
Far Cry 4 PS4 Versus Xbox One Video Comparison In 1080p: Both Versions Are Almost Identical

"Ubisoft have been under fire recently for their less than impressive Assassin's Creed Unity. Unity, which is a current gen exclusive, suffers from poor performance such as stuttering and frame rate issues, although we found out that the PS4 version seems to hold itself well when there is a lot going on the screen."

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u got owned3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

What's the resolution on XBO and PS4?

They look nearly identical

XboxOneX3505d ago

xbox one has better framerate.

3505d ago
chilopirrin3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

and tell me how can you see it pendejo? it is just a cinematic secuence, and youtube only allows 30 fps, so tell me, how can you tell that the xbox one have better framerate? oh i see, your id is xbonerx, nevermind...

3505d ago
Alsybub3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )


YouTube does 60fps now. May not apply to this video but I thought I'd keep you informed. YouTube' compression is another thing though.

Still, looks lik the another game that's virtually identical on both systems. That can only be a good thing for gamers, right? I'm sure I'll get plenty of disagrees from a certain group.

Also, what's with all these games with better frame rates on X1 at the moment? Cod, Assassin's Creed and now Far Cry 4. I don't want to hear all of the conspiracy theories, I'm genuinely interested in knowing why. With Far Cry 4 I'm only going by the post above, so I font know if it's fact.

retro_3505d ago

Why are they comparing a cut scene?

btw, Digital Foundary analysis of the PS4 version is up


1080p/30 smooth as silk on PS4. there goes your theory about XB1 version having better frame rate then, LOL!

OB1Biker3504d ago

Theres no 'conspiracy theory' , only people who dont fully read/understand Digital Foundry analysis.
to answer your question :
COD is better on PS4 , Ass CU is a mess on ALL platforms and FC4 comparison not up yet but very good for PS4
Check out DF sometimes to get precise answers

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3504d ago
Hanuman3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

A Ubi Creative Director has stated that it's 1080p on both. I'm anxious to see how this whole parity-thing will, again, leave it's marks on the PS4 version. http://www.videogamer.com/x...

marloc_x3505d ago

A moment of clarity.

There is no 50% gap in performance..

dirkdady3505d ago

I believe he said its 900p upscale to 1080p on Xbox one see here mid page -

3505d ago Replies(1)
Ch1d0r13505d ago

These days, we should be lucky the game even works, hehehe.

Tsar4ever013505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

Well, looks like Digital Foundary has to sort this out, OH wait! Here's the PS4 evaluation at least. And it's GOOD!! PS4 crowd goes wild!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3504d ago
sugawalls3505d ago Show
TheWatercooler3505d ago

If they are both 1080p then the PS4 is still being held back if they look the same. It's still parity

darthv723505d ago ShowReplies(3)
gangsta_red3505d ago

So how much further could the PS4 go in terms of resolution if both are in 1080p?

Why o why3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

I doubt any increase in resolution above 1080. Ill use ground zero as an example with the added graphical features as something that could differentiate or give an example of the added horsepower (something to do with the sky with the x1 version didn't have). Nothing mega major but something all the same. Honesty not trolling.

d_g3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

so what you Want ? the game run at 4k and 120fps on ps4 Because ps4 have stronger gpu

It's a console not super hot pc

u4one3505d ago

Seriously man. You need to come to the realization of what the actual power differences between the x1 and ps4 are. I know people working on this game, personally and they are making both versions as good as they possibly can running on that engine. They are not holding the ps4 back.

The power differences are that its a bit easier to hit 1080p on the ps4 than it is on the x1 in some circumstances. The ps4's memory speed allows it to have a hair sharper texture filtering in situations where the x1 needs to be optimized a bit more when the title is trying to hit 1080p on both systems. the x1's new sdk's make it easier to get power out of the x1 which is why we are seeing more games coming in at 1080p. Nobody is disputing that the ps4 isn't more powerful, but its not like the difference between a console and a pc. it isn't a pc in console clothing no matter how much you want it to be.

A happy PS4/x1 owner.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3505d ago

nothing new

again parity existed in 6th generation
xbox and gc version of multiplats downgraded for ps2 version

G20WLY3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

Yes, that was because PS2 sold SO MUCH more...like PS4 is doing right now - what else you got? ;^)

user56695103505d ago

Ooooo the internet gonna go up in flames. To fanboys this mean parity. Devs have been working tech that's beyond these consoles capabilities but somehow the fanboys expect the small difference to be comparable to consoles and high end PC's. Sorry to break it to y'all but 1.3 vs 1.8 tflops or whatever it is, isn't a lot when most devs have been seeing +5tflops for the longest wake up these consoles are up 2 the challenge. This is just the beginning. Choose a new topic because the gfx thing hasn't been going y'all way since this Gen started . PC games been out shining next games since launch and they're PC that came out before them. What more proof you need if most of the top gfx next Gen games are straight PC ports. N the new games have to be downgraded.

zero_gamer3505d ago

Let's put aside the whole "this chunk of plastic is better than that one" for at least one game. No?

Hardcore_gamerxbox3505d ago

Lol I do love fan boys like you if Sony brain washed you for that ps4 is 50% more powerful it's not devs problem ps4 might be powerfull than Xbox one but it's not that much that make you notice it in the games

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3505d ago
3505d ago
Riderz13373505d ago

Why are people still using youtube videos to do graphics comparisons?

Hanuman3505d ago

The bigger question is; why do we care enough about these videos that we need to leave our thoughts in the comment-section?

OB1Biker3505d ago

These sites do it on purpose knowing a lot of people believe they can see what the real console on large TV would be like on their 1/4 tablet screen from compressed vids. Its even hilarious when gamingbot does animated GIFs comparisons.

G20WLY3505d ago

Because showing a crappy quality video/screenshot comparison helps sites like Gamingbolt sell the idea that both versions of a game "look practically identical", when in reality, on a decent screen and running directly from the systems, they don't.

It's good that it stops people fighting over consoles, but it's bad because it's outright inaccurate. *sigh* :|

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

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DefenderOfDoom297d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot97d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor97d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos97d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius97d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8897d ago (Edited 97d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo932d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.