.

Outside of the 2011 PSN hack, I've never once been compensated by any company for down time on their networks.

If they make it a standard policy to make up down time, then I think it could set a good trend for companies to try a bit harder to keep their services up and running, although I do understand that it wasn't completely on them this time.

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