
Far Cry 4 PC vs PS4 Head2Head

Watch a video comparison between Far Cry 4 PC and PlayStation 4.

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sigfredod3498d ago

Really amazing what ubisof acomplist with the PS4, really close to the superior pc version

cayleee3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Its a cross gen game designed for last gen consoles, no doubt PS4 version will be close to the PC.

What you need to look at are games designed for new gen systems, how well consoles fair on that. On most of those games consoles can barely hold 1080p.

Yet still on this last gen game PS4 is just doing 30fps, which is not a good sign. If PS4 was so powerful it should have been doing 60fps easy.

Not to mention the Superior PC version can be had cheaper.


Yea lets ignore any PC exclusives that will be released. Or the fact PS4, XB1 hardly have any games. Meanwhile PC has thousands on its list.

I rather see another trend happening, more and more multiplats which previously never made it to PC are now releasing on PC.

Lulz_Boat3497d ago


can't wait to see PS4 OR XBONE exclusive-designed games like unchy 4 destrying everything currently released on PC.

Play2Win3497d ago

Im gaming on PC aswell but I dont like your statement. Ps4 doing amazing job right here. 60FPS needs sooo much more power.

Paprika3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Why bring up titles in the thousands on PC?.. when the console has to start from scratch each gen, and 12 months in vs 12 years.... stupid point you made for this thread just makes you yet another fanboy spitting out unrelated remarks.

Everybody knows PC has access to more titles. What does that possibly have to do with "today's" far cry 4 vs comparison?...

You state this is a last gen game. OK sure, well when consoles are 2-3 years old this gen and reaching optimization levels allowing 60fps, then you will mention these last gen games? Again, PC are expected to hit higher levels today... 60fps and the current gen has been obtained on PC for years, common knowledge. But consoles reaching comparible levels is far more interesting imo.

How many PC games are as well optimized as Tlou on ps3? Console optimization is always the only strength they have, and while that's mainstream and games are made for console then improved for PC... PC will never truly be anything other than the go to platform for gaming purists. Which is fine by me!

cayleee3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

"You state this is a last gen game. OK sure, well when consoles are 2-3 years old this gen and reaching optimization levels allowing 60fps"

People made the same remarks with the Xbox 360 and PS3, specially all the hype for the PS3 and the Cell. We always heard remarks such as "oh the optimization is going to allow 1080p gaming". A long in the tooth gen later hardly any AAA games with 1080p.

Sure its just the start of the gen, but the games being rolled out are cross gen too. Once true next gen games are out you can only expect consoles going down to 720p 30fps gaming, while costing more per game.

Now sure console makers are going to come out with cheats such as using blur filters instead of real AA and call that optimization if you can call it that.

Edit: I didnt bring up PC BC capability until console fans bring up console exclusives lol. Why dont you flame them for mentioning console exclusives, when its obvious PC has more exclusives releasing year on year, not to mention the incredible BC.

decrypt3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )


"Im gaming on PC aswell but I dont like your statement. Ps4 doing amazing job right here. 60FPS needs sooo much more power."

30FPS may be good enough for some, personally i think its a slide show. Waiting for dips to take it down to the 20's or worse teens.

darx3497d ago

Why compare we all know PC poops all over consoles.

UltimateMaster3496d ago

@Lulz_Boat I'd hardly compare an open world game like Far Cry 4 to a linear action packed game like Uncharted.

its_JEFF3496d ago

@Cayleee Huh, another PC guy bring up 1080/30 or 1080/60... we get it already, actually we've known it for a long while that PC's will always be more powerful. I feel like now that it's gotten kinda close, Some PC guys have become angered by it. It's so weird, why? why are you guys so defensive when it comes to graphics?

You bring up the fact that the PC has thousands of exclusives on its list right now... 90% of those are indie games. It's like you guys don't really care about what the game is or if it's actually any good... what I'm seeing is that what really matters is if it's running above 1080 and more than 60fps.

seanpitt233496d ago

Let's be honest these consoles are not as powerful as they should be but Sony was in no position to put another $billion dollars of better specs in the ps4.The gddr5 was a big decision and cost a lot of money. As for Microsoft they had the money but they went down a different route they could of had a really powerful console but decided against it and it went in sonys favour.

JayRobert3496d ago

You're so dumb, this game was designed for next gen actually can't u tell?! Stop being a twat

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mark3214uk3497d ago

what the pc fanboys dont like is they have tested this on a pc for the same price of the ps4, and that the ps4 looks better because it is optimized better for gaming

so natural they will say the pc version is downgraded
but if you run it on a $2000 pc it will look better but of course it would for that price

cayleee3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Cant compare PC to same price PS4, since consoles have too many hidden costs, which once accounted for make console gaming super expensive.

Pay more per game,
Pay to go online,
loose all games at start of gen since no BC,
No mods,
Lack of discounts like available on PC.
Cant do any real work you need a PC anyways.

Consoles just have too many indirect costs once added up, makes consoles more expensive than high end PCs.

Also dont forget PCs are a long term investment. You dont go on buying an entire PC everytime you upgrade, However you do go on buying console at full price when ever you buy a new one.

I must have upgraded my PC many times over a decade, but i sure as hell dont go on buying a New casing, mouse, keyboard, DVD drive, PSU, HDD, OS, MB, CPU etc every time i upgrade. Most of the time its just the GPU upgrade which happens once in 3-4 years and its enough to keep up with gaming requirements.

Patrick_pk443497d ago

I built a gaming PC for around $800 and upgraded my graphics card to a GTX 970 last month, which costed $350. That's basically $1150, and I have around 60-70fps, 2K resolution, and running the game on Ultra. You pay more upfront for a PC, but eventually your console will cost you more than a PC.

its_JEFF3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

I agree with both of you above... you will pay more up front for a PC but you pay less in the long run. Do you think that is appealing to today's consumer? They only see the initial price tag. The initial sticker shock is enough the scare them away from ever trying to go the PC gaming route, it's that simple.

Youre basically asking people in this day and age to wait when they won't wait for anything else: Instant video isn't instant enough, cable internet isn't enough for them, instant noodles aren't that instant. People love smart phones, they also love paying the subsidized prices for them eventhough they will pay more in the long run with the 2 year contract. The smart thing to do buy the phone up front and go with a much cheaper prepaid plan.

And TBH I feel like there is still this stigma, among the general public, that PC gaming is "uncool" or "nerdy." Console gaming became mainstream because celebrities started admiting that they played "playstation/Xbox".. . unfortunately that's how it goes with our pop culture obsessed society.

bouzebbal3497d ago

quote me one PC game that looks as good as Uncharted 4 (i'm not saying better not to make it TOOO hard for you)

decrypt3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Lol you arent asking for much. Uncharted 4 isnt even out yet. When its out we will make comparison and there will be dozen of multiplats that will end up looking better.

Going by history Uncharted has never been a graphical beast when compared to PC games. Infact look at areas where they dont want you to, Uncharted 1, 2, 3 were filled with low res textures. Multiplats on PC beat those games.

PS Sony has a history showing off games then later only to downgrade graphics to the point where its no where the same as was originally shown.

AndrewLB3497d ago

The cut-scenes in Assassin's Creed: Unity on PC are easily as good looking as the cut-scene from the Uncharted 4 trailer.

Keep in mind, you've never even seen actual gameplay from Uncharted 4, so you have absolutely no idea how good it looks. All you saw was a pre-rendered cut-scene that was running on PS4 hardware.

Btw... if history is any indicator of Naughty Dog game graphics, expect them to be downgraded from what you've seen in that trailer. People always rail Ubisoft for downgrading games, well... ND practically invented the practice.


solar3497d ago

I love Uncharted games but come on mate, that was nothing extraordinary.

sorane3497d ago

Star Citizen destroys UC4. All while being an open game compared to the short linear mindless game that the UC series has always been. Short linear corridor tps are at the bottom of the list when it comes to technical prowlness since the developer knows exactly what you're doing, when you're doing it, and where the camera is while it's all happening. Meanwhile Star Citizen is pushing 30+ million poly scenes with 4-16k textures with true support for 8k resolution, etc, etc, etc all with totally open ended gameplay. No console game is doing anything close to that.

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totalrecoilzz3497d ago

shame the game is boring to play..its far cry 3 with different people the story in bland boring its a case of go here go there bla bla bla.

starchild3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Sure thing. I must have just imagined having fun for those hours I played it today. Not to mention the game has been getting some very high scores from reviewers.

You haters are so funny. Don't you have something better to do? Like going and talking about whatever game you think is so amazing?

LightofDarkness3497d ago

Settings? Hardware used? 60 FPS comparison?

The game also uses a lot of Nvidia specific features that genuinely elevate the visuals. The fur tech is VERY impressive, Percentage Closer Soft Shadows work wonders too and TXAA is practically necessary in this game, as traditional MSAA or SMAA/FXAA don't help with alpha texture aliasing, i.e. leaves and grass which this game is covered in. Temporal AA really works wonders on the foliage, especially when you mix in HBAO+ and Enhanced God Rays (all Nvidia exclusive as well). All PC users also have Tree Relief (tessellation on tree bark) and enhanced water FX.

This is also perhaps the best looking next gen game I've seen yet, it really is stunning in places. So glad I went SLI on the GTX 970, I run this game between 80-110FPS generally with everything on Ultra, Soft Shadows on, TXAAx4, HBAO+, Enhanced God Rays and Fur Tech enabled. There is some mild stuttering when loading lots of textures which I imagine may be a buffering issue, hopefully sorted either via patch or user config tinkering. That and the mouse sensitivity needs some attention. But bravo to Ubisoft on this particular development, it really is stunning in many places. I only wish this stability and attention to detail carried over into AC:U.

starchild3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

I agree with most of what you said. The PC exclusive graphical features really do make a difference in this game. The tessellated god rays in particular are just vital to the look of the game for me. They look so amazing and really add dimension to the lighting. And HBAO+ is always a big improvement in the games I've seen it in. The shading in FC4 is vastly better than the exaggerated and somewhat inaccurate implementation in Far Cry 3.

On the other hand, AC Unity is a more graphically advanced game overall. The physically based rendering, the global illumination, and the shading in general are simply second to none. The character models, too, are on a much higher level. The detail, density and scale are also more impressive than anything else I've played. It's currently my main go-to game for eye candy. I haven't played a better looking game than Unity. But Far Cry 4 is very beautiful in its own right and it is definitely one of the best looking games we've got so far this generation. Of course, subjective appreciation comes into play too.

By the way, you have an impressive rig and that's some nice performance you are getting. I'm currently on a single GTX 770, but I have a GTX 970 on the way. I'm looking forward to the improvements.

LightofDarkness3497d ago

I haven't played Unity yet so I can't speak of its visual prowess, and I'm also not really an Assassin's Creed fan so I likely won't be buying it. I am however acutely aware of the issues it has on most people's machines, and I recall TotalBiscuit having to entirely give up on the game due to the myriad issues presented on his own machine. I sincerely hope they iron out those problems in short order, otherwise people won't care how good it looks or how much effort went into it.

Patrick_pk443497d ago

The studio who developed Farcry 3 & 4 know how to optimize their games with the engine used. However, the developing studio for ACU does not. I am running the exact same setting what @LightofDarkness is running and receive the same beautiful performance, however, on ACU I receive around 50fps to 60fps on average, but there is a lot of pop in and bugs in the game. Their engine is terrible and the amount of NPCs rendered on screen is useless and pointless, I'd rather have them rendering 1,000 NPCS instead of 5,000+ especially when you can't even see 5,000 on your screen.

LethalButterfly3497d ago

im ps4 user but even i know that the pc is double the frame rate.

windblowsagain3497d ago

We can't we all just say this.

PS4 looks excellent.

PC looks excellent.

It's possible to make it look better and run at higher framerates if you have the hardware.

I think this is something we all know.

urwifeminder3497d ago

Pc version has crushed blacks lol .

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DefenderOfDoom293d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot93d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor93d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos93d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius93d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8893d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo928d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.