
Top 5 Games to Look Forward to in 2015

Drew Koehler from Geeks Under Grace writes:
2014 was a great year for this generation of gaming; however, 2015 has some amazing games coming and you should be excited.

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purebennyc3574d ago

Batman Arkham Knight is the game I am most looking forward to next year closely followed by Mortal Kombat X. Played some early code from Mortal Kombat X a couple months ago and it was very good!

reaper6023574d ago

My top 5:

1.Yakuza 5
2.Mortal Kombat X
3.The Witcher 3
4.The Order 1886
5.Xenoblade Chronicles X

Tdmd3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

I just can't stop at five:

The Witcher 3
Persona 5
Uncharted 4
Batman AK
FF Type-o
The Order
The Division

medman3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

If I had to only play five in 2015.....

Uncharted 4
No Man's Sky
The Witcher 3

But there are so many more I want to play, like Rime, Quantum Break, The Order:1886, Ori and the Blind Forest, Below, The Division, Arkham Knight, Star Wars Battlefront, The Tomorrow Children, Until Dawn, Alienation, Hellblade, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, The Witness, Adr1ft, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Project Cars, Halo 5.....and I haven't even listed any Nintendo games yet. And Zelda really should be in my top five, I just can't remove one of those other games for it.

Clumpy3573d ago

1. Bloodborne
2. Zelda U
4. The Witcher 3
5. Uncharted 4

Games I hope for:
New CoD by Treyarch,
New Metroid By Retro Studios.

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shadowT2h ago

Get it on PS5 and PC, or wait for the Xbox Series version. Don't miss this great game!

Hofstaderman46m ago(Edited 45m ago)

Why I own a console. Dont care about the best framerates I just want to load up a newly released game and play. Ease of use.


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