
Rock Zombie Review | RealGamerNewz

Alisha of RGN writes, "This game is a great example of mixing the old with the new. This game is a great mix of modern 3D design and the classic arcade style side scroller. The player goes through level by level defeating different kinds of zombies moving along beating the crap out of zombies with a guitar and earning magic. As the player stores up the magic they can start to use it, there are different moves that they player can use but they are basically really powerful blasts. Every time you use magic the meter goes down. The player earns magic through finding bottles of it and killing zombies by hand. When killing zombies with the guitar there is basically two motions, either across or down and there is always rolling to evade an attack as well. There are also some levels that are played on a motorcycle and are more of a move and dodge feeling to them as well."

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Rock Zombie Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming

ThisGenGaming says "At first glance, Rock Zombie looks like a cheesy side-scrolling beat em’ up game with a minimal story. You would be correct! This is exactly what Rock Zombie is. A horde of zombies invades the rock concert of an all-women band and tries to eat their brains. Your goal is to kill all of the zombies, this in turn completes the levels and allows you to progress."

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ZTGD | Rock Zombie Review

Drew Leachman writes: I was asked to review Rock Zombie. I had no idea what Rock Zombie was, but as I say in many of my reviews, I’m willing to give anything the old college try. I booted it up and immediately knew what I was in for. Right away the lifeless, Second Life-looking characters mixed with the simplistic game design was a dead giveaway – this was going to be either so bad it’s good, or just plain bad. Sadly, there is little to no good I can tell you that.


Rock Zombie Review | GameSpew

Indie developer Quaternion tries to breathe new life into the classic side-scrolling beat 'em up genre with Rock Zombie, but sadly it falls rather flat.

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gamer78043211d ago

Sure it's simple. It's indie. But Imnhaving fun with it. Worth 6.25 Only real gripe is the comic strip scenes are just in game screenshots with a bad filter over them