
Review: ‘Assassin’s Creed Rogue’ – Deja blue | Play Enlightened

Joe gives his thoughts on'Assassin's Creed Rogue' - "It doesn't do anything revolutionary, ingenious, or innovative. Instead of refining what 'Black Flag' did so well and enhancing it, 'Rogue' feels lifeless, boring, and an exercise in going through the motions.

'Rogue' feels like a game they didn't need to, or want to make, but needed something on the calendar for this year in each category. While the setting is interesting, and we would like to see a return here, hopefully next gen hardware will breathe new life into the entire series. Ubisoft could use a good waking up."

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It’ll Be Fine, Right? Five Games With Unfortunate Release Strategies

Mark from WellPlayed writes about five game launches that were impacted by unfortunate scheduling.

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jznrpg507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.


Top 4 Open World Games With the Best Enemy AI

From Xfire: "Enemy AI is a difficult subject to tackle in video games. Some may argue that current tech isn't advanced enough to implement ultra realistic AI. However, in a world where your phone's AI can book appointments for you, can't it spot a hooded figure hiding in a 'crowd' of four people? In fact, the AI in 2006's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was so smart that the developer had to 'dumb' it down for the final release."


Full Chronological Order Of All The Assassin's Creed Games

From Xfire: "Blending real-world history with a gripping fantasy story is quite a thrilling concept but with a dozen games released over a period of 13 years, understanding the chronological order of the Assassin’s Creed franchise can be a challenge for anyone. This is further complicated by the fact that Ubisoft decided to leap through the timelines with the release of Assassin’s Creed Origins.

The exact play order of the series can be a heated subject among the core fanbase. Should you play the games in chronological order? Or should you play through the series in order of their release date?"

Jpinter1412d ago (Edited 1412d ago )

Cool feature. The anchor point links need to be fixed in the article, but otherwise great stuff. Thank you for posting!

Wuket1412d ago

Thank you, just realised that the TOC is not working

1412d ago