
Girls Make Games Weekend Workshop

Learn District Inc. announces a new female focused videogame designer workshop

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Gamers In Beta Podcast 119: Bubble Gum Dialogue

Fresh off a visit to the annual Boston Festival of Indie Games expo at MIT in Cambridge, MA, Jay and Mike of the Gamers In Beta podcast are back and ready to report on some of the games they had an opportunity to play. Also, Xiantayne from The OMG Hour joins the show to talk about the latest PS4 sleeper hit, Until Dawn. Lastly, CapnMikeM interviews Golden Ruby Games about their upcoming game Extreme Exorcism, which releases on September 23rd for consoles and PC.

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Boston Festival Of Indie Games Opens Registration, Looks for Funding

"The “indie spirit” is a topic we have discussed in depth here at the Indie Game Magazine. If I was to name an event to define the “indie spirit” it would easily be the Boston Festival of Indie Games, or Boston FIG. When I attended the first Boston FIG, I had just joined the Indie Game Magazine, so when I was walking through the crowded halls of MIT, meeting all these developers who live and breathe indie games, I realized how much I wanted to be a part of not only this industry, but this culture." - Sam Adonis

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