
Greek Grooves – Funk of Titans Launch Trailer Revealed

Throw everything you know about Greek mythology by the wayside, gamers, because there is a new legend coming to town.

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Relientk773471d ago

"I needed a hero, so I quickly made one." wow lol

Interesting 2D Platformer, looks fun

Lenrulesdaworld3470d ago

historians, racist and fantasy buffs won't like this lmao. funny must try game nonethrless.

Kingdomcome2473470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Awesome. I could always use more platformers in my life. Did anyone see a release date? I want to download this as soon as it launches. Edit: I found the release date. January 9'th.

WhyHate3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

This is probably closest depiction of ancient Greek life as we are ever going to get. Which is sad. Not to mention western historians and their seemingly never ending quest to white wash world history. I'm even surprised N4g let the story be posted. Will probably be getting this game btw... It actually looks good!

dalte893470d ago

lol...it seems awfully quiet in here...strange...
Is it because its an indie title on Xbox One?

Every time there is an indie for PS4 (which we have many MANY awesome ones) you guys come to shit on us.
Now that XBO has one, and a pretty bland one at that, no one
wants to say anythinnnnnng? Well? You guys finally got your 1 indie title, come and nag at your system's lack of indie goodness. This title looks embarassingly dry...smh

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Looking Back to 2015 and the Musical Stylings of Funk of Titans

Paul writes: "Way back in 2015, I was looking around for something different to play, and boy did I find it. With the release of Funk of Titans, developers A Crowd of Monsters, came up with an interesting take on classical Greek mythology."

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Indie Profile: Another Indie Points the Spotlight East

The sort of games we see are distinctly influenced by geography and language. Another Indie have decided that this needs to change.


Funk of Titans Review | Reviews 2 Go

Reviews 2 Go just finished their review of the PS Vita version of Funk of Titans. Here are their final thoughts:

"Funk of Titans is the wackiest runner I’ve ever played. While the concept is neat and slashing down ancient greeks with lightsabers is surprisingly satisfying, the clunky gameplay, short length, and a slew of technical problems make this a runner you should only get during a sale. "

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