
GTA 5 Heist DLC Feature list Leaked, 6 Heist Missions, New Vehicles

TheTechGame has collected the full Holiday DLC (Heists) Feature list seen below. NillxModz points out the update comes with 6 Heist Missions, New Vehicles and much more.

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Wizard_King3575d ago

This has to be a lie lol. Or an april fools or something.

I thought this was going to be one of those things that just never happened.

Bansai3574d ago

It better be free DLC, they promised heists day one in trailers.

Tru_Blu3574d ago

Not only that Bansai, I bought the game twice for $60. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend more money on DLC.

ZombieKiller3574d ago

I can't wait. I've been playing GTA V since it's launch on last gen logging in over 900 hours so far! I need some heists! It's gonna be a ton of fun to go in on a bank job together. I do hope we get some new "armored" vehicles. I'd love to see a crew garage where we can all meet up and plan it out (plus park our heist vehicles in). That's ok though, my crew all has high rise apartments with the planning rooms.

WOOHOO! DECEMBER 23rd!! Merry Christmas Rockstar Games!

lipton1013574d ago

I also love rockstar, but I hope it's free or more of an update. My only basis is that I already bought this game twice.

ZombieKiller3574d ago

They announced that Heists will be free...no worries.

Mankey3575d ago

If they hold off until 2015 R* can officially say the heists were "years in the making"

Docknoss3574d ago

Now for more music that doesn't suck... worst GTA in terms of Audio

elsuperamigo3574d ago

Yeah man alot of rap shit or gangstas wannabes music not enough rock or classics

SolidStoner3574d ago

dont you learn, you dont say what music is bad or good, its the matter of taste or lifestyle, you cant judge it, its entertainment!

silvacrest3574d ago

dont be that guy who just bashes stuff he doesn't like

there are plenty of radios stations i dont touch on GTA, no need to sh!t on them

DJustinUNCHAIND3575d ago

The thing about Rockstar Games.

They never do anything half-assed.

Something tells me that this going to be worth the wait.

EvilWay3575d ago

You don't consider GTAO half-assed?

Deceiver_Of_The_Gods3575d ago

At least they tried (and succeeded) to fix it. Plus they added tons of free content...so Yeah when it launched it had many problems which made it almost unplayable, but now it's fine..and when heists arrive...I hope(!) that they are gonna blow us away...

MajorGecko3575d ago

how is GTAO fine? AI cars still spawn infront of you out of no where some players glitch all of the screen cos connnections suck. Sometimes you get stuck in a never ending loading screen. When you buy parachutes andcustom parachute bags it never saves (thanks for wasting 30k of mine rockstar). Honestly the 360 version is more stabe, the game is still fun as hell tho.

T2X3574d ago

I'm sorry, but I have had this game for past and present gens and it runs great. I've had very little trouble at all. maybe it's your disc?

MajorGecko3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

every game that i own is digital, it is not my ps4, its the same issues i saw in the early months of GTA Online on 360 i figured they would have been settled on ps4 but I have to beta test the game a second time for rockstar.

tmh35933574d ago

yep and they refuse to believe its on their side they are saying its port forwarding and NAT issues but even after that i still cant get into a stable game with many players in it. i took a ping test and it said every game and online function should work perfectly so what should that tell them.

spaceg0st3574d ago

i'm still having a ton of issues with online. No matter when i sign into online, i never get into a populated world. AND when i join my friends, i either 1. Can't due to time-out error(even if their world isn't full) or i'll join but get dropped out within minutes.

my NAT is OPEN at type 2, (port forwarded) and my DL is 45mb/s. DIGITAL ps4 version btw

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3574d ago
ScamperCamper3574d ago

You sound like me! I 100% agree. They would rather have gamers wait than release rubbish. Oddly enough, everyone lately is complaining about rushed beta games being released upon us. Crazy!! What I was really hoping for what an official statement on PC mods. Only so far we have specuation: http://www.grandtheftautofo... I know the PC release is still being worked on, but because we've waited the longest, let's hope for some love from Rockstar. Mods, in addition to cheats? I'm down with that.

UKmilitia3574d ago

gta online is a mess imo.
the way u have to go into session,then another session to load game,invite friend you with in session.

only to be not able to carry on doing phonecall/text missions from after the 1st one you did.
to then go back into different sessions and be sat looking at the city from above for 7 out of 19 minutes.

i loved gtao but the way its structured is a complete mess and the reason me and bro-inlaw sold it.

why cant we do a mission and it say mission complete like SP and then we go onto antoher mission from in the same session.

i dont want to parachute,race i want missions and with the mess sessions are i feel heists are too little too late.

paul-p19883573d ago

I may have slightly misunderstood your issue, but they have fixed that in the next-gen version (it might be fixed in the old versions too, but I've barely played that one since getting the PS4 version).

Start up a mission with your friend from a closed crew session, complete the mission then choose freemode. Both you and your friend will respawn in your closed session and can then choose another mission. It's what me and my brother do all the time if the 'choose next mission' screen is full of boring missions/parachuting.

In the past selecting freemode would boot you and your friend into completely different servers, neither of which are closed sessions....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3573d ago
BABY-JEDI3575d ago

Well hopefully R* mix it up. GTA V is a really messed up game in a good way. Those main characters really have troublesome social issues.

The_Kills3575d ago (Edited 3575d ago )

Ive not followed up with gta after finishing it on release for last gen but ill come out and say it..

Must be joking that heists are still not released. How much more of a shafting are some of you willing to bear?

StrawberryDiesel4203575d ago

The SP warrants a purchase alone just based on the world, characters, setting and story. Online should never be the sole reason to buy this game, no rush on the heists, they will release when ready.

raWfodog3574d ago

Just curious, why do you think people are getting 'shafted' if this is 'free' DLC? I would think that is the complete opposite of getting shafted. Many developers don't continually support a game in this way.

I'm looking forward to playing GTAV this Xmas on my brand new PS4. As I've yet to play the game, I feel I'm in for a treat.

The_Kills3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

The game was purchased on the premise of them announcing it as a feature. So in essence it is not free. Just because they keep delaying it, doesnt mean its a gift theyre giving. Thats like me telling you ill get you the sugar for your coffee whenever its finished being refined. And because youre not paying extra for it, doesnt mean it's free and should be treated as a privlage.

I don't feel ive been properly treated if my coffee has been consumed and then an hour later after i left the shop i get a call saying its ready for me. Too little too late. If you are fine with companies promising something and then delivering month, and now over a year later, then you are the purpotrator of accepting diminishing standards.

By your logic even if heists dont come in 2016 then it is still ok and i should be satisfied that theyre coming at all. Why you would support such a practice as this is beyond me. The only instance i would think is plausible is that you are on their payroll.

raWfodog3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

You got me. I'm a Rockstar employee posing as a gamer. And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddlesome kids...and your dog! :)

I love the analogies that people keep coming up with to get their point across. The problem with yours in particular, however, is that your little coffee scenario would never happen.

First, you can't keep consuming your coffee as you can keep playing a video game over and over. So it's not like the product you bought is lost forever (as your coffee is). So if new stuff comes out for it, you can still take advantage of it.

Second, if you are such a proponent against companies releasing 'unfinished' product, then why, oh why, did you buy GTAV in it's unfinished form in the first place? And you say I'm the "purpotrator" (perpetrator) of accepting diminishing standards?

Third, it's a video game! A frivolous hobby, a luxury, that is not trying to make the world a better place of peace and harmony. Don't take it so seriously and get all bent out of shape cause a 'feature' that wasn't there when you bought the game is now coming.

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