
PlayStation Exclusive Yakuza Zero’s Screenshots & Video Show Sexy Ladies & Really Gruesome Finishers

Sega just released a brand new video and screenshots of the upcoming PlayStation Exclusive Yakuza Zero, which will be released on March 12th in Japan.

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BobBelcher3460d ago

small budget on developing this game?

kratoz12093460d ago (Edited 3460d ago )

Hell no, these games have a lot of content in it
And its one of Segas biggest IP

hkgamer3460d ago

what ip's do sega have?

sonic? ok i guess
virtua fighter? havent really done anything with it
arcade games? wouldnt know, they dont exist here
shenmue? greatest game ever and probably one of the biggest flop
virtua tennis? not sure if they do those games anymore.

Omnisonne3460d ago


Wasnt Alien Isolation also published by Sega?
I think they also own the studio but not 100% sure

Sashamaz3460d ago

So quantity over quality?

hkgamer3460d ago

depends what you mean by small budget, yakuza/ryu ga gotoku sells around a million every game. so they have a decent budget that caters for a million in sales.

international games will obviously have a higher budget.

if you are talking about the graphics, then i guess it is lacking compared to what some western developers are doing. but i guess japanese devs are not too fascinated about pushing x amount of polygons/particle/other effects and able to concentrate on having a decent looking game with decent gameplay.

Inception3459d ago

FYI, the majority of content in Yakuza series like sake, beer, chlotes, even shop are real in japan. Example:
- Don Quijote
- Suntory

Which means there's a lot of paying license to use those products / shop / etc in Yakuza series. Which mean again it's not a small budget to develope Yakuza series.

Army_of_Darkness3460d ago

The title of this game reminds me of xbox one for some reason...... Hmmm.. Can't put my finger on it...

paul-p19883460d ago

If Yakuza 5 sells well when it makes it to the west next year then there would be a pretty good chance we will *crosses all fingers and toes*

scark923460d ago

I wish they would make the Yakuza 1 & 2 HD remaster for the other regions also! Damn you SEGA D:

NarooN3460d ago

Sega... We love you. You have made mistakes over the years, but we still love you.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate to us that you also love us, you'll bring awesome games like these overseas. It's all you have to do... We don't mind if you don't dub the voices (in fact, most of us would probably prefer Jap. voices and the appropriately-translated subtitles)... That's it.

Sega...Sega. Do it.

Inception3459d ago (Edited 3459d ago )

First, you, me, and other Yakuza fans need to buy Yakuza 5 when the game release next year for US/EU.

Second, we will wait if the game sell well and satisfy Sony / Sega. If yes than we can ask Gio Corsi again to bring Yakuza 0 for US/EU.

And third, the only Yakuza game with english dub is Yakuza 1.

akiraburn3459d ago

Well said man. It's great to see fellow Yakuza enthusiasts commenting on here. I'm so stoked for Yakuza 5, I can't wait to finally get my hands on with it. That might end up being the last PS3 title I purchase. I'm a little disappointed that it's digital only, but if that's going to be the only means for them to get it released outside of Japan then I am perfectly fine with that.

On the note of other localizations, I really hope they bring Ishin over. From everything I've seen, that looks to be one of the most interesting Yakuza titles to date. I don't rightfully know enough Japanese yet, and I'm not a huge on trying to follow online guides, so I don't think I'd want to end up getting the game without some sort of subs. So, here's hoping that there's enough of us Yakuza enthusiasts that end up buying Yakuza 5 to get them to localize Ishin, Zero, and any other future titles. Perhaps they'll even consider a PS4 HD collection to get people caught up as well.

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5 Games with Addictive Combat Mechanics

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Combat is incredibly important in a game where the majority of the time is spent kicking and screaming. When the type of combat mechanics a game employs speaks to us, it instantly elevates the mood and makes the game an unforgettable experience. Let us look at some of the games where combat is so addictive that it leaves you with a smile on your face every time you look back at it.

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z2g645d ago

the combat in Control is deeply satisfying imo. you really feel powerful and its slick too.

myfathersbastard645d ago

Such an underrated game. One of my favs last gen.

ClayRules2012645d ago (Edited 645d ago )

Oh…how God of War left me in awe of its combat mechanics🤯 And throwing that 🪓 again and again, NEVER gets old😊 Never have I felt more like a complete an utter badass lol. Pardon my language. Well, come to think of it, maybe when I played as Joel in Last of Us, but idk, that’s up for debate haha!

Nod to Control, that has fun combat mechanics.

FreeckyCake645d ago (Edited 645d ago )

Could have gone a bit further and checked older games. God Hand had an incredibly addictive combat style imo.

Let's not forget Devil May Cry 5 too!

gamerz645d ago

I keep watching DMC5 combat videos but always feel like I'm just button mashing.

FreeckyCake645d ago

It takes a while for you to learn to execute stylish combos. With Devil May Cry 3/4, it took me years of practice

MIDGETonSTILTS17645d ago

I would add:

-Doom Eternal
-Spider-Man (I think they managed to differentiate from the Arkham formula, since they don’t have a “counter” button. And the zip-punch is perfect to keep momentum going)

LordoftheCritics645d ago

My personal fav combat:

1. Destiny 2
2. Skyforge
3. Control
4. DMC 3
5. BF3
6. Titanfall 2
7. Arkham Series
8. Tekken
9. HL2 series
10. Homeworld series

All for different reasons

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Are the Yakuza games good and where do I start?

Ever wondered if the Yakuza games are for you? If so, wonder no more, Pause Resume have got the lowdown on why you should play them and where you should start.

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franwex2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

I'm about to start this series. In order of release. Even though the recommendation is to start w/ 0


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