
The Five Most Under Appreciated Video Games of 2014

Ray Porreca of Entertainment Buddha writes: "Be it due to a more niche genre, lesser known development teams and publishers, or having an unfortunate release window within the shadow of a blockbuster title, these games represent the best – and most under appreciated – video game releases of 2014.

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Kal-V33532d ago (Edited 3532d ago )

"For the Greater Good"

SmokingMonkey3536d ago

I really want Transistor and Freedom Wars.

But the second I buy Transistor BOOM free on PS+!

Lionalliance3536d ago

Freedom Wars is awesome! People need to play it!

tacotruck3536d ago

It's great that people are enjoying Freedom Wars, although it certainly demands more attention than it has gotten. Hopefully PSTV sales will bring it to a bigger audience in the future.

NotAfanBoyy3536d ago

Freedom Wars, like many PS Vita *exclusives* isn't compatible with the PS TV.


tacotruck3536d ago


Freedom Wars does in fact work with PSTV.

WeAreLegion3536d ago

That was the one nobody expected anything from, but then everyone loved it, so they wouldn't shut up about it for a month.

NeoGamer2323536d ago

Wolfenstein definitely deserved lot more publicity and sales. The 16+ hour campaign was spectacular!

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Nihon Falcom wants to "eventually" re-release Trails in the Sky for modern platforms

While yesterday Nihon Falcom announced the latest The Legend of Heroes title for Japan, during their investor Q&A it was revealed that the company plans to re-release The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for modern platforms - though they don't quite know what form such a re-release might take.

Vits221d ago

If they released a physical collection of the original Trails of Sky, I would get it in a heartbeat.

shinoff2183221d ago

Hell yea. They've been killing it the last few years. Appreciate it

Relientk77221d ago

I hope so! I would totally get it

LiViNgLeGaCY220d ago

They should. They're freaking great games.

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Eleven great Japanese games under $15 to get on the Steam summer sale (2023)

Steam's annual Summer Sale is here again, and here's a couple of great deals for fans of Japanese games who aren't sure what to get!

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389d ago
389d ago

5 Best Supergiant Games' Original Soundtracks

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Isn’t it such a blessing that the studio that gave us such great games like Hades and Bastion has also given us incredible soundtrack albums too? If you like these games, you might want to look at the five best songs that the indie studio Supergiant Games has given us.

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