
Why Didn’t Microsoft Attempt to Steal Sony’s Thunder This Week?

Matt Whitaker writes, Phil Spencer and Microsoft’s Xbox division could have done literally anything to take some of the attention away from the overwhelming success of the PlayStation Experience. They could have given us a piece of Gears of War concept art, released updates on the soon-to-be awesome ID@Xbox program (or abolished the disgusting Parity Clause that’s secretly hurting the Xbox One’s library), or put out legitimate information on how Games with Gold is actually going to get better. We could have been talking about the Xbox One instead of all that is PlayStation this week, but instead Microsoft seemed content with letting Sony steal back momentum after losing Black Friday. Microsoft has come full circle after the disastrous television, I mean Xbox One, reveal, but now is the time to start throwing hay-makers. The Xbox One has seemingly climbed back into what was seen as an impossible fight, though it’s impossible to win without attempting to put down the opponent, no matter the cost.

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Abash3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Sony has a lot of PS4 games to talk about coming in the first half of 2015 alone. If Microsoft had more Xbox One games ready for the same release window, we'd be hearing about them, hence why they didn't try to "steal any thunder". It seems like what they have planned for 2015 for Xbox One is happening in the later half of the year.

MCTJim3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I'll disagree to that. They do have games coming out. But why announce them now? Hype?, because Sony did? I would rather be somewhat surprised about new games coming out rather than already knowing whats laid out the entire year.

I remember when you just got glimpses in magazines and E3 would be their reveal. I also believe MS has an event scheduled for January next year..but its not all about XBox.

darthv723473d ago

I don't know. Maybe they are taking the higher road and being respectful. Phil might be trying to change the image of the typical MS PR person by saying good job Sony and just keeping it at that.

Not that it would change anyone's perceptions of the platform. Hell, why didnt Nintendo try to steal any of Sony's thunder as well? Arent there 3 horses in this race or did one suddenly not show up at the gate?

GiggMan3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Why announce them now?

So people can prepare to buy them lol. Games that are coming out in Feb - May should have at least been mentioned by now.

It's not about hype it's about business. If you have a product ready to come to market you announce it then advertise it...

I'm sure MS has big plans but don't expect to see anything until E3. If it's anything like their last one it should be all about "games".

Jaqen_Hghar3473d ago

If that's their strategy then why have they announced 2016 games already? If they had stuff coming they would have announced it at E3. Instead they announced stuff far off just to say they had X number of games at their conference. It's an illusion as listwar.com shows.

kurruptor3473d ago

What an idiotic question, why tell your customers what games are coming in the next 6 months?

Let's not also forget that MS has already been bragging about Holiday 2015. So, explain that one?

They don't have anything major coming out in the near future. They blew their wad this holiday.

InTheLab3473d ago

Why would they do it now? Why not. When Sony unveiled the PS4, MS scrambled and cobbled together a terrible copy showing of their unimpressive (at the time) console.

MS is reactionary like that and if they had any content outside of the usual fall lineup, they'd show it.

BitbyDeath3473d ago

Nintendo aren't racing as they share little in common with the others. They are the perfect companion console.

Xbox just has no games worth mentioning until next Christmas sad but true, no point showing anything till E3.

3473d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Look at the number of games both consoles has at the moment.

204 PS4 - 136 Xbox

Sure you could say that 82 of the games on the PS4 list are indies, but 19 of the games on the Xbox One's list are also indies.

Between the consoles there are 102 games that are available on both consoles, leaving 102 games on the PS4 and 34 games on the Xbox One?

The problem with this story is simply this;
How is Microsoft supposed to steal Sony's "thunder" when they don't have anything to show off? Seriously. I'm not trying to be a jerk or a troll or anything, but Microsoft hasn't introduced or released any new trailers or details for any of the games they supposedly have lined up for 2015. I don't understand it. They could at least post some trailers for Tomb Raider one day every other month to generate some interest. How about a new trailer/gameplay for Quantum Break? Does Microsoft have anything at all?

Double Toasted3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I'd rather have games announced then hitting the date without delay. MS does this preferably. Lol, I honestly can't recall the opposite since being a fan of theirs', as far as Xbox is concerned.

gaffyh3473d ago

MCTJim - You've got valid points, but it is a fact that MS tends to focus all their games in the last 4-5 months of the year. I don't expect any big releases until AT LEAST August. We may get something in March, but if it's not already been announced, I wouldn't expect much.

mikeslemonade3473d ago

Microsoft is too much in the red to show more.

GameNameFame3473d ago

@darth what are you talking about...

Phil has been on PR mode and been trying to hype up x1 as soon as psx hit.

He just didn't have any announcement cause there is nothing to announce.

4Sh0w3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

#1 Microsoft does not need to follow sony and react to everything sony does....nor does sony to microsoft. Consumers aren't buying more ps4's just because sony did a show that basically was all about known stuff with SF being the only real surprise. Nor would Micro gain anything with a "me too" half baked counter show that really was a rushed response rather than a compelling show done the right way.

#2 Microsoft had a great year of exclusives, finishing off with even more awesome exclusives released over the last few months released so why not take a breath and focus on letting those great games plus the value of the bundles boost their hardware sells.

#3 So what are the release dates of sony big AAA games...talking about games coming is great but without release dates WHEN?...even with release dates we've seen alot of games pushed back. It's ironic many are talking about X1 biggest games not coming to the later part of the year but when is UC2 expected??? Also I don’t think there is any confirmed release dates for most of sonys game lineup.

#4 Microsoft has plenty of games for 2015, I'm sure most will release in the later half but I'm sure they will have a few over the first 6 months of 2015 that they haven't confirmed the date yet.

#5 Microsoft has a January event dedicated to Windows 10 but there also might be some information on the X1 dashboard update/Windows pass integration, also its an opportunity to maybe highlight Crackdown progress and show more Quantum Break, Scalebound, Fable, Halo5, Phantom Dust, etc but as Phil said its best to wait for the right time when you have something more to shoe and they rather focus on E3 for a full scale game show instead of regurgitating everything we've already seen.

guitarded773473d ago

@GiggMan is right on. If MS had major release for the 1st HALF of , they are announced already. You don't sit on a major release and not announce it. It's not "hype", it promotion. You don't invest millions and not promote you're coming product.

larrysdirtydrawss3473d ago

ms knows they dont really have anything worth while coming out soon to talk about

jb2273473d ago

I highly doubt there are any secret games w/ zero marketing campaign releasing in the next couple months, or anytime before E3 for that matter...that's just not how it's typically done. MS does have Ori & Screamride coming but if you're expecting much more you'll most likely be disappointed. The MS event scheduled for January is Windows focused, it's not an Xbox event. There could be a showcase on how DX12 will effect games but the chances are mighty slim of anything being announced there at this point, unless they do exactly what Sony did & decide to show off games releasing during the holidazr

AndrewLB3473d ago

Igivehugstonakedmen- PS4 only has 177 games available. Stop trying to add in games that are not released yet.

Xbone has 141 available. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3473d ago
XanderZane3473d ago

They do have at least 28 exclusive & new IP's coming in 2015. Of course more of them will be released in the 2nd half of the year, which is what Microsoft usually does. Why? Because hardcore and casual gamers do more game buying in the 2nd half of the year. That's just a FACT. Microsoft is keeping most of their titles under wraps for the BIG SHOWS like E3, Gamescom and TGS. People think they have no games are going to be in for a rude awakening. They will release a few exclusives before the E3. Microsoft may make a few announcements in February. Microsoft will make their move on their time and not Sony's.

GiggMan3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

True, but I like Sony's strategy.

I would prefer to buy my games spaced out throughout the year (especially exclusives) rather than spend a large lump sum at the end of the year. That's also when all the big multiplats come out which makes it an expensive time of year.

Releasing exclusives throughout the year gives people plenty to do and doesn't hurt as much on the wallet at the end of the year.

KiwiViper853473d ago


Just because games release in the Holiday rush doesn't mean you have to buy all of them in that space of time.

I've been playing games constantly all year and I still havn't had time to play Alien: Isolation, Farcry4, Dragonage: Inquisition, Evil Within etc.

Anyone who has played every game out so far, isn't playing them properly

ABizzel13473d ago

Honestly all 3 have tons of exclusives when you count XBL / PSN / Wii Ware, but retail games are what makes consoles, and there isn't much coming for XBO at the beginning of the year exclusively. It seems like their new strategy is survive off 3rd party and XBLA games for the first half of the year, then put their heavy hitters out the last 4 months of the year to have a great holiday line-up, and have strong sales for the holiday.

They have a good amount of games announced already, but they need to start pinning down release windows for those games. Which ones are first half 2015, which ones are holiday 2015, which ones are 2016.

They had a good 2014, but smashing everything at the end of the year isn't a good strategy IMO. It alienates the potential sales of your games because there's just too much to play during that time.

GiggMan3473d ago


I don't have time or the desire to play every game that is released during the holiday season. I do tend to play most of the exclusive games that are released and prefer to play them sprinkled throughout the year. I'm mainly talking exclusives.

If first and third party studios had the same mentality to release all their games at the end of the year the drought at the beginning would be unbearable.

This time of year I'm basically scrambling to do Christmas shopping for the kids. I look forward to picking up something for myself after the Christmas dust has settled down. *Eyeing Bloodborne in Feburay*

XanderZane3473d ago

I'm sure they will have a couple of exclusive before the E3 hits. The PS4 has a few exclusives mainly because their games got delayed from 2014 into 2015. Otherwise they wouldn't have The Order or Bloodborne, if they had released in 2014 like they were suppose to. Besides these two games and their normal MLB 2015, what else do they have for the first 6 months. I know there are a few remasters games coming out for older games.

jb2273473d ago

I would agree w/ the rest about not having to play the games as they come out & spacing the holiday stuff out through the year, but in this day & age it's almost impossible to avoid spoilers, even if they are tagged knowing that there is a spoiler can be a spoiler in itself. Then as far as mp games, a lot of the community will have dried up not far down the line. Still good to be able to wait until reviews hit & bugs are fixed & prices are lower so I usually try my best to ignore the issues.

souga_houjou_jin3473d ago

enjoy then all i know is sony wins this generation and ms can try all they wat...its a loosing battle

hell even all these so called exclusives didnt manage to steal sony domination worldwide

sony win the generation deal with it

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3473d ago
HeMan763473d ago

Lol. You can be sure that MS more exclusives in 2015 which they even plan slide some of them to 2016. Halo 5, ROTTR, Scalebound, Fable Legends, Quantum Break, Phantom Dust,Rare's new Ip according to Spencer even more.

They were silence because preparing thunder.

ThatOneGuyThere3473d ago

its because they unloaded all of their rushed projects that were in production to the first year. they've got almost nothing to offer next year outside of halo.

Lucreto3473d ago

Scalebound and Phantom Dust will be 2016 titles.

Bayonetta was announced in September 2013 and just released this year. They also did that other Avatar game. Some expect this small studio to release a new IP next year.

Phantom Dust will be the same.

Odoylerules0003473d ago

lolololol yes... Preparing thunder...

gangsta_red3473d ago

Why do people keep saying that MS has nothing to offer next year? Why do people say they rushed all their projects to release this year and Sony is set to take 2015..?

I mean with that logic shouldn't we then say that Sony delayed all their projects and pushed them to next year? Isn't that why your 2014 was so bare from Sony's first parties?

I love this thinking that a certain fan group has on this site.

It's okay for Sony to push back and delay a crap load of games and then when they finally release them, Sony is blessing you all with tons of games. As if all is forgotten from the previous long dry spell.

MS on the other hand drops some steady amounts and prepares for next year and because they haven't shown you everything they have or pushed back a ridiculous amount of titles ...now MS has nothing to give in 2015.

The comedy continues here on N4G...we'll be right back.

MysticStrummer3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

@gangsta - "It's okay for Sony to push back and delay a crap load of games…"

Maybe because they still ended up releasing more games this year…?

"MS on the other hand drops some steady amounts"

Of the two, Sony had the steady releases all year while MS waited until the end to give the illusion of more games.

DigitalRaptor3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

@ gangsta_red

"Why do people keep saying that MS has nothing to offer next year? Why do people say they rushed all their projects to release this year and Sony is set to take 2015..?"

People say that they have barely anything worth mentioning until the HOLIDAYS because that is what MS has been doing since the Xbone's launch. Big droughts until the holidays are going to be a staple of Xbox now that Phil in charge and has admitted that he prefers releasing games in the holiday because it's a better time to compete.

People say that they rushed their projects for release (it may not be true in all cases) because they rushed most of their launch lineup to market, they clearly rushed The Master Chief Collection to market, and well… people go off trends.

People say that Sony is set to take 2015, in both sales and game lineup because they are. That is what people mean. The diversity you're going to see on PS4 in 2015 is unbeatable. Sony starts 2015 strong with a good number of AAA games, ambitious AAA/AA indies, tons of quirky bitesize indie games and has almost 3x as many games in total coming to PS4 as Xbone. Games in so many known and unknown categories, that it's almost unreal. They have AAA in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4, as well as the wonderful supplementary content. There's also the superior multiplats.

They also have PLENTY of games they can announce at gaming events in 2015 and release them within the same year. I mean they have just TONS of stuff yet to announce, even more than MS can attribute themselves to. Period. MS has announced its 2016 lineup in an attempt to gain momentum on the back of all the negativity and sales numbers, that much is clear.

"It's okay for Sony to push back and delay a crap load of games and then when they finally release them, Sony is blessing you all with tons of games. As if all is forgotten from the previous long dry spell."

It's not a "type of thinking". It's logic and normal behaviour based on what every single PlayStation console in history has offered in its first year. There hasn't been a strong lineup of exclusives in the first year of ANY PlayStation console. Sony gets racked up after about 1-2 years into a generation and after which their production rate just goes mental. No-one reacts to that, because people know what to expect from PS consoles. Stop feeling like the victim, I keep seeing it.

People are observing that MS has nothing of note IN THE FIRST HALF, and it's not looking like any of that is going to change. Remember, you're exaggerating reactions because of your own insecurity, and desire to attack Sony fans for things you wish made no sense, when in fact, they do.

SoapShoes3473d ago

@gangsta red - 2014 wasn't as bare on PS4 as it was Xbox One. Yeah as far as Sony's own first parties go it was slim and they obviously haven't started firing on all cylinders like they were on the PS3 but the PS4 got 3rd party exclusives too and had them spread out more evenly throughout the year whereas the Xbox One had an exclusive in March then nothing all the way until the last day of September. So how exactly has MS been dropping steady amounts again? A gap of over half a year is NOT steady.

redwin3473d ago

@digitalraptor, uh? ... I've been a gamer since colecovision and Atari, so obviously i also owned all the ps consoles, also a few consoles that you've never heard about like turbofx16( bunk was a good game), and I can tell you that ps has always dangled a carrot in front of you (they are not kidding about "greatness awaits" you really have to wait. But they usually come out with the game eventually. Ms can not do an event like psx, they are lots of xbone terrorist that will spin what ms has to say. I like both consoles and they both are great, believe me, Xbox users will have lots of games to play this holiday, and the next. They are talking about that new gears remake for next year, I'm having lots of fun with horizon and the master chief collection. There is no insecurity, none. The first 3 months of 2015 might be your time but there we go with that carrot again.

MysticStrummer3473d ago

@redwin - You may have no insecurity, and that's great, but some of these other folks either have huge insecurity issues or they're putting on a convincing show.

gangsta_red3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Excellent sales pitch Digital, I swear you must be a marketing tool for Sony because that sounded straight off the back of a Sony PS4 promotion pamphlet.

Funny how you and others can sit and wait patiently for Sony to release their top tier games that they delayed and pushed back from 2014 to 2015. Salivate at games already announced but given no date, but for MS there's nothing more, nothing for 2015, no variety even though MS has given their Xbox just as much variety as you "claim" the PS4 is getting.

MS also has a lot if their Xbox ID games coming in 2015, also Below and Ori, not to mention a lot more AAA titles. Everything you stated for Sony, MS is bringing for 2015 also. But for some reason, you and these "others" don't see this.

"People are observing that MS has nothing of note IN THE FIRST HALF, and it's not looking like any of that is going to change."

Interesting that those same "People" happen to be either Sony trolls or extreme sony fanboys like yourself. I wonder, if Sony wouldn't have delayed Bloodborn or The Order what would you guys have had the first half of 2015 FROM Sony? Lord knows they had a huge dry spell that started after beginning all the way to Driveclub.

"...you're exaggerating reactions because of your own insecurity, and desire to attack Sony fans for things you wish made no sense, when in fact, they do."

The irony of that statement is almost blinding to read. Especially from someone who constantly puts down extreme, exaggerated and overblown Sony marketing PR spin in almost 98.9% of his comments.

souga_houjou_jin3473d ago

wow sony are soooo afraid lol
we saw what happened with the milked collection lol broken game and failed to sell boxes worldwide

scalebound will flop platinum games right ?
fable legends ? dude dont make me laugh fable died with fable 2

quantum break new ip i bet it wont surpass 1.5mil with that pathetic worldwide install base the xbox has

phantom dust what fail game is that lol

deal with it 2015 is sony year now go back and play halo the complete broken milked collection kkthxbb

DigitalRaptor3471d ago

@ gangsta_red

You asked questions. I gave you VALID answers. Jesus christ dude. I love the "you must work for X" responses, because those really prove nothing but insecurity from the accuser. I form my comments with coherence and flair, and all of a sudden, I have to be a Sony employee because I'm providing logic.

Hey, at least if I were a Sony salesperson, I'd be honest… right? Well of course you wouldn't agree because you have a stick up your ass that both consoles have to have equal lineups next year, but they simply don't, so I'd still be an honest salesperson.

You simply can't accept what many others with half a brain have already noticed. Name me all of those AAA exclusives coming from Microsoft in the first half of the year. Name me all those ambitious indie games. Name me all those high-budget free-to-play games. Do it. You won't be able to.

Notice, how I'm not denying Microsoft's diversity in 2015. Notice how I'm not saying that they have a bad games lineup. I'm saying that Sony has a MUCH, MUCH stronger lineup of games throughout 2015. I'm also saying that Microsoft has a TERRIBLE way of pacing their exclusives, because that is absolutely true.

Your insecurity makes it seem to you that I'm saying MS has nothing worthy in 2015, when in fact, all I'm saying is that Sony has more of everything. A LOT more.

"Everything you stated for Sony, MS is bringing for 2015 also. But for some reason, you and these "others" don't see this. "

No they aren't. It's not even close. Do me a favour and prove otherwise.

Notice how you also deflected my point about Sony taking 1-2 years with EVERY PlayStation console to get their exclusive lineup on point. Suddenly, it becomes about apologetics, when in fact shoving all their games into the holiday season is what Microsoft will be doing by Phil Spencer's own admission.

That's right Mr. Insecure. Phil Spencer, said it… not me.

"The irony of that statement is almost blinding to read."

Until you prove me wrong in this case of PS4 having an unequivocally stronger 2015 than Xbox, that's nothing but irrelevant conjecture.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3471d ago
ThatOneGuyThere3473d ago

their only plan was to try to undercut the competition price-wise, since they really cant sell the systems any other way. sound familiar? 360 did it, too. High failure rates, minimal first party exclusives, cheap price. at least the xb1 had a decent first year, game-wise, and it seems to be more stable hardware-wise. XB1 is definitely going to have to keep their 349 price point. microsoft really cant compete on a first party studio level. next year is going to be painful for their fans if they cant put some games together. only offering halo isnt the way to do it.

yarbie10003473d ago

I'm aware you're trying to paint Microsoft as desperate.

But your comment painted a better picture of desperation

etownone3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )


Quantum Break
Tomb Raider

Those are 3 exclusives I'm looking forward to next year from MS

Then there's Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Scalebound, Crackdown 3.

And sure there are some I'm missing and some that will be announced at E3 like MS alwasy does.

I didn't see anything new from Sony this week.... Just updates on 4 games we already know about. And then there's SF5... In 2018 which is just irrelevant to think of for now.

ThatOneGuyThere3473d ago

i actually praised MS for having a solid line up this year, and for making better hardware than they did with the 360..but whatever. I dont think MS is "desperate" at all, I think they're trying to stay competitive. the ONLY way they're positioned to be competitive right now is to offer their product for less money than their immediate competition. They KNOW how their product stacks up on level price points, (hint: it doesnt) so they are going to plan b, sell it for way less. as for exclusives, im not sure if your reading comprehension is up to task, so ill try again, in caps. MICROSOFT DOES NOT HAVE AS MANY FIRST PARTY STUDIOS AS SONY. Literally Halo is the only game anyone cares about for next year on the system. by anyone i mean the casual MS player that makes up the vast majority of their audience. If sony only had Uncharted next year, they might have to drop their price too.

SoapShoes3473d ago

@etownone - Now I know you're trolling. Nothing new from Sony this week and 2018 for SFV? Lying to yourself about what Sony has to offer... Wow, what some people will do to justify themselves.

NuggetsOfGod3473d ago

@That one troll there

Who told u only halo is coming??

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3473d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3473d ago

The answer is simple really MS burned themselves out at E3 and Gamescom.

Phil Spencer had to give us all he had planned at those 2 events.

Plus MS releases info on different trademarks on different games here and there such as Battletoads trade mark, Twisted Pixel's new game, Rares new game, Black tusk's Gears updates.

Sony is more in your face while MS casually updates, hints/ announces projects on a more regular basis.

MS has NEVER been this looses/consistent with its 1st party updates and its all thanks to Phil.

So while MS may have two main stages to talk about and announce the biggest games Sony has more events planned through out the year to announce more stuff than MS.

But MS is very consistent on regular days giving us more info about their first party stuff.

So can't really say MS isn't doing anything.

miyamoto3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

From the get go, since its announcement, Xbox One has proven it has no clear vision of the future of gaming or where it is going at. M$ was more focused on the digital rights management, politics, money making matters, its partnerships with other companies like television companies and network, cable networks, media conglomerates, US government agencies like the NSA, and everything else with video games as second best priority.

So when their plan backfired they are in a big mess. Scrambling to pick up the bits and pieces they find out that its too late now as the PS4 has made so much progress with the inroads inside game developers' trust and confidence. In fact many have seen the outcome of this competition already hence deals like Street Fighter V exclusivity happened.

M$ and Xbox has lost its way.

That $150 price cut is really an act of reactive desperation. They have fired all their guns last Black Friday. And there is not much left.

They don't have a Mario killer like the Genesis had. Nor a Crash Bandicoot because quality games is not the Xbox One's priority which is evident with the hardware.

I tell you guys, Xbox One will stay reactive to PS4 for the rest of its life cycle even to the point that they will again jump the gun again with a new 4K Gaming Console with a one year head start like they did last gen.

Oh yeah, I can see it coming now.

Spid3r63473d ago

They have the windows 10 event coming in January and Phil Spencer will be present for that event. Might have some goodies stored there.

kstap333473d ago

I'm happy that they are release heavy in the fall. Gives me time to catch up, and at discounted prices ;)
Those PS4 games that finally get released next year will cost you all full price. Just another way to look at it.

2v13473d ago

I also believe MS has an event scheduled for January next year..but its not all about XBox.

I also believe that im going to hit the lotto next week.

FanboyKilla3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

lol this is childish. the author literally tells you his mind works like or less than a middle school kiddie. if your gonna do that im gonna do this. lol why does something positive for someone have o be negative for the other? sighs tis the way of the world. sad. dont mind me, carry on.

GameLover563473d ago

Lmfao Sony fan you are delusional please name the Multiplats and Indies you will be getting for 2015 Umm Uncharted 4 won't be out t'ill late 2016 so lets start
bloodborne delayed
the order febuary

what else ??? lmfao exactly right indies do not count as exclusives so please spare me from laughing

Xbox One will own 2015 with new Ips tons of exclusives and pact with other goodness from features and what not

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3471d ago
yarbie10003473d ago

Why don't multi-million $ companies do knee-jerk reactions like gamers do with tit for tat announcements /s

OC_MurphysLaw3473d ago

Agreed..no reason for MS to jump just because Sony had a good event. Right now price is really working in MS's favor for holiday deals so they have the ability to let that work for them and take a little bit of time to craft their own kind of showcase (if they do) for early 2015.

FriedGoat3473d ago

True that, they're practically giving xbox away for free.

Sevir3473d ago

Lol. The amount of knee jerk reactions MS did in 2013 and even into 2014 was enough to make ones head spin... The botched abysmal XBO announcement in May, the E3 showing, then a week after E3 the policy reversal, then they discounted the XBO with Titan Fall after sales paled in comparison to Sony, then in May 2014 they dropped Kinect and changed policies on Games with gold, launched the indie program, and when nothing sales wise happened, they did a fire sale took a big loss on the hardware and bundled the console with its biggest games for the holidays and then discounted those bundles even more over black Friday weekend just so they can remain competitive this holiday season. From $500 to $350 ($329 the weekend of black Friday) in one year is knee jerk... And that $350 price point is only until Xmas season is over.

URNightmare3473d ago

Because the got nothing. They didn't even have any presence at the VGA's.

darthv723473d ago

I didnt know there were rules for such things.

I thought these companies make their own plans but if you are saying that no presence at the VGA's means they have nothing then... +bub for you mr. insider.

URNightmare3473d ago

Microsoft has been REACTING to Sony's ACTIONS ever since the PS4 reveal back in February 2013.

Maybe that's why it was surprising they didn't do anything this time? They just don't have anything to show right now.

But according Major Nelson on.Twitter last week, they are now doing something about it, it was something like "thought it was going to be a quiet week. Looks like that's not the case anymore."

Sounds like another REACTION to yet another ACTION by Sony is comimg soon.

ScorpiusX3473d ago

They were at Experience with Mojang Minecraft update . Lol

RosweeSon3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Yeah that one update will keep them afloat with no other games to show and a weaker console, good luck to em they gonna need it. People can say the line up is lacking all they want as I agree luckily I've had a massive last gen backlog so I've not even noticed but at the end of the day 15 million plus people are clearly happy enough with the games line up to go out and purchase the console, smart move if you ask me. As even myself who hasn't barely used it apart from the last month or so now has over a year worth of free games and the console hasn't dropped in price in the slightest and yet they say early adopters get shafted!!' Times are changing as is the dominant force in the gaming marketplace, Sony are back get used to it, they haven't just celebrated their 20th anniversary through chance.

Etownone... That's less than 1 game a month hope they live up to their hype... Schedule looks barren and tomb raiders about a year off and will jump ship once they want to start shifting some serious numbers. Not to mention you say Sony have showed nothing new yet the games you listed are 90% sequels, fable, tomb raider crackdown 3 and halo 5 yeah proper new.

Clarence3473d ago

They don't have anything to steal it.

RiseofScorpio3473d ago ShowReplies(1)
Spid3r63473d ago

That is because Xbox owner are pretty happy with what they have delivered to us so far. Xbox Owners had the better line up this year, and one of the reasons Sony had to keep showing the same games they have already shown in other events.

Clarence3473d ago

I'm a PS4 owner and I think the PS4 line up is better. I'm very happy with the PS4.
Did you know that SFV was going to be announced? What about actual gameplay of Uncharted 4? Meanwhile M$ shows Halo and Forza.

M$ had to keep lowering the price and giving away free games, just to win Black Friday. They still ended up losing WW.

The PS4 is a beast and its only going to get better. 2015 is right around the corner. Nothing but games for the PS4. I never worry Sony and games, because they always bring something new to the table. The PS4 is in the driver seat this gen. M$ can only sit back and watch.

Just wait until Sony decides to drop the price on the PS4.

tlougotg3473d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Why Metal Gear Solid 3 is the Best Prequel Ever Made

With Metal Gear Solid Delta on its way, we look back to see how the original Snake Eater is the foundation on which the entire Metal Gear series is built and is without doubt the greatest prequel ever made.

just_looken6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

The fact you can kill the end by either changing your console clock or my way when he is on the dock is such a cool Easter egg.

My video/play through i time coded the part of end getting killed at the dock

The river scene with ocelot's dad will also change depending on your kill count

So many things that can change on each playthrough

Oh also the iconic ladder scene always a classic

just_looken5h ago

wait are people upset i gave out spoilers on a 20 year old ps2 game?

Like for real this was on top of alot of charts for sales with so many different versions

SimpleDad5h ago

There are many people (new) that didn't experience the game dude.

just_looken5h ago

It's 20 years old man these new "gamers" are weak

No one here ever turn on a history channel or go to school there are scary spoilers there too.

Getting hate for talking about a 20year old game on a comment section with a article that talks about the 20year old game with spoilers in the article

" original Snake, aka Big Boss, whose DNA was used to create the clones Solid, Liquid and Solidus"

Quick call 911 IGN spoiled the game

Chard3h ago

Wait til he realises there are people born years after MGS3 released who are now getting into mature gaming

just_looken1h ago


I was watching robocop before i grew chest hair are you seriously saying people only play M rated games after they turn 17?

Chard1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Im referring to the weird conclusion you jumped to, which is that anyone who hasn’t played MGS3 by now took too long and are also weak for being bothered by spoilers this long after the original release.

Plenty of people without chest hair will try this remake as their first exposure to MGS3. It’s not somebody’s fault or weakness if they were born in 2010 and had better things to do than play MGS3 prior to this remake. The world doesn’t revolve around you

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Inverno4h ago

Have an agree, if people haven't bothered playing a 20 year old game and get mad at spoilers then they should stay out of enthusiast posts.

just_looken1h ago

Right and this article has series/game spoilers

Yui_Suzumiya3h ago

I'll call the WHAMBULANCE for the down voters, lol

just_looken1h ago

Right? like wow perhaps i should post about the gta 3 story in the next article get hate there for spoiling that game.

SimpleDad3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

You really are something. Not only does a world turn around you, but you also are sensitive to 5 dislikes.
Who is weak now?
All remakes are done to bring in a new audience and make new money.
Why would you spoil a game or any kind of media for whatever reason If You experienced it?

Ohhh for your Youtube channel... there it is.

Jesus... imagine if someone commented your gameplay. Badly...

My boys will experience this remake for the first time.

just_looken1h ago

1. Its not the dislikes its many post's on this site and other's always the haters or like you mad about spoilers on old old games.

2. My youtube channel is older that most "gamers" today i lost alot of vids do too youtube bots and yourself has no proof even playing any of the games so go ahead post away on stuff you have no idea how to play.

3. My header is real i used to make a few k or more a month or more with mahcinima when bf/gta/halo/world of tanks were in there prime.Now there is just few vids here there

MeteorPanda2h ago

love it.

Just remember while this game came out years ago, theres a whole generation f gamers who would have never played it. it wasn't current for them.

So the remasters are aimed at bringing in new fans of the franchise, posting these may spoil it for some.

just_looken1h ago

The article literally has spoilers in it who the boss's kid is the eva relationship and entire series information you only get by playing the games.

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VersusDMC5h ago

Personally DMC3 is my favorite prequel. MGS3 is top 3 though next to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Kinda surprised Red Dead 2 isn't IGN's pick for best prequel.

just_looken5h ago

Its red dead revolver red dead redemption red dead redemption 2

I am still waiting for a way to turn off kingdom hearts looping music but the collection is cheap on amazon for those wanting 2 play the games.

franwex4h ago

My favorite prequel is Yoshi’s Island.

Yui_Suzumiya3h ago

Dan Salvato's favorite game to speed run

mastershredder1h ago

Ever? So much nopes to this. Also, IGN licks feat for $.


Fallout Shelter is still great, but it deserves a sequel

When Fallout Shelter was originally released, a lot of people quickly fell in love with it. The game is addicting, as you expect any good mobile game to be. That said, it could definitely be improved with a sequel.

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Why Astro Bot was the best part of State of Play 2024

It’s been a little over a week since State of Play aired. Honestly, the only game that excited us is Astro Bot.

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shinoff21839h ago

It was really one of the only few that felt like a Sony game. The others felt like Sony just copying.

ocelot078h ago

Probably my most anticipated game across all platforms this year.

GaboonViper5h ago

Mine too, Jeff Grubb says its like old skool Mario with loads of hidden secrets and levels, im gonna be spending my time searching every crook and nanny.

Mr_cheese34m ago

Look for all those nannies hahaha

northpaws8h ago

Definitely, and the Horizon Lego game actually looks crazy good as well, there were never a Lego game where everything on the screen are actually legos, it looks very impressive.