
Nobody is talking about Uncharted 4's biggest problems to solve

GotGame writes: Nobody is talking about Uncharted 4's biggest problems to solve from what know about the series' past.

nicksetzer13573d ago

I don't see how any of those things are issues. In fact, parts of the reasoning given are actually reasons it is such a great series, not the inverse.

ABizzel13573d ago

Some articles just don't deserve to be written.....this is one of them.

Army_of_Darkness3573d ago

I got 99 problems, but uncharted 4 ain't one ;-)

blackblades3573d ago

They can be written but they shouldn't be published.

freshslicepizza3573d ago

ive seen the footage and everything i saw looked fantastic. it also looks to be more open to give a better sense of cat and mouse with the enemies which is good.

AliTheSnake13573d ago

This is stupid, It's called a Genre. so you're telling me,that what defines a genre is a problem ?


Ezz20133573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

The Writer is right though

Everyone know that Drake should just go to the guy who try to kill him and give him a rose instead
and they should walk holding hands into the sunset

Amazing Amazing article
my eyes got tears reading this masterpiece of an article

MazzingerZ3573d ago

No one talks about it because ain't a problem...I wonder if that crossed his mind lol

DOMination-3573d ago

The main problem is that drake kills thousands of people and the game tells us thats ok. He faces no punishment for this even though in real life you definitely would. Afterall, hes not in a war.. or saving hostages etc. Hes trying to get some treasure.

The game is supposed to be am adventure game but all of them, especially the third are mainly third person shooters. It would be so much better if there was more exploring, puzzles and platforming and less killing waves of enemies.

Willio3573d ago


Try sudoku. Game is free. its all puzzles.

Prime1573573d ago

Domination, look for, and find a game more suited to you, then. Many love and buy these games. That's just consumerism.

There aren't problems with games where direction doesn't fit where a consumer wants it to be...

Individuals over hype.

Vaccaro from ND said this, "Uncharted is a Action/Adventure game and is made for people who enjoy those types of games. If thats not your thing, or if you feel you want a different game there are plenty out there for you.

The indie scene is the best place for unique gameplay experiences that are different from the big AAA titles.

If you are looking for different experiences try out Portal, Gone Home, The Stanley Parable, OctoDad, Journey, Flower, Unfinished Swan. The list goes on and on. There are tons of games out there for you if you are over the AAA style games. We are not making those games though, we are making the best Action/Adventure game we can and the best Uncharted game in the series. So much more awesomeness to come."

Just because the game want what you expected doesn't mean it's a bad game.

Mr Pumblechook3572d ago

Microsoft paid for the timed Tomb Raider exclusive, Phil Spencer said he bought it to compete with Uncharted. His statement was intended to deliberately pit them against each other so XBO owners don't feel they are missing out on a great game.

However some fools have taken this as licence to unfairly criticise the quality of an unreleased game, just so they can further their fanboy war.

mabreu3572d ago

I get where the article is going. We all want the next Uncharted to be the best ever in the series but changing the core gameplay does not make the game better. The entire Uncharted series, Drake shoots and kills armed people while gathering treasures and solving puzzles (oh and climb things with a grip like a gorilla). That is the core gameplay.

Yes it will be cool to have an open world for Drake to explore and not shoot so many people. Yes it will be nice if the mechanics doesn't make the game feel like a movie. But if you want Naughty Dog to make these changes, then they might as well make a new franchise.

No video game out there is perfect. Naughty Dog is not dumb. They want your money and they will do the best they can to make the next Uncharted experience great. We as gamers always want more and bigger and better gaming experience. But at the same time, we need to trust game developers and artist. Before downplaying a game that is in pre-alpha stage, remember it's Naughty Dog doing this. It's highly likely the final release will be an awesome game.

die_fiend3572d ago

@ Domination

I've never read such a stupid comment and I come to N4G a lot...

In real life, there are real consequences. In a game like this, it'd be a bit of a bummer to keep getting arrested every time you shot someone. You heard of Indiana Jones? Pretty sure most of his time was spelt in temples, melting people's faces - not being interrogated.

I'm guessing you've never played Uncharted 2 where this point is completely and utterly dealt with by the developers in the last boss battle.

And games aren't telling you it's ok to kill people btw, it's a game so fictional things happen. I honestly think you need a new hobby. And I'd advise against films or books as you might experiencing similar life difficulties. Try documentaries and factual books and they're more grounded in the reality that you struggle to let go of when playing videogames.

ikkokucrisis3572d ago

What I got out of this senseless debate...

Both Drake & Lara are MASS MURDERS, k thx.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3572d ago
opoikl3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

You could also argue that the author actually wants an Uncharted layer draped over other gaming genres instead of bringing aspects of said genres into the Uncharted formula.

Other than fanboyism, this would be the only logical explanation for his write-up..

OB1Biker3573d ago

'Naughty Dog is making a pretty game with a pretty jungle in it.'
From the start I got the feeling the author is being flippant and it tells much about the article that I didnt bother reading properly

Dee_913573d ago

If those are considered problems for you, maybe you need to play a different game.

Ghoul3573d ago

"They can be written but they shouldn't be published."

They can be published just dont read it, that load of crap

UKmilitia3573d ago

what a crap article.

I think there is a line that destroys a game story imo and thats too much open space,i think last of us nailed it because you either want a movie like experience or not.

me personally like the point A-B in games with amazing story,I dont think open world can keep a story strong because you wander off elsewhere.

while i would welcome 2 way to get up a mountain i think deep down i would like a cinematic way of geting up the hill with small scripted sections to up the tension etc

AndrewLB3573d ago

Here's an issue people should focus on...


wow... talk about HORRIBLE textures, shadows, AC, and LOD.

livedeht3572d ago

@Andrew, Wow that pic looks incredible...I fail to see your point lol

droc11233572d ago

He's worried about Drake killing too many people same problem with a lot of video games know how many times in Grand theft auto I have shot a cop and gotten away with it nobody comes to my house to investigate, it's as if it never happened, understand you're playing a video game I also hope he also realizes it's not possible for Drake to jump 60 feet from a ledge grab onto it with one hand without ripping his shoulder socket out. It's just a video game and in my opinion one of the best and one of my favorite series. People need to stop nitpicking!!!

Visiblemarc3572d ago

Yeah, I love how the gaming media is so desperate to be relevant that they write articles about how some of the most popular and beloved games are "flawed" because they don't conform to some univeral idea of perfection, that accounts for the tastes of every popinjay in the universe.

The Uncharted games are fantastic in their own way and the best of their genre.

Why don't people play Tetris and say the "character motivation gets muddied in the narrative dissonance?"

Because that's not going to work as clickbait...and yet, it's just as dumb as judging every atomic particle of a popular game as opposed to appreciating what it does as a whole...drumroll...

Entertains people.

nowitzki20043572d ago

Hes not asking for much.
Heres how we help him.

1. Take guns away from the game.

2. B to A

3. make it more like a old mickey mouse cartoon.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3572d ago
monkeyDzoro3573d ago

Problem 1: Shoot dat guy
- Doesn't Drake always shoot at mercenaries who are trying to kill and stop him to get to a treasure or smthg like that ?

Problem 2: A to B
- Hmm.. Like every other f**king game out here that's not open world ?

Problem 3: Like a movie
- God... Idk what to say.

The hate and salt start earlier than expected. LooL.
Too much clickbait article today...

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3573d ago

You know, I was thinking the exact same things that you posted in response to this armchair expert author. The only thing I do agree with in the article is Uncharted 4 would be better served being open world, but i'm not a developer and I don't work for Naughty Dog. The article only made one valid point, the rest of it is silly.

Articuno763573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

The wording choice for the headings is a bit poor. Maybe even misleading. But the writer's observations pretty sound going by what little we've seen alone.

I don't think anyone played Uncharted and thought "Awesome! I arbitrarily can't climb this wall any further to the left!". And I'm sure many find it routine when an out of place looking crag slips up under your feet whilst climbing. All an attempt to fit in a canned cinematic "surprise" that fails to surprise.

These problems dog all cinematic games, but Uncharted is the grandaddy of that style so it's more egregious. As a forerunner of its style(and because of the expectations from series pedigree and studio caliber) it has (perhaps unfair) expectations on it to right some issues that other games can get away with without comment.

Here's an example: In Uncharted 3 (?) you have to escape a flooding ship by running away from a torrent of water and jumping out of the ship, into the sea. Instead when I got the outside of the ship I moved the side of the hole in the ship, thinking the water would gush out of the it and miss me. Heh, my quick reflexes and smart thinking had saved my li-wait what? I died?

Yep, I died because there was only one illogical way to do the set-piece. Illogical because in the level just prior the game beat into me that falling into the sea = death. The game is not only overly touchy with how you can clear that sequence, but contradicts its own logic.

I've also had sequences in Uncharted 2 where I would jump "outside" of the level (apparently) onto a platform that isn't that far out and clearly not a big enough fall to be lethal (let alone impossible to climb back up). I was arbitrarily slapped with a game over screen for? What exactly? Standing on the wrong square? A square that looks identical to every other square I could have stood on?

edqe3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

I think he has valid points in the sense that there are way too much straightforward action games nowadays; lots of cut scenes, scripted moments, lots of hand holding, simple gameplay, etc. Typical AAA action game elements. He shouldn't complain about Uncharted 4 since Uncharted series has always been like that.

"Problem 2: A to B
- Hmm.. Like every other f**king game out here that's not open world ?"

Well, I wouldn't say so. There are lots of genres like; RTS, strategy, simulation, MOBA, 4X, etc.

MysticStrummer3573d ago

The A to B "problem" is funny, given that I know people who can't stand open world games. They prefer linear games with a focused narrative. For them, more open games are the ones with a problem.

MrSec843572d ago

P1)Yep, if someone's trying to murder you then you're either going to run away or try to kill them like John McClane.
People often forget that Drake's seeking out his family's property, claiming it back, other people want their fortune, so there's going to be a fight for it, it's logical.

P2)Yep even in life you have to go from point A to B, so I fail to see the problem here.

P3)Aren't games meant to be entertaining? Cut scenes are meant to set the scene, make sure the player knows what's going on.

So basically this author has a problem with the general make-up of an adventure game, with some kind of direction.

People make me laugh.

Wh15ky3572d ago (Edited 3572d ago )


I'm a bit like that, as in I not a fan of open world games, however, I'm not particularly a fan of linear story based games either.

What I want to start seeing are action games like uncharted with more dynamic style story telling in the similar vein to heavy rain. Where if you fail a bit or die the story takes a new turn or you take control of a different character instead of just being faced with that re-try screen - I hate those freakin re-try screens, talk about the ultimate immersion breaker!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3572d ago
Becuzisaid3573d ago

Hey I have an idea. Let's write an article about a successful franchise, take all the things about it like gameplay and story, make it sound like those are bad things, then publish it online for others to read.

Becuzisaid3573d ago

Oh I see...here's the problem. This is the same website that published "Forget resolution. Why Halo is really worth playing again".


Why o why3573d ago

Good find.....no smoke without fire it seems

GribbleGrunger3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

Jesus, they're starting early with this Sony exclusive. I love the taste of bitterness.

memots3573d ago

it started a year ago with the order. Then DriveClub , Then the order again, Now this. yup

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to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

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As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
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Impressive considering its a one man effort!

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Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

313d ago