
Eight of the Most Frustrating Unlockables in Video Games

UM writes: "Finishing a game can sometimes elicit a twinge of remorse. You had all this fun challenging yourself, but now it’s over. Sure, you can just start from the beginning again. However, repeatedly replaying a game the exact same way can get… uh, repetitive.

To combat this major downer, game developers started including new fun things to unlock as you progress. They serve as a reward for players who stick it out to the end, and they also give curious players a treat for exploring every nook and cranny of the game.

Or, they could drive you to the point of insanity. With regards to that last category, here are the video game unlockables that gave us all aneurysms."

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jasminlenovo3583d ago

Infinity Face Paint — Metal Gear Solid 3 is bes of all .. just amazing

Tzuno3583d ago

Knights of the Round — Final Fantasy VII

F*** this thing. I don’t even want to talk about it. hahahahhhh, epic.

Simco8763583d ago

Knights of the Round, something I won't forget. I did this for myself and like 2-3 of my other friends.

Chocobo breeding isn't that bad with help from the internet, then you can use the infinite sprint trick when racing them to S class....now that I think about it....

F*** this thing. I don’t even want to talk about it.

Delive3583d ago

The onion knight didn't make the cut huh? Lulu's celestial weapon was on of my top 3.

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Resident Evil 2 GOG PC port finally gets a release date

Following the surprise release of the classic Resident Evil 1 earlier this year, GOG has announced when the next entry will be available on PC.

Puty36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

It is criminal that this playstation born classic is still nowhere near "classics" of PS Premium.
And give me trophies in these games, Sony x/

TheClickGG36d ago

Agreed. Although, if you do have a PC or a way to emulate games, Retro Achievements does have a fun list for RE2, I think its like 131 achievements.


This Guy Rebuilt The Original Final Fantasy 7 In LittleBigPlanet 2, And It's Awesome

Nearly 27 years after the original game's release, Final Fantasy 7 superfan Jamie Colliver has finished his magnum opus: A shot-for-shot remake of the original PlayStation 1 game, created entirely via LittleBigPlanet 2. Colliver's remake reimagines the original game as a platformer, with every scene, every location, every line of dialogue, and every song from the game's OST painstakingly implemented .

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Babadook749d ago

The effort here is impressive. Hope it doesn’t get taken down.

fr0sty49d ago

He should have done it in Dreams though, the limitations of having done it in LBP are obvious.

solideagle49d ago

ah Dreams had so much potential, I think they should have released it on PC. one can only dream about dreams sale and popularity on PC. PC has modding/creative crowd and I think it would have been a hit

gleepot49d ago

I love seeing projects like this. So much passion and time.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne88d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.