
Phil Spencer: Quantum Break "Looks Great;" Rare's New Game Put a Smile on Phil Harrison's Face

Phil Spencer's visit to the UK studios working on Xbox One will end tomorrow morning, and after checking on Playground and Rare the head of Microsoft's Xbox division paid a visit with Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison to Fable Legends developer Lionhead and Remedy Games.

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AngelicIceDiamond3543d ago

"Rare's New Game Put a Smile on Phil Harrison's Face"

Wow and that guys hard to please.

darthv723543d ago

There have been several Rare games that put smiles on my face as well. Grabbed by the Ghoulies is a hidden gem on the original xbox that i'd love to see a sequel to.

Others that Rare made back on the N64 could be remade as well. Jet Force Gemini is a fun game and i think we already have a feeling there will be a Battletoads game at some point.

christocolus3543d ago


I'm so glad Phil harrison and Ken Lobb are overseeing UK studios. Both guys have a good eye for talent and great content. Can't wait to see what these studios have in store for fans also it seems Playground is already working on something new.

Bubiii3543d ago

What else are they going to say...? Quantum Break looks ok-ish and new Rare game is meh...?

slate913543d ago

Well with so much on the line, Im sure phil doesnt want to lie about a game being good

Concertoine3543d ago

I think a lot of people are misunderstanding your comment at first glance haha. Myself included.

Concertoine3543d ago (Edited 3543d ago )

Yeah, he should keep his mouth shut /s

Yoshida does it. Aonuma did it a few days ago with Zelda. People are excited about the games they're making/coming to their platform. Blasphemy, truly.

CrowbaitBob3543d ago

Of course there's also the possibility that Quantum Break looks great and the new Rare game put a smile on Phil Harrison's face.

OOMagnum3543d ago

I have a feeling we're getting two rare ips. A rare made Banjo, and an outsourced Battletoads.

nirwanda3543d ago

Sounds like conkers bad fur day to me.

OOMagnum3543d ago

Thats definately a possibility. That'd be another over the top game,ala, Sunset.

MeliMel3543d ago

Yes, the cameo in Project Spark was the hint it was coming.

christocolus3543d ago


I think the KI devs will handle battletoads while BK will be given to Press play. This new game by rare will be a new and unique ip.

ziggurcat3543d ago (Edited 3543d ago )

QB looks absolutely amazing. it was one of the reasons i bought my xbone.

MazzingerZ3542d ago

Do you come from the future? How's 2016:-)

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Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 8h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 7h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 7h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 7h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 7h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 7h ago
GaboonViper1d 7h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino13h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


IGN Instructed & Offered Prizes for Crowd to Cheer During Phil Spencer and Other Live Interviews

During the IGN Live interview with Phil Spencer, the crowd cheered even if the topic was about closures, and its because they were told to.

GaboonViper43d ago ShowReplies(15)
Snookies1243d ago

Just reading this headline alone made me feel grimy. Disgusting, all around. Haven't trusted IGN since over a decade ago, so this isn't really surprising to hear.

Leeroyw43d ago

IGN lost a lot of credibility a long time ago. Now they're running on fumes.

MrDead42d ago

MS are buying up the industry so you need a compliant media to tell you how awesome consolidation and mass layoffs are... and they know MS is IP hunting too, they will be cut off from review copies of some of gaming's biggest IP's if they don't play ball.

peppeaccardo42d ago

The only way they can rise excitement in a crowd is paying for it. LAMENESS is MIcrosoft best product to date.

Skuletor43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

I think that kind of thing night be standard. I once was in the audience for Wheel of Fortune and there was a guy that briefed us before the show on his hand signals, when we were supposed to react/applaud and stuff like that and we were told to check under our seats because one of them had a prize underneath it.

Edit: Okay, read the article, this was definitely some slimy behaviour by IGN and it sounds like it wasn't just on the behalf of Xbox either.

Also, since IGN bought Humble Bundle years ago, they stopped occasionally giving a game away for free during certain big sales events etc, screw IGN.

Profchaos43d ago

It is for say a game show or similar shows for entertainment purposes but a interview not really.

Petebloodyonion43d ago

Bruno Rodriguez confirmed that his statement applied to the entire three-day Fanfest event, not solely Phil Spencer's interview. Regrettably, this part of his response is absent from the article, which raises questions about its omission.
Here is the complete explanation

DarXyde43d ago


It is an odd omission. While I do believe IGN has some problematic biases, one can't really say it's done for Spencer in light of this information.

Good follow up.

Inverno43d ago

IGN not being trustworthy? Yeah we've been knowing that.

GaboonViper43d ago

I remember when they gave Alien Isolation a bad review because the alien AI acted like a actual Xenomorph which was free to do what it wanted and hunt you down, and docked Days Gone points because it had a white female as Deacons Girl, oh and they have one of the worst fanboys in Dustin, he has no shame whatsoever.

Inverno43d ago

Don't forget "too much water". It's like they hate hire people that hate their jobs. This is a people problem, when people aren't humbled they become full of themselves. IGN and other news publishers have been given too much sway, and too much preferential treatment. They forget they're meant to inform the people, and have instead become a tool to sell an image these companies want to portray. Perception of power and authority and influence corrupts people.

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Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden Was Baited to Mock Xbox Boss Phil Spencer

Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden mocked Xbox Chief Phil Spencer on Twitter over his comments in a recent interview, though it seems the former PlayStation boss didn't see the entire interview before reacting.

Sonic188143d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Must be a slow news day 🙄 😴 We're talking about a former ceo that doesn't even work for Sony anymore

VenomUK43d ago

@mp1st.com’s Ibrahim Kabir is so invested in the format wars that when Shawn Layden called out Phil Spencer for his hypocritical stance on Call of Duty exclusivity, Ibrahim got upset at the mocking of Spencer. So now he’s written a useless article to say Phil Spencer deliberately said that because IT WAS A TRAP?!!

Please stop this nonsense, just stop it. Write about news, not this crap.

DarXyde43d ago

The Heart Part 7 is even worse than Part 6 somehow. 🤭

neomahi43d ago

And not a very good one either. Jacky T!!! Now that guy

ArmrdChaos43d ago

Just more senseless crap in attempts to distract us away from all the DEI BS the industry is trying to pull.

derek43d ago

He wasn't baited, it was a stupid hypocritical comment from one Phillip Spencer which is par for the course for him.

Reaper22_43d ago

What was stupid about what he said?

CrimsonWing6943d ago

Yea I was trying to figure that out, too.

VersusDMC43d ago

Well he saying he didn't want to do slimy tactics because he wants it to go to everyone like he's a saint...but we know Starfield still isn't on PS and the call of duty parity is due to a 10 year contract they signed to help get the Activision buy out to go through.

He also complained that he couldn't advertize COD on their showcase because of the Marketing deal Sony had with COD when they had one with Cyberpunk and currently have one with all the Atlus games. It's just hypocrisy all around.

Giga_Gaia43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

@VersusDMC they're also the ones who did those deals first on the 360. You'd also bet if they were market leader, they'd be doing the same thing because Microsoft are a bunch of hypocrites.

Also, Phil Spencer is far from a saint. I've never seen such a despicable and worthless human being in my entire life. Plus his stupid smile, clearly evil and I just want to punch him in the face as hard as I can.

Gamepass is good for gamers, but the worst thing for developers and you can bet if it takes off even more, the monthly fee will skyrocket. Not that it will, the subscriptions aren't increasing and I seriously doubt they will, they've reach their peak already.

DivineHand12543d ago

@Giga_Gaia I don't know what's worse the comment or the people who liked your comment.
"Phil Spencer is far from a saint. I've never seen such a despicable and worthless human being in my entire life. Plus his stupid smile, clearly evil and I just want to punch him in the face as hard as I can."

He is the CEO of a video game company. I can think of a hundred other people who deserve that level of hatred.

You failed to mention what vile act was done by Phil Spenser but I suspect the main thing he is really guilty of is that he is Sony's main competitor. Xbox in the 360 days is much different than the Xbox of today so whatever was done back then doesn't apply to how Xbox is being run today. Had Xbox continued with that style of management, they would likely have remained the market leader by a significant margin as they would purposely outbid Sony on every deal. Except what we are hearing Phil Spenser say is that Sony is making all these deals which are detrimental to Xbox which is odd because he has more money than PlayStation. This leads me to believe that his style of leadership is much different from what we know Xbox was back in the 360 days.
Leave this console war nonsense behind. They are just pieces of plastic for your entertainment. Start thinking like a consumer and show no loyalty to either side.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 43d ago
Lightning7743d ago ShowReplies(3)
Lightning7743d ago

"And Microsoft absolutely ripped Hifi rush, redfall and Starfield off playstation as they had PS5 versions in development."

Big difference between knowing the back room politics of what we found out and those games not being formerly announced to be on PS in the first place, vs a game like Stellar Blade that was announced to the world that its coming to Xbox only years later no longer coming to Xbox. Again those games weren't announced to be on PS. Plus, just like COD they own those games which means they can do what they please with those games. Hi FI made it on PS5 eventually.

Unlike Final Fantasy remakes, keeping a 3rd party IP off other platforms. IP Sony doesn't own. You're right MS was very slimy mainly during the 360 days and early X1 days. As of late in the past 8+ years or so Sony has been doing more 3rd party deals and having timed exclusive things compared to MS. Again I go where the facts are, as you know.

shinoff218343d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Ms hasn't had many 3rd party exclusives games cause all the 3rd party games their paying for day 1 on gamepass. Idk how tf yall can't see that. They can't pay for both. Well won't pay for both. So what do you want. Day 1 3rd party or 3rd party exclusives

Also come on we already know game sales just aren't there

VersusDMC43d ago

So if Sony bought Square and every Square game was exclusive to playstation it would be fine but 3 Square games exclusive to PS5 and several on other consoles is worse?

And Microsoft is slimy for not releasing Indiana Jones on PS5 because it is IP Microsoft doesn't own, right?

Lightning7743d ago ShowReplies(1)
Lightning7743d ago (Edited 43d ago )

"So if Sony bought Square and every Square game was exclusive to playstation it would be fine but 3 Square games exclusive to PS5 and several on other consoles is worse?"

Yeah since they would own them. They can do as they please. If the roles were reversed you would be real mad at MS for keeping those games to themselves instead of investing in new IP MS would poach 3rd party constantly, like they use to do. Everyone would hate MS for making the remakes only on Xbox, I mean everyone. Let's not pretend ppl won't.

From a PR standpoint Phil won't mention all the slimy stuff he used to do constantly. Like the entire 360 generation and early x1 days until fans and media blasted him when it came to TR. That's just common sense he won't talk about that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 43d ago
MrBeatdown43d ago

Everyone knows exactly what Phil was doing.

Hofstaderman43d ago

Misdirecting, lying, projecting....the list can go on and on.

anast43d ago

These are two professional sleaze bags. They know what they are doing when it comes to lying, being slimy and turning a profit. They might be okay outside of work, but while they are playing out their drama for a paycheck, their characters are the moustache twirling bad guy.

Reaper22_43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

I think most people knew that was just click bait stuff meant to get a rise out of sony fans. Unfortunately, some fell for it. Phil wasn't taking a shot at sony or anyone else. All he meant was we are giving you a choice.

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