
Grand Theft Auto 5 Online Heists (Finally) Revealed

Ryan McCaffrey at IGN writes - "To say we've waited a long time for multiplayer Heists to get added into Grand Theft Auto Online would be the understatement of the year. The bad news is that we still don't have a concrete date for when it's finally happening. The good news, however, is that we do now have a killer trailer showing them off as well as an interview with GTA Online producer and lead mission designer Imran Sarwa"

BigBosss3510d ago

Thank God! It's about time Rockstar! Can't wait! :D

Mankey3510d ago

Early 2015. . .

So officially

"years in the making"


Palitera3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

Also they were revealed back in 2013, not now. And, again, they are using the "soon" card. This is getting so predictable...

On the other hand, the heists do sound awesome. Screw Rockstar. After this rereveal you're making it hard not to buy this rerelease...

XboxOneX3510d ago

Heists are going to be SOOO amazing on XBOX ONE. I love the trailer and it looks like the Heists are going to be very fun with friends :)

3510d ago
3510d ago
venom063510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

so this trailer show cops and robbers, RPGs, Attack Helicopters, heavy weapons, and everyone is cool with it, but when Hardline had the same things, nerds were whining about "overmilitarization of the police" and asking "why are heavy weapons in a cops and robbers game??" Gamer nerds are so fickle with their selective haterism..

FriedGoat3510d ago

Hardline glorifies the Police, you play as the cops in the single player.

GTA does not.

Not that I care either way, why are you even bringing up this irrelevant drivel?

paul-p19883510d ago

I remember when they were gonna be released in:

1) Late 2013
2) Early 2014
3) Spring 2014
4) December 23rd 2014
5) Early 2015

I am excited that they should be getting close, but this release date has been pushed back FAR TOO MANY TIMES!!! And all so they 'could put the final touches to it' (read: Sell enough shark cards to justify it, whilst giving people another costume they didn't even want...)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3510d ago
MajorGecko3510d ago

i hope they make us pay for it I have OCD i like to be fked fully not half way.

ExtoVert3510d ago

At the beginning of the trailer rockstar addresses all the fans that wanted heist..."I know you've been complaining"..."but you weren't ready"
I just find it funny i couldn't stop laughing when i saw that, but seriously its about time. Cant wait.

SP4CE_C4PT4IN3510d ago

@ExtoVert- I caught that right away too. Funny as hell.

nowitzki20043510d ago

Online heists might ruin GTA Online in some ways, if you make $100,000s or millions in a heist then GTA Online just wont be as fun, I like grinding out to have to make a million.

I just think the contact missions will be useless if i can go do a heist and make 20x as much as i would off of one contact mission.

SuperBlur3509d ago

what are you talking about , the heist will take just as much preparation as single player's one. the payout better be good or we'll have to go back to grinding a small job or 2 that gives a relatively greater reward in the long run.

nowitzki20043509d ago


But if you take 5 mil in one take then whats the point of doing anything but heists online.

Im just hoping its not too easy to make money becase i really like the way it is now. you have to work for everything.

frostypants3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

Hmmm...might have to fire GTA V up again. This is what I bought it for in the first place.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3509d ago
DxTrixterz3510d ago

I've never thought I'd live up to this moment.

poor_cus_of_games3510d ago

So March then? Looks fun though.

Fizzler3510d ago ShowReplies(1)
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GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218317d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

17d ago
Rebel_Scum17d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


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anast22d ago

It's not an easter egg, it's an advert.


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