
PlayStation Store Black Friday 2014 Flash Sale in North America On Now

Adding to the long list of Black Friday 2014 deals, the North American PlayStation Store has started a Black Friday Flash Sale, which places various PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 games on sale.

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TrendyGamers3529d ago

Transistor is more than worth it at that price.

chrismichaels043529d ago

All of those games listed are worth playing. And getting them on sale so soon after their release is a nice little bonus.

abstractel3529d ago

Loved Transistor. A bit short but very stylish and more importantly very fun. Great, cyberpunk like story.

BattleAxe3529d ago

Go check out Steam and Origin, and then tell me how good these prices are...

Anon19743528d ago

They sell PS4 games on Steam and Origin? I had no idea! ☺

BattleAxe3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

Are you guys really that confused? The OP was saying how great these prices are, and I'm saying that these prices aren't that great compared to what other services are offering. Go check out Steam and Origin to compare the sales. Thats all I'm saying.

It's no wonder games cost more on consoles when you have people saying that these are good prices, without comparing them to anything else. It's mind boggling how fanboyism has translated into people thinking that higher prices are better because they're Sony's higher prices....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3528d ago
user55757083528d ago

mehhhh i was hoping for ps1 classics for 1 or 2 dollars like theyve done in the past

Wedge193529d ago

Man, more stuff to spend my money on! Wahoo!

Sev3529d ago

Not only am I going to be broke by Saturday, I'm going to be in debt if they keep having these sales.

Anon19743529d ago

I just found out recently that Diablo 3 has couch co-op and I was looking to pick this up for Black Friday as it's still $65 (in Canada). Cheapest Black Friday deal I saw was $40 with most places selling it at $50, but I wasn't going to be able to get out to the stores tomorrow. $34 for this title...just made my day. Think I'll pick up Second Son at $20 as well just for the helluva it. :)

abstractel3529d ago

Infamous SS is more than worth the price. Hell, it's still one of my favorite next-gen games. It was a bit short, but it was really, really fun and also one of the best looking games of this gen so far.

pivotplease3529d ago

Also in the market for Diablo 3, but I can probably wait a few months for the hard copy to drop to $30 or less. I would go for it if it was "spend $50, get $10" like it used to be because I've already dropped $15.

pivotplease3529d ago

There are also usually ridiculous Christmas sales. That's when I got Killzone Mercenary for $9, GoW: Ascension for $19, and MGS HD for Vita for $11 all recently after being released. I believe Ni No Kuni and Blood Dragon were also dirt cheap but I can't remember if it was the same sale.

MrChicagoWind3529d ago

Duude, I remember the days when it was spend $100 get $50. I feel like digital games are waaaay over priced. You can do so much more with a physical copy in terms of lending and resale.

TheFutureIsBlue3529d ago


Amazon should have Diablo 3 for 25-30 tomorrow for black friday.

Anon19743528d ago

Looks like Amazon has it on for $35 but that doesn't ship to Canada so no help to me. Amazon.ca has it for $40. Still happy I jumped on this. I don't lend my games out and I'd probably only ever get $5 trade so digital doesn't bother me much. Ended up being 27GB if memory serves so not taking up too much room either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3528d ago
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Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

Christopher30d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher30d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken29d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken29d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno30d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg30d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX30d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar30d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

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Einhander197242d ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

tay870142d ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg42d ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj41d ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

ABizzel141d ago


Ninja Theory is likely on the chopping block too. They released Bleeding Edge which bombed, took 4 years to release Hellbalde 2 which doesn’t seem to be doing well, and still have Project Mara in limbo. They’re high on the chopping block.

MS was likely expecting their God of War / Uncharted quality game from NT based on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, and to an extent Hellblade 1, but NT hasn’t delivered since Hellblade 1 which was 7 years ago.

Sonic188141d ago

And Obsidian after Avowed releases

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 41d ago
Petebloodyonion42d ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!


3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 41d ago
anast42d ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds42d ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander197242d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast42d ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds42d ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

romulus2342d ago

Hi-FI Rush sits at an 87 on Meta with an 8.8 User Score. By every real metric that matters it's better than average and it's definitely a game made by a studio that should not have been shut down.

Fonsecap42d ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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11 Black Friday GPU Deals: 4080, 4070 Ti, 7900XTX And More

Modern GPUs are the most expensive component of any gaming PC by far. However, this Black Friday allows gamers to score some very decent GPU upgrades!

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