Galaga Hands-On

One by one, Microsoft is bringing the greatest coin-op games to Xbox Live Arcade, and old shooter fans will enjoy that one of the best, Galaga, will be available soon.

While Microsoft hasn't given a release date yet, it does have the title up on its test network, so we have to expect it'll be released soon. TeamXbox did get some time with it so check out their hands-on preview of Galaga for Xbox Live Arcade.

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PS360PCROCKS6618d ago

This is a sweet game, when's paperboy coming tho, now thats a classic..

Asylumchild6618d ago

YES I need this game I rock this at the arcade in my mall STILL HIGHEST SCORE

PS3Lord6618d ago

Ooh yess almost forgot, that the 360 could only handle this kind of graphic,soo sad i know just sadd.. lol 400$ for this sh1tty graphic like this , I would cry too if i were the sad 360 fans.. they are just bunch of sadd and pathetic sadd peoples on this planet. ahhaha

Cyclonus6618d ago

"sadd, pathetic x3sh1tty, ahha xbugz".....That just about sums up every post you've made on this site.

You are ignorant, irrelevant, and redundant.

If you're MUST get in your lame, off-topic flaming, then AT LEAST get some new insults, cause they are just sad(d).

But anyway, to the evolved human beings participating in this topic, ya think it will take Galaga as long to come out as SFII? Im jonesing for some new Arcade games....

6618d ago

Numskull Designs announce The Quarter Arcades Galaga cabinet

Neil writes: "If you've got your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, you'll know that Numskull Designs previously created a quarter scale Pac-Man arcade cabinet. Well, it's now time for the second instalment in their Quarter Arcades range, with a Galaga edition detailed alongside some rather exciting future cabinet options."

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5 Forgotten Game Series That Should Be Revived on the Nintendo Switch

Sometimes, games are lost to the mist of time, never to seen be again - But never say never! Here are five games that need return on Nintendo's hit console.

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Shiken2202d ago

Chrono Trigger Sequel was on Playstation.

MS owns Banjo now...and Rare too for that matter. They cannot "ditch" MS as they do not have the authority to do so.

It is like this article was written by a 10 year old.

WPX2202d ago

I only agree with Mother and F-Zero(for obvious reasons, lol). They should revive Startropics and Ice Climbers.
Additionally a, Kid Icarus Uprising update/sequel would be welcomed too(though I won't hold my breath on this one).

Relientk772201d ago

Golden Sun
Donkey Kong 64
Super Mario RPG


Best Video Games from the Year of the Rooster

With years like 1981 and 2005, you can see how excited we are for this year! Take a look at some of the best video games from the year of the rooster!

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