
Video: First Skate It Wii gameplay trailer

Electronic Arts has today released a new trailer for Skate It on the Nintendo Wii, which shows off the first in-game footage we have seen. It isn't long, but we do see a number of tricks being performed (not by the Balance Board though, 'member?) in the deserted city of San Vanelona.

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PS360WII5829d ago

Looks pretty smooth should be pretty fun. I'll be looking forward to using the balance board with it too ^^

the mollusk5829d ago

I heard that using the balance board is really clumsy and doesn't work very well, though. Me? I'll just be using the wii mote, or even better just a damn gamecube controller, if it supports it.

xhairs95829d ago

I could see this paving the way for new sports games if it includes the balance board. If the balance board sucks, back to the real board --- the drawing one.

Looks like a ton of fun since I used to skate, I might have to get this for my mom's wii and steal her console ;)


MMGN: Skate It iPhone Review

MMGN: Skate It” brings the popular “Skate” franchise to the iPhone after a brief outing on the Nintendo DS, but just how well does it perform on the new mobile device?

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CatGlue5027d ago

Skate is a pretty cool title on 360, but 3/10 on the iphone? that's a shocking job :(

Gaetano5027d ago

Didn't know this was on iPhone. Doesn't look very good.

Pilkingbod5027d ago

A skating game on iPhone? It could've worked.
It's a shame this didn't work out.

kk13875027d ago

touch control would have good potential for this sort of game... wish they incorporated it a bit better..

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Pads & Panels: Skate It (iPhone/iTouch) Review

When considering the existing pedigree of the Skate series, there were higher-than-normal expectations for the mobile version. Unfortunately, Skate It could only be considered part of the series as a stranded stepchild. Using the accelerometer to control movement, a push button, grab button and finger motions to perform tricks, the game presents too much to control in comparison to the console version. It has a stunted career mode that focuses on challenges rather than free skating, and graphics that look worse than the original PlayStation One Tony Hawk game. Skate It isn’t Skate, but a quick attempt to cash in on the series without adapting the title properly for mobile users.

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Mac World: Skate It Review

Mac World: Skate It is EA’s latest skateboarding app for the iPhone. Based on the popular Nintendo DS game by the same name, Skate It features real brands, a ton of customization, and a unique—but not necessarily easy or convenient—“flick it” method of controls.

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