
What's Happened to Shadow of the Beast?

Paul James writes "Indie development is typically a slower process than AAA development which usually involves 5-6 developers versus the hundreds that AAA devs have at their disposal, but the time has come for something more. When can we expect to hear more from Shadow of the Beast? Who knows, but when it finally comes around, here’s hoping that the wait has been worth it."

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Playdor3593d ago

Big fan of Shadow of the Beast 2. The atmosphere, the music, the puzzles were fantastic. Really looking forward to this. Hope to hear about it soon.

mixelon3592d ago

I prefer SOTB3, beast 2 is more of a classic but Jesus, if you don't use that cheat code it's nigh impossible. Completing SOTB3 was pretty doable.

Good to see people who've played them at all though tbh. :)

Playdor3592d ago

2 was a nightmare, if I remember, I ended up cheating too!

gangsta_red3593d ago

This game better have the awesome Psygnosis box art that has nothing to do with game or else it will fail!

mixelon3592d ago

Roger Dean is 70, but still alive! I'd love if they managed to include his work again somehow. :D

Godmars2903592d ago

Worst thing of the new gaming generation: announcing titles waaaaaay to early.

KiwiViper853592d ago

Ye, very few surprises nowadays. I understand that most games need marketing in order to sell enough copies, but i'd rather hear a game is 2 months away, than 2 years + delays.

Snookies123592d ago

I personally don't think a game should be revealed until the year it's planned to launch.

Spotie3592d ago

What's happened? It's being developed, that's what.

Now shut up and wait like we all used to do back in the days before we knew every little thing about every little game.

Adolph Fitler3592d ago

Apparently it has merged in development with The Agent...So now it is called Shadow Of The Agent...

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Representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming: Suggestions from Reddit and Twitter

Dragon Gaming recently published an article on Welsh representation in gaming. The article was comprehensive enough – covering big hitters such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Ni No Kuni, as well as some lesser-known games, people and companies. It seems, however, that they missed quite a few neat cases of Welshness in the industry. Many people in the community reached out to them on Twitter and Reddit, pointing them to check out some of the examples they missed, so check out they did. Here’s a little more representation of Wales and the Welsh in video games – straight from the community.

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2777d ago

Free Shadow of the Beast 1989 PS4 Dynamic Theme Looks Pretty Bloody Cool in Action

There’s a free dynamic PS4 theme on the PlayStation Store that UK residents can download at no cost. Lovely stuff, right? Now you can see it running in action - and it looks pretty damn fine.

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There’s a Free Shadow of the Beast PS4 Theme, and It’s Damn Cool [UK]

The UK PlayStation crowd often gets some decent freebies that make their North American counter-parts green with envy.

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masterfox3004d ago (Edited 3004d ago )

meh is on brexit side!!!!!