
New Suikoden, Final Fantasy XII and Xenosaga HD, New PlayStation Exclusives & More Teased by Insider

Fans have been wondering about the possibility of a new Suikoden game, HD remasters of Final Fantasy XII and Xenogsaga (especially since Katsuhiro Harada mentioned it) for a while now, and industry insider Verendus, who is well known on NeoGAF for knowing what he talks about, dropped quite a few interesting pieces of information on the forums today, in a thread about the possible exclusivity of the new Silent Hills.

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littlezizu3503d ago

make it happen square, then you will be surely forgiven for ffxiii.

breakpad3503d ago

i hope not a MGS 4 for the PC ..i dont know why but Solid Snake must stay PS exclusive..(i know for the MGS PC port but the his real legacy is on PS consoles with the most completed versions of games)

alstruck3503d ago

If they release FFXII HD, I'd rather forgive them for holding FFvsXIII for a decade.

bouzebbal3503d ago

I have been hoping for this since PS3 came out.
This is a massive bunch of good news.

I still believe! PS4 is the hope of jrpg revival. In the meantime everyone, please go support Suikoden ll when it comes out. We need to prove that jrpg fanbase is still alive

jaymacx3503d ago

@breakpad why keep it an exclusive? I would think you would want more people to have a chance to play it if they skipped ps3 last gen or whatever. Konami has to make money besides the fact mgs5 is coming to pc and ppl want the full story ... So mgs4 and mgs hd collection makes sense. And metal gear has Nintendo roots as well but Nintendo fans have given up hope on it returning to them.

Ratty3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )


Solid Snake was featured in Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2 : Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 1 and Metal Gear Solid 2. All of which are not Playstation exclusive. Metal Gear Solid 4 is the only exception.

Actually, Big Boss just as much a Playstation exclusive character since they never ported Portable Ops (pun not intend I swear) to another console.

But then I'm not sure what would be the point of making characters exclusive to platforms.

Edit: I suppose you could add Metal Gear Ac!d which feature "Solid Snake" but they were ported to cell phones at one point.

Bansai3502d ago

Yeeee, and PS4 will cure cancer - also confirmed by an insider

user55757083502d ago

hmm i hope its FFXII international zodiac job system

most likely dragon quest VIII on ps2

Reibooi3502d ago

I would LOVE to see FFXII HD. It's my personal fav game in the series despite the fact that so many people seem to hate it. I would love to see them put in equal effort and have something that is similar to or surpasses what they did with X HD.

Also the Xenosaga thing is mighty exciting if it happens although I have to wonder what exactly they would do with it. I kinda expect them to just up res it and toss it out the door if it happens. It would be a dream if they could rebuild 1 and 2 to look like 3 did and that was it would have a consistent look across all the games but that is a damn pipe dream really.

Still I hope most of this stuff is true. Would be a shame to get excited about things that may never happen.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3502d ago
DarkAstronaut3503d ago

It's true. Verendus works for Sony. There are a bunch of 3rd party PS4 exclusives. Street Fighter 5 was just the beginning.

SoapShoes3503d ago

PS2 era all over again! 3rd party exclusives up the wazoo this gen!

DarkAstronaut3503d ago

Final Fantasy VII-2 is a PS4 exclusive aswell, again said by Verendus. It's not a remake, it's a sequel or based in the same world as FFVII. 2016, after FFXV.

AirJohnston3503d ago

Do you have a link to the FF VII-2 rumor?

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3503d ago

When did Verendus say that a Final Fantasy VII sequel was in developement?. All I heard him say was that FFVII was being remade.

DarkAstronaut3503d ago

Regarding FF7-2, he said he saw it with his own eyes early in development. If I can find the comments in the Gaf thread I'll post or PM them.

DarkAstronaut3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

Found them.



I can't find the one where he said he saw it though.

This part could be a hint at multiple titles and/or Crisis Core as well.

"The core of it will end up being a proper home console game and that's going to be the main thing, but it's basically a visit back to the FF7 world again, and there'll likely be a few things surrounding that. A large part of their discussion is likely surrounding this point."

He's like that.

I've also heard (not sure if true) it has to do with Sony selling the shares back to Square and letting FFXV go multiplatform is how the PS4 exclusively (for multiple titles?) took place.

Makes sense and the FFVII HD (as akward as it was) could be the precursor to this plan, which also makes sense.

-Foxtrot3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

I hope they do the Final Fantasy HD remake first though and not a sequel...the game has had it's fair share of extra content for that world it's time to give other FF games a shot

I hope they remake FF7 and then they get started straight away on FF8 and then FF9

Imagine the Garden Battle in HD <drools>

torchic3503d ago


pretty sure Square said there would be FFXV sequels before anything else

DonFreezer3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

It must be really funny to see people telling us about a bunch of 3rd party exclusives for the ps4 with pride and joy when they screamed about Tomb Raider going to the Xbox.The hypocrisy on this site amazes me. Someone above cries after 6-7 years about losing Metal Gear 4 to the PC telling us that Snake's legacy is on PS. Someone below talks about the ps2 era where Sony bought pretty much every third party game their dirty hands could get.Just read about Resident Evil and their dirty tactics. If it weren't for Nintendo's own faults you would never see Resident Evil 4 on the ps2. Hit me with disagrees as you always do to anyone with commonsense on this site. Also there is not way in this world Final Fantasy VII in any form would release exclusive to one platform.

freshslicepizza3502d ago

its quite obvious the ps4 will take the bulk of japanese content since the wii u and xbox one dont do well in japan, especially the xbox one. i think this is why the pc is gaining attention because the wii u cant really do the games justice, only the pc and xbox one can.

im still not seeing much happening outside of japanese studios as far as exclusives are concerned and the ps4 for aaa games no matter how much sony fans want to discredit the xbox one. its the wii u missing out, not the xbox one.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3502d ago
TheLyonKing3503d ago

I am not the biggest fan of 12, I didn't like the single player mmorpg game style and was not emotionally attached the to character but and HD remake I will sure try and complete it this time.

The controls were tight and the story was good, who knows maybe I will like it this time.

Wintersun6163503d ago

I hated it the first time I played it. I wasn't expecting what I got at all, and didn't understand much of the deeper mechanics in the game. A year or two later I gave it another chance and it became my most favourite FF game. I've completed it at least 5 times already, and I'm still waiting for this HD remaster like a kid waits for christmas.

Muigi3503d ago

I really liked the environment of 12. It also pushed the ps2 to the max graphically so a ps4 version should look amazing!

bangoskank3503d ago

FFXII is one of the best FF games. The gameplay is a lot more fun and challenging than the original turn-based mechanics IMO. The music is some of the best in the series, the characters are multilayered(even Van grew on me after a while) and it's got a great story that exceeds the typical "save the wotld plot". It would be awesome if Square remastered it in Matsuno's vision. I would become their fanboy again for the first time since in almost ten years.

Inception3503d ago

For me it's better than XIII. But the story got a bit messed up in the middle to end. Maybe it's because Matsuno not finished wrote it when he got hospitalized. Even Sakaguchi refused to play it and just watch the opening CG.

RedDevils3503d ago

@Inception even it story messed up, it still had a better story than 13 which I found very boring

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3503d ago
3-4-53503d ago

Information Overload!...can't compute!

Tons of potentially great info, hopefully we get some of this revealed at E3 2015.

* I missed out on most of Sony's good games, especially the RPG's, as I've never owned a Sony Console.

I would LOVE to play FF12, a new Suikoden, Dragon Quest 8, ect.....

All mentioned in the article sounds awesome, and if I have to buy a PS4 to play them, then that is what I will be doing eventually.

3-4-53503d ago

Also a Suikoden 3,4,tactics,5 HD remake collection would be nice as well.

Would re-introduce the series to gamers along with S1&2 on Vita.

Muzikguy3503d ago

I've been hoping that with the PS4 there's a resurgence of JRPGs. By this I'm hoping new games too, not just remakes or remasters of older games. I won't complain though if they're done right!

Tapewurm3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

The Sega announcements have my interest.... would love to see either Panzer Dragoon Saga 2 or even a Panzer Dragoon HD Trilogy.... throw in Burning Rangers 2 and a new Shining game too .... All very wishful thinking, but would love to see it. (All on PS4 and Vita too) Would also love to see footage of or even hear some news on The Last Guardian.

turab3502d ago

God. this is news alone convinced my friend to get a PS4. am glad I made the right decision for this gen and got a PS4.

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WeAreLegion3503d ago

Sony would be crazy NOT to secure Silent Hills. I'm more in favor of 3rd party developers creating for all platforms, but from a business perspective, it would be a good move.

A new Suikoden? I'm in!

vishmarx3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

im almost certain sh is a ps4 only title.sony has chosen to put up a free advert(P.T.) for years possibly(sh is way off)
theyre co publishing it at the very least
pt would have come to other platforms by now , otherwise

maybe a pc release later.

VsAssassin3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

I'm thinking, given the stupendous amount of positive hype SHs got by way of PT, that Sony is seriously considering SHs as an exclusive.

Also, PT should have already made its way to XBox One's store for XO gamers to download, but curiously it still hasn't. Either only the demo is PS exclusive, or the entire game has already been secured by Sony.

I don't want to be selfish, but I want SHs to be exclusive to Sony, so development can be focused on only one console, and its quality to be equally great.

Inception3503d ago

I think Silent Hills will be PS4 exclusive. Silent Hill 1 and Book of Memories still exclusive for PS platform. But let's wait more info about it...

turab3502d ago

its not PS4 exclusive.

DragonKnight3503d ago

Suikoden VI for PS4. Make it frickin' happen Sony. Throw money at Konami until they can't refuse. And don't put it on the frickin' Vita alone. Both PS4 and Vita fine, but not Vita alone, that'd be some real B.S.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3502d ago
bangoskank3503d ago

This is news I've been waiting to hear for a long, long time. Please make it so.

Summons753503d ago

All sounds good. Didn't care for FF12 all to much but I would love to play it again.

nitus103503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

Unfortunately the only way to play FFXII is if you have the DVD (not including pirates here) is either have a PS2 or a Backwards Compatible PS3 of course a remaster to say the PS3/4 is a good way of making money from people who don't have the original games.

Having an emulator for the PS4 would be helpful (I would purchase a PS4 immediately) but then again why create and sell an emulator (one purchase) so that you could play all your old PS2 games when you can make more money selling remastered copies of PS2 games.

Blackleg-sanji3503d ago

Suikoden.. suikoden!!! Awwww yeaaaaa suikoden VI? Suikoden II and III hd aaah i need to know

Borma3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

An HD remaster of the previous Suikoden's or Suikoden VI would bring tears to my eyes. One of THE best RPG series around IMO. I am still patiently waiting for hopefully a Dark Cloud 1&2 remaster or Dark Cloud 3. Over the last 1+ year it seems like there has been a lot of fud spread by some so called "insiders", let's hope this one is legit.

Also please do a new Chrono Trigger.

Blackleg-sanji3503d ago

As far as i kno this one has gotten a number of them either completely right or a lil off so i actually believe a little.

Dark cloud 3/ dark cloud 1&2 u say...*faints

indyman77773503d ago

I all knew Suidoken is all I need. But I'm greedy! Remakes of the others is also what I WANT!

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Sega takes legal action against individual for harassment of its employee & warns others

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shinoff21839d ago

Any idea, what was said or what this is referencing aside from a generic statement?

Profchaos9d ago

No clue j don't think it's been disclosed yet but there are absolutely cases we know if where rabbid fans overstep and try to invade game devs lives or harass them for something for example mother 3 fans

gold_drake8d ago

no, only that it happened for a long while


Silent Hill Transmission Livestream

Konami has announced that a Silent Hill Transmission will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 4pm PT/7pm ET that will reveal game updates, a "deeper look at the film," and new merch. Join us at IGN to find out what's next for this beloved franchise.

RaidenBlack57d ago

Hope SH2 gets more polish before release.

P_Bomb57d ago

I’m not paying $94 CAD for what they’ve shown me. Looks rough as sin.

Fishy Fingers57d ago

Ive seen better lip syncing during a Punch and Judy show

Sonic188157d ago (Edited 57d ago )

This looks terrible. Capcom should have done the remake 😂 The animations and gameplay looks stiff.

-Foxtrot57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Okay. I was saying before in another article how SH2 looked better than the last trailer, which is true but damn this looks rough as hell.

I wanted RE4 / Dead Space remake quality

Sonic188157d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I wouldn't buy it for $70 dollars. Maybe when it's on sale.

-Foxtrot57d ago

Yeah full price, deluxe editions, Konami are f***** tripping here.

CrimsonWing6957d ago

The characters look terrible to me… like it’s distracting.

repsahj56d ago

I will give this game a chance!!! let's go!

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