
Top 5 One-Man Armies

Hardcore Gamer: Here’s a look at video game heroes who make the concept of an army obsolete, with their unbreakable fortitude and an embarrassment of ways to strike at their foe (which is usually a whole country).

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Gamer7773600d ago

I don't get how Connor is on the list based on the description given (I haven't played any Assassin Creed games). What about Max Payne, Master Chief, Sam Gideon, Samus, Ryu Hayabusa and other characters that have enormous kill counts and powerful tech or magic?

ShaunCameron3600d ago

After unlocking the Sai-Fung in the OG Bayonetta, I must say her being mentioned is accurate.

nosferatuzodd3600d ago

This list sucks only person on that list that needs to be there is that witch chic

raWfodog3599d ago

And you're saying Kratos doesn't belong on there? IMO, the list at least got it right with him being in the top spot.

I could be biased though ;)

BattleAxe3600d ago

1. Kratos
2. Master Chief
3. Nathan Hale
4. Nathan Drake
5. Snake

PopVoxuli3600d ago

Your list is about as perfect as it gets!

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Atsuko Tanaka, The Japanese Voice Of Bayonetta, Has Passed Away

She also played Chun-Li and Major from Ghost in the Shell

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EternalTitan33d ago

Dying at 61 in Japan is too young.

gold_drake33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

oh shit, i did know that the Major voice actress passed away but i didnt know she voiced bayonetta too

rest in peace

jznrpg32d ago

I saw this on an anime site yesterday. She had an awesome voice. RIP

Chevalier32d ago

Major is definitely one of my all time favourite anime characters so this is really sad

FACTUAL evidence32d ago

Too many greats passed in 2024. Life is never promised. R.I.P


Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic417d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7423d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK423d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem422d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account422d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

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henbayward422d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188422d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer422d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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