
Chaos Reborn Early Access review – Spectrum strategy | Metro

"The creator of XCOM has remade his 8-bit strategy classic Chaos for the modern age, but will anyone but retro fans care?

We don’t generally approve of Early Access. The idea of getting to play a game before it’s finished, and to influence its development, sounds great in theory but it’s all dependent on the honesty of the developer. Having to pay for an unfinished game is risky enough, but we worry more about the wider influence of the concept. It has surely only encouraged the current fad for releasing unfinished triple-A games, with larger publishers only too happy to dispel the idea that a game has to be finished before you pay for it."


Review: Chaos Reborn: Adventures – PocketTactics

It seems amazing that a few blocky pixels and the odd beep could produce so many emotional highs and lows. Chaos, a multiplayer tactical game of duelling wizards, with its wild swings of luck often led to equally wild swings of mood.

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Chaos Reborn Review | Hardcore Gamer

Chaos Reborn is a turn-based strategy game that comes from Snapshot Games and X-Com designer Julian Gollop. It’s based on Gollop’s 1985 Games Workshop Chaos, and follows many of the original’s tenets.

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Takwin3096d ago

Proud Kickstarter backer. This is a fair score, but I would nudge it a bit higher myself. 85 overall, and almost definitely a "must buy" for fans of the genre.


Chaos Reborn Review | Quarter to Three

Tom Chick - "If there’s such a thing as 'too small to fail', it applies to this wonderful gem."

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