
Deals: Alien: Isolation $18, DA: Inquisition $45, Shadow of Mordor $14, Year of Xbox Live Gold $34

A lot of deals is available, featuring titles such as Dragon Age: Inquisition, Alien: Isolation, Shadow of Mordor, Titanfall,...

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XboxDD3506d ago

A fine price for Gold.
Not so fine for DA: Inquisition, overpriced.

2pacalypsenow3505d ago

lol DA : Inquisition at $45 is madness .
Worth every penny im so close to the Platinum trophie

awi59513505d ago

It needs to be lower because they made the console focused dragon age 2 which was crap compared to origins. Im so happy i didnt believe the hype on that one and waited for the reviews.

JoeDaniel3505d ago

a normally $60 game for $45 with over 100 hours worth of content? Just admit you're not a Dragon Age fan lol

awi59513505d ago

IM a huge dragon age fan i just dont forgive them for dragon age 2 because i loved origins so much.

Blaze9293505d ago

why are you all arguing over the value of a dollar to someone else? You see where the problem is lol...

USMC_POLICE3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

Its an amazing game

Maxor3505d ago

DA: Inquisition is a GOTY. $45 is a good deal.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3505d ago
Applejack3506d ago

I want to buy a year of Gold but I'm iffy about buying a random key from China. Anyone else have a positive experience with this?

traumadisaster3505d ago

Not being rude, but how does that link help me choose to trust this deal?

traumadisaster3505d ago

It's $40 when the us version is placed in cart...

JoeDaniel3505d ago

"A lot of deals is available"? Doesn't anyone read aloud the things they write?

ElementX3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

I've purchased from G2A a number of times but sometimes I wonder if the codes are stolen because they are so cheap. I'd feel bad if I were cheating some developer out of money. The prices are just too good to pass up though.

Dinkis3505d ago

Just bought xboxlive gold for my son and it worked so I'm happy

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The best Alien games to play while you wait for Alien: Romulus

If you've got an Alien itch you can't quite scratch until Alien: Rolumus releases, GameSpew has rounded up the best Alien games to tide you over.

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banger88105d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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DefenderOfDoom2134d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot134d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor134d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos134d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius134d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger88134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition Retro Review – A Nostalgic Leap Short Of Legendary

Dragon Age: Inquisition, developed by BioWare, is the third installment in the cherished Dragon Age series. It represents a major evolution from its predecessor, Dragon Age II, incorporating elements that were well-loved in the original Dragon Age: Origins but also introducing new features that stand on their own. While Inquisition improves upon Dragon Age II in many respects, it falls short of the exceptional standards set by Origins.

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