
Fancy Some Dragon Romance? Here's Your Chance.

Ahmad Khan writes: "Have you ever wanted to romance with a dragon? Well, here´s your chance!

One things I love about indie games is that they are limited only by the imagination and innovation of the people behind them. That is why fans love this sub-genre of video games. Personally, I don't usually stray away from previewing the typical "former-AAA devs form an indie studio" type games, but once in a while I stumble upon a project and I say to myself "I just have to ask the developer what was going on in their mind when they decide to make this game." That's the feeling I got when I contacted the developers behind the Dragon Dating Simulator."


Dragon Dating Simulator Gets New Video and Campaign Extension

Hardcore Gamer: "Dragon Dating Simulator is still seeking funding via IndieGogo and has gained steam over the past month. In order to help drum up attention, developer M.B. Saunders created a new video preview of their unique visual novel."

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Dragon Dating Simulator Gets its First Trailer

Hardcore Gamer: "A few weeks ago a neat new visual novel campaign by the name of Dragon Dating Simulator launched on Indiegogo. As unique as the concept of entering the world of dragons and then possibly falling in love with them was, the campaign page was lacking a certain something – trailers!"

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Dragon Dating Simulator Spreads Wings on Indiegogo

Hardcore Gamer: "Have titles like Hatoful Boyfriend opened your eyes to the world of interspecies romance? If so, you’re the prime audience for Dragon Dating Simulator by M.B. Saunders which is now on Indiegogo."

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