
Nintendo Just Insulted the Entire Video Game Industry

CheatCC says - "Never let it be said those behind everyone’s favorite little plumber are afraid to speak their minds!

We all know perception is reality right? Whenever you attempt to go against the grain in that regard, it’s very much an uphill battle. What the public thinks they know vs. what they actually know are two different things, but good luck making that case to someone who already has their mind firmly made up. In the current gaming landscape, the perception is that Nintendo holds a distant third position behind both Microsoft and Nintendo. Like it or lump it."

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DarkOcelet3497d ago

It is funny how he says games looks boring when their games have barely changed in 20 years :/ .

BullyMangler3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

the creator of DK, Mario etc . . .

if he says that recent games from other consoles bore him, that's because im sure hese seen stuff that is more fantasy than Final Fantasy itself.


meaning Miyamoto has seen more CREATEive work .


easily impressed he is not.

Like, will Uncharted 4, Halo 5, The Order: 1887, Gears of War IIII, the new Final Fantasy ps4, Bloodborne, Sunset Override, Rime, etc, God Of War IIII, will these PS4 and XB1 exclusives even cross the bar that Bayonetta 2 smeared all over their faces when it comes to creative challenge, outrageous Adult content, and hardCore gamePlay ?

Miyamoto is not impressed with ps4, xb1 so far. :/

but i cant wait to see some more
Last Guardian

Uncharted 4

Gears 4, and

God of War ps4 .. please sony thank you, your exclusives are fun and awesome too thanks!

DarkOcelet3497d ago

Ok Bayonetta is a total badass, i get that but that one game doesnt give him the right to brag like it changed everything. The game is fun but in terms of story or graphics , its doesnt come near games like say for instance God of War 3 or The Last Of us and believe me they will struggle when games like Bloodborne , U4 , Witcher 3 , Mgsv , FFXV , etc etc etc comes to the other consoles while they will release more Mario, Zelda, Metroid games . They are great games but more variety is always welcomed . But either way the future looks bright.

linkenski3497d ago

Oh, lol. I think I've seen you give that "CREATEive" speech like a hundred times on every Nintendo thread in N4G already, not to mention 4 or 5 PMs in my inbox for saying I think Nintendo should take more risks with their franchises.

its_JEFF3497d ago

Bayonetta isn't made by Nintendo.

quantae063497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

@its_JEFF But it's published by Nintendo, and Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive.

glennhkboy3497d ago

Bayonetta 2's sales figure is the most critical indicator on the future of WiiU. It show once and for all that whether WiiU customers will buy anything that is not Mario/Donky Kong/Link.

LOL_WUT3497d ago

I thought Nintendo didn't care about what the competition does? The western audience has different tastes than what he's used too. He needs to be more open minded when it comes to video games. ;)

Can we ban bullymangLer already?

Sideras3497d ago

Bloodborne, and the souls series overall is better than 90% of all games today. So yeah...

ChickeyCantor3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

"Can we ban bullymangLer already?"

LOL_WUT not understanding the sheer irony of his own comments.

How are you not banned LOL_WUT? Ask yourself that.

Also you forgot your obnoxious smiley face. Looks like you were serious this time which makes it even worse.

kakashi813497d ago

uhmmm... Bayonetta2 was the same as the original game that came out on the PS3 and 360 1st...smh

King_of_Nothing3497d ago

"will Uncharted 4, Halo 5, The Order: 1887, Gears of War IIII, the new Final Fantasy ps4, Bloodborne, Sunset Override, Rime, etc, God Of War IIII, will these PS4 and XB1 exclusives even cross the bar that Bayonetta 2 smeared all over their faces when it comes to creative challenge, outrageous Adult content, and hardCore gamePlay ?"

If you really need to ask whether Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, God of War, and Halo 5 will cross the bar that Bayonetta supposedly smeared, I'm not sure you can even be reasoned with.

The developers of those games you mentioned don't strive to reach other games quality, they're known for redefining the expectations of a genre entirely with new mechanics and visual quality that other developers begin utilizing going forward. Bayonetta is a great game, but not in the same league as those that you've mentioned.

mabreu3496d ago

Miyamoto is the godfather of Video Games. He got us out of the crash of '83. Unfortunately, he's getting old. The industry is growing fast and has already expanded further than his sphere of influence. Gamers are much more diverse than ever before.

I still respect Miyamoto's contribution to the gaming world but not as much as I did in the 1980's.

ShinMaster3496d ago

NewSMB (DS) -> NewSMB (Wii) -> NewSMB (3DS) -> NewSMB (Wii U)

^ That's a boring trend. Same recycled music and art direction.
Nintendo stopped trying.

jholden32493496d ago

It's not just Bayonetta 2. There's a grip of supremely excellent games on Wii U and 3DS that they can stand tall on. Games different than anything else out there. If you saw a screenshot of the average AAA title, or even a video clip with the character running around the city, you'd be hard pressed to tell which game it was. Human protagonist traversing the city with weapons, serious story and realistic visual style. Pretty much covers most of the AAA games out there.

But a screenshot of Pikmin 3? Wonderful 101? Zelda Windwaker? Mario Kart 8? DKC Tropical Freeze? You won't be confusing these games for anything else.

Not to say AAA games aren't fun or can't be great, but they definitely are losing their appeal to me, with the exception of games like Dragon Age or Final Fantasy 15

UltimateMaster3496d ago

"What the other consoles do is boring."
Boring? Really?

Because having an actual story, character development, story progression is boring?
Because there's none of that in the first party games on the Nintendo Wii U. Bayonetta 2 is second party exclusive.

Dull comes to mind when I think Mario games on Wii U.
Starts, go save the princess or someone, ends when you do so.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3496d ago
Magicite3497d ago

Its funny how WiiU is gonna become next Dreamcast.

DarkOcelet3497d ago

I think it will be more like the next gamecube which is a shame because it was the best console nintendo ever did and had some of the best titles. I hope they make a Gamecube 2 that is on par with current gen console or the next gen consoles because it was awesome.

irishyort3497d ago

@DarkOcelet it cant be compared because people actually bought a Gamecube, lol

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3497d ago

yet you don't know why Dreamcast life was short.
Gamers these days uneducated.

badz1493497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )


they did make a DC2 which was the Wii, which was basically, 2GC put together but they casualized the hell of it.

Insulted the whole industry? yeah, while making a fool out of themselves in the process! in terms of getting with the time, they can't be even more backwards!

Alsybub3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Xbox was kind of the Dreamcast's spiritual successor. Simply because a lot of franchises from DC continued on it. Even Jet Set Radio was a launch title in the West.

Dreamcast's life was short because of two words "Emotion Engine". They said that the PS2 had emotion and that it was revolutionary compared to anything else that had gone before. I remember they even showed tech demos where characters' facial expressions changed and said that this was the Emotion Engine at work.

Here's a quote from the Wiki

"The center of Sony's marketing plan and the upcoming PlayStation 2 itself was a new CPU (clocked at about 300 MHz[10][94][95][96]) jointly developed by Sony and Toshiba—the "Emotion Engine"—which Kutaragi announced would feature a graphics processor with 1,000 times more bandwidth than contemporary PC graphics processors and a floating-point calculation performance of 6.2 gigaflops per second, rivaling most supercomputers" "Because it could connect to the Internet while playing movies, music, and video games, Sony hyped PlayStation 2 as the future of home entertainment.[101][102] Rumors emerged that the PlayStation 2 was a supercomputer capable of guiding missiles and displaying Toy Story-quality graphics, while Kutaragi boasted its online capabilities would give consumers the ability to "jack into 'The Matrix'!"[47][103][10 4][105][106] In addition, Sony emphasized that the PlayStation 2 would be backwards compatible with hundreds of popular PlayStation games.[5][100] Sony's specifications appeared to render the Dreamcast obsolete months before its U.S. launch"

You've got to hand it to Sony, their marketing and PR is very good. They said those two words at E3 a year before the PS2 came out and Dreamcast sales fell off a cliff shortly after. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything negative about the PS2 itself, but Sony managed to kill the competition a year before the PS2 came out with a press conference and smart PR and went on to dominate the entire generation. I think it may have turned out differently if it hadn't have been for that. PS2 still would have won the generation, there's no doubt about that, but we may still have had Sega producing hardware to this day.

jacksons983496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

The problem with Dreamcast is that Sega had to many failed products with too little support after the Genesis. The 32x had only a handful of games and flopped, the Sega CD same problem, then came Saturn. Finally Dreamcast came along and although a good system had poor game support, was expensive and everyone was a little scared of Sega. Too bad because I really loved Sega.
Also I don't think your post on PS2 is correct.. How is this " would give consumers the ability to "jack into 'The Matrix'!" When Matrix came out far after PS2?

BillytheBarbarian3496d ago

Alsybub, kind of way off. Dream a games looked better versus ps2. Code Veronica, Soul Calibur, and other multi plats were better on Dreamcast.

Ps2 won because it was at the forefront of DVD. Sega made the mistake of using compressed cd format, gd rom. It just couldn't compete with a console that was a DVD player and played madden. Sony won with DVD,EaSports exclusives, and GTA3 sealed Dreamcast's fate.

Sony just had great timing and made smart moves like locking down 3rd party and backwards compatibility.

Myze3496d ago


Not disagreeing with the other stuff, but The Matrix came out in March of 1999, and the PS2 was released in March of 2000 (in Japan, anyway).

cj1pate1013496d ago

It really is and all these kids are in denial.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3496d ago
Neckbear3497d ago

It's like you've never played a Nintendo game in your life.

DarkOcelet3497d ago

I am sure every gamer in the world played a Mario game lols. And yes i played alot of their games.

Neckbear3497d ago


Then you'd probably realize how much most of their games change with subsequent iterations.

Super Mario 64 is not the same as Mario Sunshine, which isn't the same as Galaxy nor is Galaxy anything like 3D World.

This applies with almost all of their franchises.

DoctorJones3497d ago

'It is funny how he says games looks boring when their games have barely changed in 20 years :/ . '

Probably one of the most ignorant comments I've ever read.

cj1pate1013496d ago

New Nintendo doesn't compare to old nintendo so your comment = void.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3496d ago
Dan_scruggs3497d ago

It is funny how he says games looks boring when their games have barely changed in 20 years :/ .

Goes out and buys Assassins Creed 15 and Call of Duty 27 (or whatever number those games are on).

dcj05243497d ago

Uhhhh, bro super mario bros 3 is not the same as Mario 64 or Super Smash Bros

MarkusMcNugen3497d ago

Depends on the game. Mario Kart hasn't really changed at all. F-Zero was the same game for 15 years. Portable versions of their games are pretty much exactly the same that they were 20 years ago.

Gh05t3496d ago

Goes out and buys Pokemon: Rainbow Sunshine Sparkle and Harvest Moon: My Sisters Baby Farm

shaw983497d ago

Are you kidding me? Just compare 3d world to galaxy. Galaxy to sunshine, sunshine to 64. You would have to be blind to say those games are the same game. Skyward sword to twilight princess? Twilight princess to wind waker? I honestly do not know what you are talking about when you are calling them all the same games. Simply because they are the same franchises? You don't even own a wii u let alone any other Nintendo platform do you?

Moonman3497d ago

Don't try and explain the truth to people who are just happy to ignore it for fanboyish reasons. Miyamoto is not insulting the "entire industry". The ones he really insulted deserve to be insulted. Get more creative...lol.

Angeljuice3497d ago

" Are you kidding me? Just compare 3d world to galaxy. Galaxy to sunshine, sunshine to 64. You would have to be blind to say those games are the same game."

Well if that's the case why do they feel the need to put Mario in all those titles? Are the games not strong enough to stand on their own?
Nintendo put Mario in games as way of selling that game to a larger audience than it deserves. Why can't Nintendo produce a racing game/platformer/RPG or whatever that doesn't need Mario or Link to sell it?
Why can't Nintendo come up with new characters that are strong enough to still be around in a few years?

inStereo3496d ago

Would you go see a James Bond movie if James Bond were suddenly replaced by Rupert Pumperdinkel?

JacketsNest1013495d ago


Because he's their mascot. Mario is the face of Nintendo, and the more he is involved in the marketing, the more copies they will sell. That's like asking Ubisoft to change the Assassin Logo for their next game. It's an icon of the company, and last I checked Mario is a character who is present in multiple IP's.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3495d ago
deafdani3497d ago

Actually, Bayonetta 2 has arguably better graphics than God of War 3. And I say this as a pretty big God of War fan (played them all).

God of War 3 and Ascension are easily the best looking games in the PS3, followed very closely by The Last of Us. However, Bayonetta 2 looks and performs just as good, if not better. The amount of detail and stuff happening on screen in Bayonetta 2 is insane, and it does it with a pretty smooth framerate all the time. It's quite impressive on a technical level.

But that was not really Miyamoto's point.

Concertoine3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

They are the ones that need timely releases to sell their platform yet ironically they're the only ones taking the time to release complete, functional products. That simply cannot be denied. But people will jeer "mario and zelda" until the sun goes down and they play their half-baked AC 8 or peer-to-peer COD 15 (or whatever it is), or wait an indefinite amount of time for games to be released with the quality they should have at launch. Took a year for BF3. The alternative is paying 60 dollara for the same games you payed 60 dollars last year for.

I think overusr of IP's is a bad thing from any company, but at least Nintendo has an actual evolution of design over the years and quality products.

ritsuka6663497d ago

The game is fun but in terms of story or graphics , its doesnt come near games like say for instance God of War 3 ''

Really funny statement coming from a user of avatar evil witinh. lol

Azzanation3497d ago

Nintendo change the style of there games all the time. If you think Mario 64 is the same as Mario Galaxy etc your delusional.

jcnba283496d ago

It is funny how he says games looks boring when their games have barely changed in 20 years :/ .

Oh really? I beg to differ.


tlougotg3496d ago

Ironic which is the same reason i stay awy from Nintendo games lol Same bs and they still stuck in Super Nes days. They think cute art style and colors will cover up their hardware deficiencies but more informed gamers know the deal. Good example Zelda tech demo was more realistic approach and i was hype but them they come and make the new Zelda a colorful kiddy wonderland, we all know why they do it. They do it because hardware sucks and thats the only way they are going to pull off a good looking game by not going realistic or taxing the hardware. Sorry man my time with Mario, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Smash, etc been passed and your games are borefests for me now with no interest. Step up your hardware, your archaic online, your slow os, your software, etc... then we will talk bcus your not fooling anyone.

Justindark3496d ago

that was a lame statement... who the heck cares if it does not look real i live in real life so i kinda wana play a game that is of another world and art uno games are art right?

JacketsNest1013495d ago

Was that sarcasm? Cause if it was you forgot the tag.

kwandar3496d ago

You clearly haven't played their games and are making the "assumption" that because the characters are the same, the games are the same (or similar). Just not true.

garrettbobbyferguson3496d ago

And yet, the competition is more stagnant. We have the exact same games we have had for the past 10 years, but with updated graphics. Nothing else.

DarXyde3496d ago (Edited 3496d ago )

"Barely changed"?

Look at the past three generations. Look at big franchises across all platforms. Which ones consistently reinvented their games with similar core mechanics, but very different ways to play or concepts? That would be Nintendo's.

What's so incredibly different about the Halo games? Mass Effect? Uncharted? Assassin's Creed? The list goes on, but not much. Mario 64? Sunshine? Galaxy? Ocarina vs Windwaker vs Twilight princess vs Skyward Sword? Very different animals.

I get that it's apparently cool to hate Nintendo, but their games do so much more to be different with old favorites as well as new IPs over the years (like Pikmin and Animal Crossing).

Other companies can do whatever they like and in some cases it's great, but to say Nintendo games have barely changed, I couldn't disagree more. They even avoided making a new F-Zero because they said they couldn't come up with anything new.

People will disagree, but whatever. The proof is in the games. I'm mostly a PlayStation gamer, but credit where it's due to Nintendo. Most gamers on this site are probably too young to see where Nintendo was or appreciate how inventive their games have always been. As I always say, if you're looking to be won over in terms of visuals or story, Sony and Microsoft are your guys. If you want gameplay and longevity, I'd go Nintendo.

deafdani3493d ago (Edited 3493d ago )

Well said bubble to you, sir. Your feelings are exactly the same as mine, word for word (though I'm mostly a Nintendo gamer, but I still love the Playstation brand).

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3493d ago
Big_Game_Hunters3497d ago

Good, the industry is a joke right now and deserves it.

R00bot3497d ago

I agree. Games today sell on hype rather than actual content or fun.

Kevlar0093497d ago

A lot of them are fun, but many third parties can seem to help themselves from smearing brown over them through incomplete games, downgrades, and unplayable features (or the game itself).

Imalwaysright3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Indeed. This generation is set to be even worse than last gen. In just 2 or 3 months we had driveclub which is probably the worst launch in gaming history, MCC with broken online and just yesterday Unity which is another broken mess. Every gamer should join Miyamoto and insult the entire industry and more importantly speak with their wallets.

Angeljuice3497d ago

"In just 2 or 3 months we had driveclub which is probably the worst launch in gaming history"

It's not even close, that is such a blatantly stupid comment and shows you have little to no knowledge of what you're talking about.

Off the top of my head I could give you a list of fifty titles that had a worse launch, with a little research I'm sure that list would grow to the hundreds ( by whatever means you choose to measure).

You're simply jumping on the bandwagon of negativity, but it's trendy to be anti-DriveClub no matter how good it is, so I guess you're just an "uber-cool hipster" or something equally worthless.

asmith23063497d ago

"we had driveclub which is probably the worst launch in gaming history" - I would give that award to BF4 personally.

kwandar3496d ago

Unfortunately I am stuck with a Wii U. I can't insult them as their games are all great (check Metacritic) and there are so many great games now that I don't know what to buy next.

I haven't finished Bayonetta 2 (or the fixed 1), havent finished Earthbound, Haven't completed MarioCart 8 and there is already more DLC and now have to deal with Smash Bros and Captain Toad coming out.

Seriously, there aren't enough hours in the day, when I work and have a life outside gaming :(

jaymacx3497d ago

Finally someone thats thinking and not just being a fanboy. The industry as a whole has become STALE. If it wasnt for devs like Nintendo, naughty dog, rockstar, and rocksteady etc ( devs who take time and care with each release). I would have lost all hope in videogames. Bottom line is corporate greed kills innovation. Ironically this problem is effecting all 3 console makers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3496d ago
jhoward5853497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

Miyamoto is just excited that's all. For all we know this could be just a marketing strategy to grab gamers attentions. Its Obvious Nintendo have been working their for a butt off for a while. And, now that their close to releasing it, they want to show it off to us.

Ares84HU3497d ago

I don't see where the insult is. He just stated his opinion and he is kind of right. You can pretty much get the same games on PS4 as on Xbox One. Other than a few exclusives the majority of games are the same. But some of these games can also be found on the Wii U as well. Also, how many more Mario and Zelda games do we need?? That's all Nintendo can do. Why won't they show Sony and MS how it's done and come up with something fresh??

Spotie3497d ago

His comment amounts to, "everybody makes boring, crappy games but us." Which is a pretty silly thing to say.

paul-p19883497d ago

"Also, how many more Mario and Zelda games do we need?? That's all Nintendo can do. Why won't they show Sony and MS how it's done and come up with something fresh??"

I completely agree with this. We all know that when Nintendo are on top form and delivering new games they are a powerhouse of the industry. Instead they keep just pumping out 'safe' games at the moment, e.g. another Zelda/Mario/Pokémon etc and just keep falling further and further behind the competition. It's no wonder that Bayonetta 2 is selling so well, it's finally something different!

kwandar3496d ago

I don't see the Zelda/Mario etc selling poorly.

Bayonetta was just another fantastic job and it is hard for me to turn down a 90+ Metacritic rating. It isn't a genre I was into, by Bayonetta 2 sold me.

KillerResistance3496d ago

ya i got bored of Mario and Zelda after the old DS days. Ppl just hype it up now for no reason even know its the thing they released 5 years ago but just updated graphics-

JacketsNest1013495d ago

Splatoon, Devil's Third, and Captain Toad Treasure Tracker say hi.

deafdani3493d ago

Because Nintendo doesn't feel the need to create new IPs all the time to come up with fresh stuff. They usually do that within their own franchises.

Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy and Mario 3D World are all vastly different from each other.

Same goes for Zelda Ocarina, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.

Also, people seem to forget the fact that Nintendo has too many damn franchises, so many in fact, they aren't even able to make a new entry for ALL of them in each console generation. This is why there wasn't a Star Fox game for the Wii, and why the Nintendo 64 didn't have a Metroid game, and this is why we haven't seen a F-Zero game in a long while.

Despite that, Nintendo in fact does make (or publish) new IPs sometimes. They had Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora's Tower, Last Story on the Wii, along with Wii Sports and all the Wii-something games. On the Wii U, they already got Wonderful 101, and Splatoon is coming soon, not to mention NES Remix.

On the 3DS, they've already made several smaller downloadable games, most of them pretty good, and they're making Codename S.T.E.A.M. And Kid Icarus: Uprising is practically a new IP, because it has nothing to do with the originals, gameplay-wise.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3493d ago
-Foxtrot3497d ago

His comments make it seem he hasn't played any of the fun, creative games out there in the past 5-6 years. I mean look at all the fantastic games we had last gen which you could only find on the 360/PS3

He should be trying to encourage other studios and give credit where it's due since there are people in this industry who look up to him and who can blame them with how much of a legend he is when it comes to video games.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

he was only talking about games that tries to be movies. He didn't say all.
He said it was boring because it taking away what gaming is all about the experience and fun not try to be anothee medium,

Mr_Writer853497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

"He said it was boring because it taking away what gaming is all about"

But what people find fun is objective.

He may think TLOU and Uncharted are boring and not fun.

But I don't I had much more fun with them then I ever had with a Nintendo game.

And there are many people who share both opinions.

Neither are right.

You can't tell people that the game they had fun with is not fun.

Joydivision393497d ago

Dude you are soooo annoying, every comment I see from you in every article, all you speak of is negativity you are toxic.

-Foxtrot3497d ago (Edited 3497d ago )

The only person who is toxic is people like you with those types of comments

Off topics, personal attacks, immature

Have you seen the majority of your comments....your such an angry guy.

Hope you feel good about yourself.

Ck1x3497d ago

If people understood what he was saying you all wouldn't be here defending trash. He's not condemning all games on every platform. He's saying that when someone finds something that works, like say Assassin's Creed. How many games have come out since that have a similar play style and look. Wasn't the Shadow of Mordor game just found guilty of this? Not saying it's a bad game at all, but many reviewers stated that it reminds them of Batman/Assassin's Creed. This is what's becoming boring in the industry, nobody dares to be different anymore.

jaymacx3497d ago

Exactly. Ppl on this sight always talk about "new ips" but its not really new its just a new set of characters in place of another hit game. It happens in all media. Take for instance Jim lee drawing the xmen then when he went independant his new series looked just like xmen but different characters. I got that vibe with Destiny...maybe if it was a western or etc it would feel fresh. I miss the old sega who knew about freshness

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Nintendo of America apparently had concerns about Hyrule Warriors

Former Nintendo of America staffer talks about concerns the company had about Hyrule Warriors and it damaging the Zelda brand.

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar7d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder7d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing697d ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast6d ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree6d ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

GL: "Staff writer Shaz reflects on his small library of physical games he's kept throughout the decades, and how a recent move made him nostalgic."

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Sciurus_vulgaris16d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle15d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff218314d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.